Original you !
Find all the bugs already dammit! I needz me some Alpha.
Guinevere/US servers: (Hero) - Sertentis <Children of the Mad> Uthgard: (Druid) - Razorz <The Covenant> Genesis: (Druid) - Razor <Treefort Security> |
I remember you! Lance/Alb Anihalator- Paladin Teraas - Infil |
since May 2003 to Endcluster Glamorgan
Logres / Midgard first Guild <Blasphemous Rumours>, after disintegrate I joined <Little Red Heros>. Hitori - Shadowblade Hitari - Schaman Asylin - Fendruni Naurica - Hunter Hitaru - Svg |
I was on Lancelot Hib side. My 2 most played chars were bladeequine (BM) and Italiananimist(animist obviously)
he still posts on borsboards.com i played archeage with him recently when lots of bors people went to make a guild in that game. he has a kid and ****** now, really good guy bors - norad percival - norada <AE> gareth - noradaa <AE> gen - Noradaa hib druid/Norad war |
Stonehenge <Kalter Stahl Albions>
Caldrian (Pala) Caldria (Inf) Logres <Nogdar> Caldryan (Warrior) Caldyra (BD) Uthgard 1.0 <Raiders of the lost Ark> Caldria (Minstrel) |
really crazy to actually recognize some old and familiar names.
on launch: avalon/hib - Chojin, eldritch avalon/hib - Chojinx, blademaster camlann - Chojin, berserker uthgard/mid - Chojin, warrior genesis/mid - Brojin, warrior see you around. |
These are the toons i played the most...
Avalon/Alb -> Doggie, Sorc Avalon/Hib -> Kyokushin, Eld Salisbury/Mid -> Hrok, Savage Dartmoor/Alb -> Bufu, Merc And many more... Gesendet von meinem SM-G935F mit Tapatalk Last edited by Doggie on Jan 03, 2017 15:24, edited 1 time in total.
![]() |
stonehenge/mid - cessa / boragi (sb / rm) 2002-2003
purga (freeshard) - salbei (sb) 2006 uthgard1 (2007-2009) - mid salbei/blasphemic (sb, rm) - alb whiskers (armsman) - hib eobair (enchanter) +lots of twinks^^ |
Lyonesse/Hibernia - Keena (NS)
Logres/Mid - Kaelia (RM) Missing Daoc for more than 10 years...so lets try a comeback with maybe 1/10th of my playtime available. |
Galahad/Gawaine/Uthgard -- same name all servers
Riddek - minstrel <--- main Ridland - Armsman Rideeon - Wizard Heliz - Theurgist |
So exciting can't wait!
At launch Loverat Ranger on Iseult then Loverat Healer on Kay Have been playing beta as Loverat Cleric but the call of Midgard is so strong - I miss playing healer and still haven't made up my mind for launch =| Also the armour for Midgard is just SO sexy. |
Avalon/Mid - <Allianz des Nordens> - Xhald - Rune
SH/Mid - <Naglfars Ruderer/Untagged/Nirnaeth Arnoediad> - ??? - Warrior/Healer DM/Alb - <Renaissance> - Velder -Sorc DM/Hib - <Verte/Elysium> - Velda - Hero/Bard Uthgard/Mid - <Joint Operations/Sign> - Higon - Warrior Lethantis - <Joint Operations> - Barney - Merc Ywain - <Jenseitswache> - Velda - Bard Last edited by Higos on Jan 05, 2017 08:49, edited 1 time in total.
haha Velder lang ist her schön dich hier zu sehen! ![]() Verskillte an die Macht !
log/mid - riyu sb, yeire wl
uth 1.0 - hib - riyu bm ^_^ |
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