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Postby Trishin » Jan 13, 2017 21:49

Dear players,

It has now been a week since we relaunched, and oh my, what a week!

We had our first level 50 (congratulations Locoo - Albion), as well as multiple DF takes/retakes, raising our player cap from 1700 to 2700.

We have also solved the following issues that a lot of players have been appealing us about:

- Crafting tasks will no longer ask you to craft siege equipment
- You now have a 10 minute grace timer when LD / relog to avoid the queue

At this moment we also want to recognise and address the reports about people having problems finding groups. We are aware of this, but this is partly because not enough people are using the tool available to them: LFG tool
If more people were to use this tool, it would be easier to find groups. Also remember that "/who 10 20" shows you everyone in that level range.

But let's get down to business, we also had a lot of performance issues.

We are so overwhelmed (literally) by the amount of players interested in playing on Uthgard, and we are so thankful that you are being patient with us while we sort out the performance issues.

Our goal right now is to break the 3000 server cap and potentially host all of you, however for that to happen we need to do a lot of code work. Unfortunately this isn't helped by the fact that we can only really test our changes during prime time, which means that we have to reboot at the worst times which we know is a big inconvenience for all of you. For this we are very sorry, but we hope you understand.

To put the strain on our server in perspective, we have been running at 90-100% CPU for almost a week straight.

However, if you are interested in what is happening when:
- The server lags
- The server reboots
- The server crash (thankfully we have only had 1 real crash)
- Or anything else

We suggest that you join us in IRC: (Or find us on quakenet in your IRC program #Uthgard is the channel).

This would be a big help to us as you would not have to spam the website or forum. There is a bot in the IRC channel, that will keep you updated and tell you when to reconnect on a reboot. Once again, lowering our performance issues on reboots.

Thank you for understanding,

Your Uthgard staff.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
Rajnish wrote:Why didn't someone warn me that being GM means lots of boring research, logging, testing and organizing data....
I thought it was all about looking cool....

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Postby jimsen » Jan 13, 2017 21:59

gratz locoo and on fixing alb cast lag! gj everyone!

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Postby False » Jan 13, 2017 22:33

You guys are killing it!!
I have yet to see a dev team communicate with their players like you guys have been doing.
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Postby Forked » Jan 13, 2017 23:08

Thank you for all your hard work. I hope you're having some fun in there somewhere too :)

At some point in the future I hope someone has time to put together a blog post with some graphs and numbers (bandwith, cpu, ram usage etc).

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Postby rocketait » Jan 13, 2017 23:16

Great first week, cant wait for the 3k server limit (but understand it might take some time). Great job guys.

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Postby Bubbler » Jan 13, 2017 23:17

This is pretty awesome. We all know it is a ton of work on you devs and we are all very appreciative, even if it doesn't seem like it some times.

Really hoping to see the higher population cap as well as hoping more groups will be around for players to partake in. I definitely have multiple chars I want to level and I'm always looking for a group to get them in, when not playing with my guild. All in all, this seems a very successful launch and all of us are looking forward to the future of the server.
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Postby Denasti » Jan 13, 2017 23:22

Awesome Job!

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Postby UnderCoverCarrot » Jan 13, 2017 23:34

Great information. Thanks for all the work the team is putting in and thank you for putting the server lag and pop cap into perspective so it's easier for the community to put less strain on your server by using the tools available.

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Postby wla » Jan 13, 2017 23:35

about the lfg tool: is there any possibility you could add some kind of "comment"-field? in case of different speccs it makes sense to show/display everybody what you are specced, what exactly you are looking or not looking for etc.

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Postby Dacianus » Jan 14, 2017 00:56

Amazing and thank you for this moments.

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Postby boborg » Jan 14, 2017 01:30

ATM 2900 online!!
how did you realize this !!! increasing close to 50% of the hosting players, it's really impressive.
Did you set a N tier multi-server infrastructure with VM frontoweb and dedicated server for database? Are you on a mono server infra and we are going to burn it?
what a professionnal job from passionnate people. I hope you have enough free time to play !

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Postby Thaplague » Jan 14, 2017 01:36

Killer job guys!

Having a blast.

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Postby zen1337 » Jan 14, 2017 02:46

The dream is real, back to the future/past style 8)

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Postby PhantamWarrior » Jan 14, 2017 03:15

For how long will the old names be reserved? I no longer have access to my old email my account was on.

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Postby pweet » Jan 14, 2017 03:32

keep it up guys, you are doing and amazing job! /salute
fighting for mobs in cornwall, what a feeling :lol:


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