Task locations
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As I level up, the tasks become further and further from town. Where are the best spots, based on level, to do guard tasks? I'm level 11 right now, so I'd assume Gna Faste for now. By level 5 I outgrew Ft. Alta as the guard was nearly sending me to Nisse's for a mob that may or may not exist.
At level 11-14 you can go to Ft.Veldon in northern Mularn most of the time the guard there asks you to kill hill cats 15 seconds to the west of the town
10-12 myrkwood guard tower just when you come in from gotar. Mostly wind wisp and drakeling tasks 10-20 sec to walk to. 13+ gna faste. Vendo as mentioned is good as well but no trainers nearby. Gesendet von meinem Nexus 5X mit Tapatalk <Kavar Grunas Bar> - Midgard
For the old ones among us: formerly Avalon/Mid <Frostbringer> (2002-2004) |
Levels 1-5: Starter town i prefer mularn tasks are almost all between mularn and haggerfel
Levels 6: guard tower north of aulditine tasks are mostly sveawolf mothers and blackmauler juvies on occasion you will get a tomte but the camps are still close so not to bad levels 6-9: 2nd guard tower west of mularn task at 6 are stalkers/vein spiders 7-9 are hill peeps/small hill cats/young grendleworms all are within sight of the guard tower rarely you will get tasked a wolf spider the only spawn i know of is up it Ft. Veldon so ig u get it you and /duel or cide or take a hike up there to get the kill after you complete the tasks for level 9 to finish out the level go kill the demons that sit outside of Darkness Falls its a consistent camp of blue-oranges instead of roaming looking for blues level 9: guard tower in south Gotar just outside of nalitine tasks are carrion eaters-crawlers, hosts of the earth(?or wind cant remember which one)hobgoblins, tawny lynx, and nacken the nacken are the longest to do the only place i have found them is the the lake in the mountains on the west border of gotar the plus to coming down here at 9 is when u run out of tasks there are a ton of blue/yellows in the area Levels 10-13: guard tower in north Myrkwood this place is great your tasks will be envy drakes and wind wisps 90% of the time and they are right around the tower rarely you will get svartalf outcasts which are on the island between Galaphen and Gna Faste at 13 you will start to get tasks for mobs around Gna Faste so its a frustrating level for the area if you get tired of running all over myrkwood go kill weeping willows they will be yellow and have a low hp pool just watch out for their dd Level 13: Ft. Veldon good spot to get through this level tasks include rabid sveawolfs, bone collector shamans sometimes you will get grass cats which can be hard to find in the vale of mularn but if you look in the mountains behind haggerfel there is a huge camp of them Levels 13-20: Gna Faste i run the last 7 levels out of Gna Faste your tasks at 13-14 include weeping willows, grey worgs, Arachite shadowslinkers, tinglers with the slinkers being the mobs the furthest from Gna they are actually closer to the guard tower in the north but the task are all over the place so take your pick 15-16 you will be doing Arachite shadowslinkers, Arachite Priests, mora dancers 17-20 you will get Arachite priests, Arachite weblashers, mora riders, mora dancers, svartalf sorcerers/chanters/hunters, the hardest to find for me when i was in myrkwood was the undead armswoman which are in a camp on the zone wall in the mountains between the svartlaf sorcerers and the svartlaf hunters i stay in myrkwood for the last 7 levels because it seems like any pickup groups you get all end up down there so save yourself the silver There may be better options but i find that these work best for me also i tried to list the most common mobs you encounter in the areas you will get others but most are easy to find hope this helps happy hunting |
Thanks. Was in an amazing group yesterday, but it's not always the case. At lvl 14 now, so I'll need to crank out the tasks while waiting.
What's level is a solid time to start looking for Vendo groups? |
tasks at 13 at gna is a bit of running. 14-16 there is godly. its willows worgs and tnglers all right next to gna.
This helped a lot. Hope it doesn't keep getting buried.
It should be sorta stickied imo
Good stuff!
Hugginfel is the best for tasks (I believe 12+ but not 100%) all the tasks are withn a few yards more or less.
Reterrick - Skald
Thx for tips, i very appreciate them
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