The reason Albion Sux is not the Classes

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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 00:13

drakuz wrote:The Sad Reality of RvR for Albion is this:

First step of any server
1) - Midgard/Hibernia lvl 50's are in number.
albion is not.
2) - albion farms away and farms away and farms away, after each and every coin.
3) - midgard/hibernia dominate the albion frontier.
4) - alb joins the fight FINALLY in rvr... but they have low REALM POINTS and really shiney gear that means nothing.
5) - alb gets rolled alot in rvr as a result.
6) - Majority of Higher RR's is in midgard/hibernia
7) - Majority of useless plat is in albion.
8) - Same failed alb player rerolls to a new character
9) - gets Pwn'd in rvr due to low RR - with "his precious" gear
10) - makes another failed and damned toon.
11) Result is:
more alts in albion (failed toons) than any other realm, with tons of plat spread through each, and none of them RR5, meanwhile the majority of midgard/hibernia have a main of over rr5, then a time will come when 11's are running wild everywhere, and finally 1 damned rr5 alb shows up...

you guys are late to EVERYTHING - all you do is farm.

"since yall can't even group up, why do yall bother to rvr?
so you can solo a midgard relic raid? rofl"
- this is exactly where phrases like this come from.

RvR doesn't just cost money, it Costs TIME INVESTED. (ya sure... in value time is money)
you guys spend farming the WRONG currency in this game. its RPTS not Plat.

example of effectiveness: RvR or platfarming
NAME ME 1 build for a paladin that can do the same as... and replace a paladin's Faith Healing ability?
14rpts ... now go. find one... good luck.
find any realm abilities that are replaceable by gear. Good luck, enjoy farming, enjoy reading stupid forum pages, enjoy doing EVERYTHING THAT IS NOT PVP... cuz its all you guys do.

drakuz wrote:in short:

the "Damage to the Product" lays not with the producer, not the manufacturer, not the agent over the phone on tech support,

the Problem lies with the player. period, end of story.

Not my fault you guys don't know how to "group with" another player or necro or
"group up" your necro's.

its like yall have one round peg and lots of holes to put them in, your just AFRAID to mix your piece with someone elses.

Albion - The Realm of Greed. Broken by Greed.

a "New" idea of how anything different can be done on this realm - is out of the question.
this place is Florida, where old people go to retire and die by a hurricane.

they live by themselves, and interact with no one outside their homes.

so this leads me to believe that most albs with the "jerk-soloist" mentality are from Florida. and are in the age range of 65+ cuz you guys act like fossils in a museum.

Try "Change" change is good, changing underwear especially.
Try making farming harder, Farm with no pants on. a kick in the nutz hurts afteral.

Do Something Different - you guys do the same thing on every DAoC server.

p.s. plz try not to suck so much in rvr, we know BY THE TIME you get there, we know you will suck at it, its okay, we need realm points later on too, so its kinda an investment to keep players like yall around.

we call it alb farming. small crispy bits of ArePee's, more like a snack than a meal, but they just keep comming.

Lrn2Play and stop crying.

drakuz wrote:funny part about necro's in history.

after SI was launched on Mordred...
you saw many many necro's pvping in groups together.
best group setup for a necro... is more necro's.

solo spec sight,
then you add 2 people to group
one of each spec, now a group of 3.

add one more servant spec (only need 2 of them)
necro dots, last i checked interrupt casters - add 1 more pain spec,

fill rest with sight necro's.

ultimate pvp group for a necro, is a group of necro's.

believe me, people ran scared when they saw a buncha ghosties in an area.

pets were tucked into tree's, walls, rocks, boulders,
While the names of the necro's gravestones were also nearby...

^this is the battleground/stage of a necro group. (you carebears just dont know how to set one up)

gravestones you can send pets to, back and forth keeping range on people for as long as you can, as the necro pet Ran at Run speeds and not Walk speeds.

what this means is for a necro with 2 gravestones, and him in between, you create 2 points for you to bounce your pet back and forth between.
^creates a shooting gallery.

