Usefulness of tradeskills

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Postby Hermundure » Jan 08, 2017 11:11

Hi all!

Considering the fact that I never heard of this game until a few days ago and I still dont have an idea on what class (probably in midgard) to pick and as I understand certain classes are unable to perform certain tradeskills, what would you think on:

1. Which tradeskills are very useful to other players later in game. For example as weaponsmith I need to make one or two items for one character but as an armorsmith I would be able to fill much more slots with items per character.

2. Which tradeskill is useful to earn a bit of income with it?

3. Which tradeskill can be totally neglected.


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Postby majky666 » Jan 08, 2017 17:09

Hi, welcome to DAOC freeshard Uthgard :)
1. weaponsmith/ armorer/tailor... everyone will need crafted weapons/shields/armors to make their templates perfect.
2. tailoring is probably cheapest. Get to LGM costs around 1.5-2plat.
3. alchemy/spellcraft. Alchemy is biggest money sink, get to LGM costs around 20-25plat(?) Also this tradeskills can be confusing for newcomer.
cya ingame ;-)

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Postby Shalindra » Jan 08, 2017 20:20

Welcome to Daoc! My husband calls crafting mind numbing..heehee I really like it. As stated before, crafting is an awesome way to create revenue, next to salvaging. I have always made a good bit with alchemy , spell crafting and armor crafting. Good luck and welcome to Uthgard!

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Postby Fjalla » Jan 09, 2017 10:31

Welcome to Midgard, Hermundure. My thoughts are as follows ...

All crafters add value to the game. Tailor, Armorsmith, Spellcrafter and Alchmist probably are the best money makers. However, one of the most important points are the costs to reach legendary status with a crafter (1000+). The estimated costs are as follows:

Tailor: ~3.5 Platinum
Armorsmith: ~12.5 Platinum
Fletching: ~18 Platinum
Weaponsmith: ~20 Platinum
Spellcrafting: ~15 Platinum
Alchemiy: ~25 Platinum

And here is my recommendation:

When I start in a realm, I always start with a tailor. It takes only little effort to bring a tailor to 950 points. Roughly 2 Platinum and 1-2 days of crafting. With this crafter you may then start to earn money. This is not done by selling crafted goods to other players. Money is earned by trinketing. You farm items. Salvage them. Produce trinkets with the salvaged mats and sell the trinkets to NPCs. That's the standard value-creation chain in DAoC. ^^

Hope this helps.

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