Auto train

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Postby Khefru » Jan 11, 2017 20:19

I started the long lonely road of soloing an AT warrior on Friday and it's been slow. I have just heard that warriors can still train in axe or sword and they still get the AT points in hammer. Is this true? We were told that as soon as any points were put in any weapon skills the autotrain stops.

Do any of you higher level warriors that have specced weapons as you've levelled have autotrain on the unused skills?


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Postby Xantham » Jan 11, 2017 20:22

no. ATing stops when you put points into the line that you're training.

for instance, if you put 3 points in to hammer, you won't AT hammer.

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Postby Khefru » Jan 11, 2017 21:57

Xantham wrote:no. ATing stops when you put points into the line that you're training.

for instance, if you put 3 points in to hammer, you won't AT hammer.

Yes, but if I don't put any points into hammer, will it AT even if I put points into axe? I was strongly lead to believe this was not the case.

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Postby Khefru » Jan 12, 2017 04:30

Just to confirm. You can training axe and still AT sword and hammer

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Postby imamizer » Jan 12, 2017 09:58

If you don't put any points into a weapon line, you get 77 for that line that makes it level 12 in the end. 154 points for two lines that you don't train. So if you level with only axe, you will get 154 extra points. But when you respec, all the weapons will be 12. You are not planning to use axe at 50, that's why you are not autotraining it. But you can't decrease your axe to 1 when you respec, 77 points that you get from autotraining another line will go there to make it 12. So leveling with another weapon to autotrain hammer, then using respec doesn't give you more points at all.

Set your level to 50. Bonus points to 154 and increase all 3 weapon lines to 12. That's how you will end up when you respec and it doesn't matter which weapon you have leveled with. Conclusion; since those 154 extra points go to the weapon lines you will not use, you have no benefit from ATing like that unless you use a split spec. But if you train more than one line while leveling, you get no benefit and lose even more points for your final spec. Because you don't get the extra points and lose more to the lines you will not use like axe. So, just play with one weapon till 48 and don't worry about autotrain or don't train any weapon and power level your warrior. :)

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Postby compmenacer » Jan 16, 2017 23:54

What if you train axe to 20 then use your level 20 respec and go sword ? Still get all the points since i used the respec and only trained one line till then ?

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Postby imamizer » Jan 17, 2017 12:45

Yes you can do that.

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Postby HulkGris » Jan 17, 2017 18:51

Auto training warrior means Throwing Weapons :D
Or you can spec 6 in Sword to get taunt, and then wait for autotrain to increase to 12 from level 24 to 48.
You will gain 77 - 20 = 57 extra points.

You can see total points saved by autotraining here : :D
Click Autotrain on above stats.
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Postby randomeclipse » Jan 30, 2017 11:55

In my opinion unless you've got a EXP Farm group that can take you from 1-50, auto-train is a pain in the ass. I decided to auto-train Sword and Axe and spend points on Hammer to be, at least some use from a damage perspective to any groups I join.

Am I going to be solo'ing on my Warrior? No. Do I need to squeeze out every last skill-point? I don't think so.
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Postby Der_Eisbaer » Apr 06, 2017 19:37

So just to be sure I am getting things right:

Can I...

1) exp to level 48, keep sword and shield on level during all the time, do not spend any points in hammer or axe (means: 48 sword / 48 shield / 12 axe / 12 hammer / 334 skillpoints left at level 48)

2) exp to level 50, get sword and shield to 50, get hammer to 29 (means: 50 sword / 50 shield / 29 hammer / 12 axe / 431 skillpoints level at lvl 50)


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Postby imamizer » Apr 06, 2017 23:27

Der_Eisbaer wrote:1) exp to level 48, keep sword and shield on level during all the time, do not spend any points in hammer or axe (means: 48 sword / 48 shield / 12 axe / 12 hammer / 334 skillpoints left at level 48)


Der_Eisbaer wrote:2) exp to level 50, get sword and shield to 50, get hammer to 29 (means: 50 sword / 50 shield / 29 hammer / 12 axe / 431 skillpoints level at lvl 50)

74 points left.

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Postby Der_Eisbaer » Apr 07, 2017 21:14

imamizer wrote:
Der_Eisbaer wrote:2) exp to level 50, get sword and shield to 50, get hammer to 29 (means: 50 sword / 50 shield / 29 hammer / 12 axe / 431 skillpoints level at lvl 50)

74 points left.

...right. Dunno what I calculated to come up with 431 skillpoints. :)

Thank you very much!

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Postby Virn » Apr 10, 2017 08:00


For me the best way is to autotrain sword and hammer, so use your skillpoint in axe during the leveling step.


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Postby MaSQue » Nov 23, 2018 04:47

What weapons are better to auto train on Warrior? As I level up what should I be putting points into?
or ....
At 50 what weapon do I want to be using as primary weapon type?

For the first time EVER I'ma gonna try a tank out. I always have played Heal classes or Casters.

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Postby Valfar » Nov 23, 2018 08:20

MaSQue wrote:What weapons are better to auto train on Warrior? As I level up what should I be putting points into?
or ....
At 50 what weapon do I want to be using as primary weapon type?

For the first time EVER I'ma gonna try a tank out. I always have played Heal classes or Casters.

Autotraining has been removed, you can spec into it right away now. Hammer is the way to go, 50 hammer, 50 shield, 31 parry.
It is what it is.

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