Necro's ARE viable in rvr... just not the players of those necro's :P (albion mentality)

albions are a jerk-soloist breed and getting them to work together takes effort, something they are allergic to. on live it used to be my main, here im not going to bother touching alb. waste of time.

ya sure, the toons available can influence your playstyle. especially if you have a conformist mentality, then you don't know how to put good groups together. or how to make anything in a group work.

this could have been combated by Good Leadership, but in the land of Jerk-Soloist - this doesn't exist.

hence why Midgard and Hibernia for as long as daoc has been around has always produced better results in rvr. even as underpopulated.

Because grouping together strengthens how you do as a group (and RvR... DUH!)
PvE is like forging, 1 fight is long, it allows you to make quick adjustmens and see what could work better on the next fight.
PvP is short, you had already better have a good recipe going into this, because 1 mistake (plus all that follow successively from each party member) can wreck a "pull"

Teamwork and grouping together in pve is what makes the other 2 realms stronger.
the Animist "Can" solo... but is more powerful in a group.
have you ever seen a fg of bd's? i have.

Grouping creates Synergism. if your a Fan of doing Drugs, this is like Taking multiple kinds of drugs to get WAY higher than taking more of the same thing....
see... even drugs can prove that albion players are wrong lol.

Midgard > drugs
Hibernia > drugs (and may also be a drug itself lol)
Albion < drugs show more teamwork than albs do LOL

Drugs are Better Than ALBS!!! LOL!!!!

drakuz wrote:^ true story

perhaps albion players need to do drugs so they can have a "hippy moment" and "accidentally" group together? *shock* :lol:

if that didn't hurt the alb population this will...

Welcome to Albion, You will Solo to 50.
than in RvR we will troll you and make you defect.
(trolling over templates and spec's, pathetic, they would rather be handed a hotrod and never learn how to use it, than to be men and form something from ashes, mud and clay.)

personally this is a realm of Sheeple.

so join them at your own risk.

I pray that 1... just one of you uses this as contructive criticism and fixes this.
you know... when your not busy farming or giving us free RPee's

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Postby BumblesZERG » Jan 20, 2017 00:21

The time and effort you put into this is boring.

Ever wonder why the set 8 mans play Hib/Mid?

You would like with your superior knowledge of the game and your elite RvR skills a set 8 man would have so many things to fight..

Has nothing to do with the insta "i win" buttons that Mids/Hibs have.

But we get it, you pushed so hard for a lvl 50 toon and you are currently running around a empty RvR zone wanting friends to play with.

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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 00:25

BumblesZERG wrote:The time and effort you put into this is boring.

Ever wonder why the set 8 mans play Hib/Mid?

You would like with your superior knowledge of the game and your elite RvR skills a set 8 man would have so many things to fight..

Has nothing to do with the insta "i win" buttons that Mids/Hibs have.

But we get it, you pushed so hard for a lvl 50 toon and you are currently running around a empty RvR zone wanting friends to play with.


why didn't you just use your "basic" skills of tltr "Too Long To Read"
since reading is not a fan of yours, neither is gathering knowledge. so the same question can be said about you...

why did you post your Boring post of how you and i are both not rvr'ing and are on a forum...

you are the typical Albion hypocrite.
its people like you that need to be changed.

Like all Albs, you have to be trolled to get truth from. (lied to, tricked, decieved etc...) to get a real damn answer lol. (did you surpass puberty yet? this trait should be gone.)

you pointed out 1 thing, the rvr zone on alb's side is empty. and we all know it.
if you were smart enough you'd know this is partly what im writing about, and what Phase albion is in at the moment.

we all know what phase yall are in. going pew pew pew on things that dont actually help you.
when your 50, youll be doing the same thing.

and by "Nerd" i hope you mean - someone who is willing to take the time to address the issue in detail and explain it. then my question is "why aren't you?"

