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Postby Azoazial » Jan 05, 2017 09:19

On the other hand, I wanna know how the Dragon Raid went last night?

Was this all that was needed, or is there still some work to be done, before we can have the Drakes up and running??


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Postby Zintair » Jan 05, 2017 09:55

Azoazial wrote:On the other hand, I wanna know how the Dragon Raid went last night?

Was this all that was needed, or is there still some work to be done, before we can have the Drakes up and running??


I left after it was tuned so that 200ish players and pets combined couldn't down it without wiping from adds. The first few, the animists broke the hit threshold (9-11 of them) and wiped the floor which seemed not too bad. There were prolly at least 5-7 fgs there. I'm hoping its tuned more to like live where NA pop would be able to down it as well as EU. There were a lot of people there with animists which would have dropped anything in the game.

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Postby Alcyon » Jan 05, 2017 10:11

Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.
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Postby Zintair » Jan 05, 2017 10:44

Alcyon wrote:Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.

Of course! Apologies if it came off the way. My only concern was the potential for NA pop to not field as many players (in general). The dragon regardless is a ways off from anything that we did considering the caps and all! Appreciate the testing though!!

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Postby kemorand » Jan 05, 2017 12:37

Azoazial wrote:On the other hand, I wanna know how the Dragon Raid went last night?
Was this all that was needed, or is there still some work to be done, before we can have the Drakes up and running??
3 test pulls all in all, direct links for each in description.

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Postby Jerrian » Jan 05, 2017 20:06

Alcyon wrote:Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.

I hope so. It wasn ´t that hard to kill the hibdragon with shrooms in these days, also there was no shroom cap so you could easily wipe him. And just remember other realms have no shrooms so if hib is going easy cheesy mode and it ´s looking lile nuts, it might differ for albs and mids who had to bring a lot more players to break mob resistance.

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Postby Liss » Jan 05, 2017 20:12

kemorand wrote:
3 test pulls all in all, direct links for each in description.

I liked attempt #2, even though it was still quicker than the raids I was on vs Gjalpinulva on uth v1.

Jerrian wrote:I hope so. It wasn ´t that hard to kill the hibdragon with shrooms in these days, also there was no shroom cap so you could easily wipe him. And just remember other realms have no shrooms so if hib is going easy cheesy mode and it ´s looking lile nuts, it might differ for albs and mids who had to bring a lot more players to break mob resistance.

When hib finally got FoP the dragon was way too easy, before that it was still some power issues.

The dragon's shouldn't be identical across the realms. Each realm have their own classes, so if Hib dragon should be just as easy as the Mid one, it would die in less than 2 mins after the initial shrooming, and none of the spells, or the messengers would matter. Why even give it an AI :/

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Postby Nelan » Jan 05, 2017 21:20

Jerrian wrote:
Alcyon wrote:Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.

I hope so. It wasn ´t that hard to kill the hibdragon with shrooms in these days, also there was no shroom cap so you could easily wipe him. And just remember other realms have no shrooms so if hib is going easy cheesy mode and it ´s looking lile nuts, it might differ for albs and mids who had to bring a lot more players to break mob resistance.

Albs can bring theurgs. :P Only realm having trouble breaking mob resistance is mid.

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Postby Melbics » Jan 05, 2017 22:00

Alcyon wrote:Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.

The only thing about Live dragons is we can do them with 1.5fg's to 2fg's pretty easy. I ran a lot of DR's in my days on live. The only difference is Powerfont is not on here. However, you can replace it with a necro for power and tinder box.

I just rejoined the Uthgard community after being away for a while. Are the Epic Dungeon's all finished and set with the correct loot? That is the important question here, I know of 1 or 2 items from Dungeons that are better than Dragon Drops. I know there are some freeshards who's Dungeons are set, but the drop rate is horrible. The boss's drop only a bag of coins..

Also, No! I will not talk about which Dungeon and items. I'm not looking to make cookie cutter classes for people. I am stingy like that. :D I only want to make sure it is set, so I don't waste my time there.

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Postby Scalado » Jan 05, 2017 22:21

Less than 24 hours away, can't wait!

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Postby Panini » Jan 05, 2017 22:38

Melbics wrote:
Alcyon wrote:Please take into account (this is very important regarding the dragon raid) that any tweaks we made to the dragon were not final, we were experimenting with different variables to give ourselves the relevant data and options to make the dragon as effective and live like as it can be. We have zero intentions of making the dragon harder for the sake of it.

The only thing about Live dragons is we can do them with 1.5fg's to 2fg's pretty easy. I ran a lot of DR's in my days on live. The only difference is Powerfont is not on here. However, you can replace it with a necro for power and tinder box.

I just rejoined the Uthgard community after being away for a while. Are the Epic Dungeon's all finished and set with the correct loot? That is the important question here, I know of 1 or 2 items from Dungeons that are better than Dragon Drops. I know there are some freeshards who's Dungeons are set, but the drop rate is horrible. The boss's drop only a bag of coins..

Also, No! I will not talk about which Dungeon and items. I'm not looking to make cookie cutter classes for people. I am stingy like that. :D I only want to make sure it is set, so I don't waste my time there.

The only one i can think of you might mean is Dodens Gruva, since SI isn't ready yet, Trollheim and Tuscaren Glacier (or hib or alb equivalents) won't be there.
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Postby Melbics » Jan 05, 2017 23:22

Oh, okay thanks. That's all I wanted to know.
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Postby kpax » Jan 05, 2017 23:33

imo Dragon should be live like, no custom things, casue some ppl think that some realms have better advance compared to other realms.

Alb got their Theurg pets
Hib shrooms
Mid Celerity

i think more or less balanced. PvM was never exciting on daoc anyways, and i dont think that PvM is the reason why ppl turned back to classic daoc :wink:

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Postby GreenP » Jan 05, 2017 23:48

When reading old comments about dragons of different realms people always tend to say "Hib dragon harder than x" or "Dragon X easier than Y" or "dragon Z bugged". So it sounds like dragons were threaded differently, will it be on uth too?

For example here about the hib dragon ... 452392748/

People believed something about hib dragon was broken and this bug didnt exist for alb and mid.
And in the end something got "fixed" about hibdragon afaik.
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Postby Psyfoe » Jan 05, 2017 23:52

Thalien wrote:1500? :( Livelike was 3000 or 3500

i remember 1000% on a European aka German server the cap was 1000.. later it got significantly increase when they merged servers :)

Can't wait uthgard to bring back Daoc! :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
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