Best Friar Stats?
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Hi folks
considering about giving the friar at the beginning +10 quickness. But heared about that the cap for quick lies at 250. Means that if you put a +10 on quick, you come possibly to an amount of more then 250, which means it would be a waste of points. How many points can you put on the armor, wasnt that 75 points plus? Advices appreciated, thanks. |
60 qui at lvl 50
+10 starting +86 from spec buff +75 from armour/items +12 from aug qui 2 (to get dodger) =243 |
thank you.
how many +quick gives aug quick 3?
Is there btw any database in the net, where you find a description of the ra's of the servers versions? |
Aug qui 3 is +18. This has RA's on it, make sure they are set to old RA's. |
great, thanks
i mostly goes for 12 dex 11 qui 4 con at start
and also ahrd cap for qi is 255 if i remmber correct from buffs you can get max 155 stats 62 from base 93 from spec with buff ra3 you can get cap qui buf from red spec dex buf(self one) and with aug qui 2 you can get 12 so base 60 creation 11 from items 75 from bufs 93 from aug qui 12 60+11+75+93+12= 251 |
My choice 15 dex 10 quc dont matter grp. or solo
Changing perspective, and to make a choice I based on these data: 15 dex is not discussed; 10 quick = two hundredths of a second faster; 10 Cost = 40 hp more resistant. So, I opted for the second 15 dex 10 cost!
Inviato dal mio XT1092 utilizzando Tapatalk Pensy - Friar
Pennsylvenia - Minstrel Walterwhite - Reaver |
So what would you guys say is the best starting stats? I am thinking 15 dex and 10 quick, but what will happen with my con?
did 15 dex 5 str/con was not thinking about qui. I am level 4 now and I think I just will roll with it.
Hope GMs are fine with what they have stated, that they are fine with just 80 people (300ppl was Trishin Statement long time ago) playing the game under their vision.
Its important to leave this server running doesn't matter how low the numbers will be. The other servers can fail but Uthgard still will be there, thats Uthgards only chance. Edit 19/09/21: Well Uthgards chance has come. |
Strength is NOT needed at all on a friar.
the 3 starting stats i would choose are: 15dex 10 con 15 dex 10 qui or 15 dex 5 con 5 qui |
As Blitze said, Staff damage is 100% dex, so no need for Strength at all (beneath the fact that you can carry more)... |
could put + point into pie also.
should add to power pool, not like its wasted. 15 dex 10 pie |
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