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Postby BumblesZERG » Jan 20, 2017 01:29

drakuz wrote:
BumblesZERG wrote:The time and effort you put into this is boring.

Ever wonder why the set 8 mans play Hib/Mid?

You would like with your superior knowledge of the game and your elite RvR skills a set 8 man would have so many things to fight..

Has nothing to do with the insta "i win" buttons that Mids/Hibs have.

But we get it, you pushed so hard for a lvl 50 toon and you are currently running around a empty RvR zone wanting friends to play with.


why didn't you just use your "basic" skills of tltr "Too Long To Read"
since reading is not a fan of yours, neither is gathering knowledge. so the same question can be said about you...

why did you post your Boring post of how you and i are both not rvr'ing and are on a forum...

you are the typical Albion hypocrite.
its people like you that need to be changed.

Like all Albs, you have to be trolled to get truth from. (lied to, tricked, decieved etc...) to get a real damn answer lol. (did you surpass puberty yet? this trait should be gone.)

you pointed out 1 thing, the rvr zone on alb's side is empty. and we all know it.
if you were smart enough you'd know this is partly what im writing about, and what Phase albion is in at the moment.

we all know what phase yall are in. going pew pew pew on things that dont actually help you.
when your 50, youll be doing the same thing.

and by "Nerd" i hope you mean - someone who is willing to take the time to address the issue in detail and explain it. then my question is "why aren't you?"

I've played this game since 2001, it didn't take a free server to get me back playing it as I still play Live as well so you can save the "knowledge" bomb as I probably know more about the game and its history than you do.

Alb is and will always be a dead zone. Mid/Hibs dont like fighting there due to the hills, this is common knowledge.

There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet. Well other than the group or two that roams the frontiers taking keeps hoping to bring out someone to fight.

So while I work my way through puberty you should get out of the basement and enjoy some fresh air.

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Postby Smilo » Jan 20, 2017 02:37

BumblesZERG wrote:
There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet.

This is bullshit. There's a whole frontier to take back and nobody cares.
And all he said, while harsh, is true.
Half of this realm is leveling a necro that will powerlevel second, third and fourth characters. None of them will ever RVR.
I've played this game since 2001 too, i know how Albs are, we all do.

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Postby Flyguy » Jan 20, 2017 03:39

Alb is fine. Everybody is xping atm trying to (A) get to 50 and (B) get geared.
Then we will RvR.
Everybody stop over analyzing

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Postby Budikah » Jan 20, 2017 04:16

Smilo wrote:
BumblesZERG wrote:
There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet.

This is bullshit. There's a whole frontier to take back and nobody cares.
And all he said, while harsh, is true.
Half of this realm is leveling a necro that will powerlevel second, third and fourth characters. None of them will ever RVR.
I've played this game since 2001 too, i know how Albs are, we all do.

We took all of our keeps back last night - and then wiped to a fully setup Mid group which broke the battlegroup as we had been at it for a few hours already and most people were about done anyways.

They then went back and retook everything, probably just that one group "Blessed" from Midgard.

I did a /who 50 and at that point, we had a few random 50s, most of which were Necromancers.

Let that sink in - they have a fully setup team rolling the frontiers, we've got less than a handful of Necromancer's.

Until Albion has setup RvR guild squads, or enough people to form pubs or a Zerg that isn't made up of lvl 30s in leveling gear with PvE specs, it's not going to change.
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Postby Willam Wallace » Jan 20, 2017 04:24

Cool post dude (did not read any of it)

14 days into server derp.
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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 06:16

BumblesZERG wrote:
drakuz wrote:
BumblesZERG wrote:I've played this game since 2001, it didn't take a free server to get me back playing it as I still play Live as well so you can save the "knowledge" bomb as I probably know more about the game and its history than you do.

Alb is and will always be a dead zone. Mid/Hibs dont like fighting there due to the hills, this is common knowledge.

