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wich RA gives group buff/heal?
HIB battery of life Group Purge Ameliorating Melodies ( +- 150hp per ticks for 30 sec ?? ) Brillant Aura of deflection ( it increases xx% of our current resist , how many? ) Defender of the Vale ( does it grant 50% ablativ of 500 HP Each members?? ) Armor of faith ( self only? ) Hail of blows ( self only? ) |
AM currently heals for 75hp/1.5 sec... currently not working properly on Uthgard, but don't tell the devs they aren't ever wrong and/or don't go back on what they've already implemented. AM is a group heal, and Defender of the vale (VW RA is group wide 500 ablative)... most of the point 14 point RAs outside of group purge are not all of that useful for the heavy cost (AM at this point in history was very worth it, but in its Uthgard form its really not). Last edited by Falken on Dec 28, 2016 08:57, edited 1 time in total.
Hib - Falken (BM) / Sneakster (NS) / Kalfen (Enchanter) - Currently Inactive
Alb - Djfalken (Minstrel) - Inactive Mid - Tooeasynothanks |
Feel free to correct us if you have evidence falken. That is what the tracker is for.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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That's right, and there is already an open issue ( https://uthgard.org/tracker/issue/2447/ ). I'm sure you are aware of this anyways. And im sure you are also aware of the fact, that even those who don't support the issue, argument by proving that AM healed for ~100hp/tick in a certain video - opposing to what some of the supporter of the issue demand. Still there are no signs of reconsidering the current amount of 75hp/tick. I do understand that every change you make, needs to be backed up and not based on speculation. But you cant blame people for giving up their believe in the system you established, if there aint any feedback at all. Just as an example, the average user waits about two seconds for response of his computer, until he assumes it is broken. |
We are a freeshard project and we do this in our spare time. Please give us a bit of slack for not instantly replying to every issue in the tracker.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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I was afraid it would come over this way, my bad. I have the deepest respect for the work you do and all the efforts you put in. In the last days, since release is coming closer, I've thought about that whenever I spent time here in the forums. What I meant was, this issue is open since August 29, and even something like "we are thinking about this" would give the tester and everyone in that discussion (which has 62 comments atm) the feeling that they're efforts arent for nothing.
Whenever a user gives some input, he needs to get some response, otherwise he believes it is broken. That has nothing to do with people here in the forums, but is a human characteristic. I'm sure you are monitoring all the issues, and there are plenty! But to redirect someones desires to a platform that he has already lost his faith in, isnt of any use at all - that is what I wanted to say. Someone who has lost his faith in god won't go to the church and pray, he will find other places to express his needs. |
Reposting solo questions
1. How will Hunters do in solo PvP? 2. How will BD's do in solo PvP? 3. I know this would be very difficult, but solo aug healer in PvP? ![]() 4. Sorc or Theurg for Alb solo PvP? 5. Does ATing a minst make it much better for solo PvP? |
tangler behaviour right with current patch ??
i remember tangler casting all time root cast ,even enemy got already root. I think the patch which made tangler stop casting, once target had root, came way later then 1.65 But ofc this is more asking then being sure, my memory could be wrong for sure ![]() |
What is the max strength debuff capability of an eld?
assuming 49+ mana str/con + str/con aoe + str + desease (stacking?) 36 + 73 + 50 + 55 = 214? edit: without crits ![]() |
Str/con and aoe str/con do not stack.
all the single target diseases vary (25 str debuff for shaman) (15 str debuff for eldritch) (55 str debuff for valewalker lvl 46 disease proc) (15 str debuff for cabalist) and the aoe disease str debuff varies on lvl but can reach 55 str debuff max lvl afaik. thought u may want to know. http://i.imgur.com/2mhdzsu.jpg RR5 Ownage!
The effective debuff value is based on the target's buffs, bonusses from items and obv. the value of the debuff
Str/Con, Str and Disease Debuff do stack DAoC 8v8 PoVs: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLoreyn/videos
The only one I can answer is #5. If you don't autotrain you can go 50 instruments/43 weapon or 50 instruments/29 weapon/31 stealth. If you autotrain you can go 50 instruments/44 weapon or 50 instruments/30 weapon/33 stealth. 44 weapon can get you the next style which is a snare in thrust or a bleed in slash. If you don't plan on going this spec, I wouldn't pain myself through autotraining unless you are powerleveling. |
How does Mastery of Arcane work ?
Is there any hard cap for stats ? You get on lvl5 15% bonus? |
I'm pretty sure it's bugged right now, shaman having 46+15 aug, with arcane 5 does not cap str/con. ![]() |
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