There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet. Well other than the group or two that roams the frontiers taking keeps hoping to bring out someone to fight.

So while I work my way through puberty you should get out of the basement and enjoy some fresh air.


fact is im getting under your skin, because you constantly think you need to get "defensive"
can i ask you a personal question? do you have a mullet and a t-shirt that says "Who Farted?"

how you type says alot about you.

now that i know what kinda person im dealing with.

you need to realize i was there in 2001. and no, i don't care what you have to say.
the fact that you have no idea wtf im talking about means i have to line by line comment on every piece of garbage you wrote about.

so in line-by-line rebuttal format:
I've played this game since 2001,
Me too, Thanx Bro, it means Nothing... all one has to do is read patch notes starting from 1.
so you don't get to hold the glory stick by yourself either, others can read too O.O

it didn't take a free server to get me back playing it as I still play Live as well so you can save the "knowledge" bomb as I probably know more about the game and its history than you do.
i play both on and off, when im not playing one, i play the other, infact this isnt the only game i play either, i play many more, my mancave gets to explore different regions of the MMO multiverse, where you are obviously limited in 1 game. q.q more newb.

Alb is and will always be a dead zone. Mid/Hibs dont like fighting there due to the hills, this is common knowledge.
Bro no one said "the albion frontier" we are talking about yall in RvR period. all frontiers, the Albs in the Frontier dee-dah-dee. My previous statements explain the exact timeline of albion if you didn't get it.
There are 50 Albs but now they are farming to twink other toons because there is nobody to fight yet. Well other than the group or two that roams the frontiers taking keeps hoping to bring out someone to fight.
listen slow guy, i already stated Above, the timeline of Albs in RvR, when there are more people to run into... the same holds true. you guys are predictable, as you have predictably "Don't Get it"

So while I work my way through puberty you should get out of the basement and enjoy some fresh air.
are you talking about your basement in which you have only ever played 2 games in obviously.
the world knows that your mancave is fuggin boring, none of us want to see it.
at which point the only game you could make out of playing like that is attempting to /bow any and all players that have ever come through DAoC kingdom doors. what an achievement, gratz bro. gratz. if that's true everyone on here gets to /rofl at you on sight, forever.

Says the jerk that has only ever played 2 games.

personal question, after highschool how many jobs / schools / cars / girls(or guys) / <insert life experiences here> have had?
if your answer is 2 plz shut up and let the big boys talk. i don't care what you call your lil hole of a mancave or a basement, it will always be a play pen if you don't expand yourself.
Last edited by drakuz on Jan 20, 2017 06:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Deehorsey » Jan 20, 2017 06:21

When did this turn into the VN Boards?

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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 06:24

Deehorsey wrote:When did this turn into the VN Boards?

he requested one, i delivered

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Postby Budikah » Jan 20, 2017 07:26

Hombre, you need to chill it the ****** down with the rainbow posts. I don't care if it's two pages long, but make it ****** readable.


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Postby onizukasensei » Jan 20, 2017 10:28

drakuz wrote:
Deehorsey wrote:When did this turn into the VN Boards?

he requested one, i delivered

Dey see me trolling, dey hating :twisted:

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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 18:54

onizukasensei wrote:
drakuz wrote:
Deehorsey wrote:When did this turn into the VN Boards?

he requested one, i delivered

Dey see me trolling, dey hating :twisted:


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Postby drakuz » Jan 20, 2017 18:56

BumblesZERG wrote:You realize that "alot" isn't a word right? And your usage of "bro" is cute.

But really with all your bullshit prose what is with the care-bear coloring?

And your personal questions are adorable. But the sad truth is if I were to answer them you would feel like a fool, so I'll just let you simmer in your taste the rainbow coloring book thread that you started.

"alot" is a word in texas.
"Bro" well... don't get me started on that rant... i don't use the word bro in a nice way, it actually bugs me when people use it.

I promise no care-bears were colored or harmed in the making of this.
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