[Need updates] Midgard Leveling Guide

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Postby hazelhimself » Apr 28, 2016 01:17

bdf wrote:definitely gonna keep this in mind for relaunch! i fear si will be completely flooded so it'll be nice to have other options!

fear not, my son, as there will be no SI when uthgard relaunches.

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Postby Zedas » Apr 28, 2016 03:04

I think most of original post points could be reused today (or at 7th of May :) ) or not?

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Postby Aesbjorn » May 08, 2016 19:21

I think the biggest tip early on especially when soloing is to do as many kill tasks per level as you can. In order to do this simply go to any named guard (or sentry), and type in "/whisper task". I made a macro to make this quicker "/macro task /whisper task". It gives excellent XP despite you having to travel a ways, and it is the only way to get a decent income early on as most of the noob mobs do not drop anything. As a level 6 warrior this method financed yellow con weapons / shield, and a full set of armor purchased from a vendor without any assistance from any other individual / organization.

Also respecs are hard to come by, so do a little research & invest your points wisely.

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Postby Ilerget » May 09, 2016 08:11

I think for free there are only the single line respecs at lvl 20 and lvl 40 (to see yet, didn't get that far yet :lol: ), for other respecs we will need the rocks that boss mobs drop.
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Postby Floki_Live » May 28, 2016 16:22

this QUEST is not for lvl 10 but for lvl 1-5 :D
i did it and water striders was grey ..

At level 10 you can pick up *Copious Striders* from Alomali in Vasudheim(Near Docks). Swim SW to loc 36k 20k and kill 10 yellow/OJ Water striders (weak to crush) There is a huge camp and all but the Giant Striders(which roam the island) are neutral. I go here with all newly minted lvl 10s and there has always been fat camp bonuses. Although you only need 10 i hang around there killing them until i am close to 9 bubs, turn-in quest, ding and head to Jord to train.

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Postby Pezzor » Jun 12, 2016 16:42

Killing mobs is great and all... but, does anyone have the killtask guide for 1-20?

1-5 - starting area named guard
5-20 - ???

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Postby tvpro » Jun 20, 2016 15:49

where is the lunar room ni varulv then? no such things named on maps..

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Postby Cipherr » Jun 30, 2016 06:33

Level 26-28: in Skona Ravine. Tree spirit 26-27. There is a nice camp of trees just south of the stone circle.

This info is a little eh.. I went looking for this nice camp and found a camp of only 4 south of the Skona circle:

I would hesitate to head to this camp to grind exp. With only 4 you will chew through them pretty quickly it seems.

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Postby Vman » Jan 11, 2017 22:52

Cipherr wrote:Level 26-28: in Skona Ravine. Tree spirit 26-27. There is a nice camp of trees just south of the stone circle.

This info is a little eh.. I went looking for this nice camp and found a camp of only 4 south of the Skona circle:

I would hesitate to head to this camp to grind exp. With only 4 you will chew through them pretty quickly it seems.

I'm afraid you must've missed 'em bud. We had an 8-man group grinding them out the other night. When going from West Svealand into Skona Ravine, stick to the right where you'll follow a hill/zone wall. You can't miss em, they litter the area, a wide spawn camp (or arguably 2 spawn camps close together) of approximately 20 trees total. We managed to follow a clock-wise pattern so they kept spawn, just going from tree to tree melting them hehe. Great camp bonus, no BAF bonus. One of my all time fave spots, fond memories going there solo with my thane way back in the day. Happy hunting!
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Postby lynxspain » Jan 12, 2017 21:46

Im new on Midgard.... so...

Lvl 5-20 spots? I dont find classics maps where i can check it out... I know 18-50 can be in DF, we got it :P

But... any good spots? can any1 tell me locs or somethign? thanks you!

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Postby Vman » Jan 12, 2017 23:17

lynxspain wrote:Im new on Midgard.... so...

Lvl 5-20 spots? I dont find classics maps where i can check it out... I know 18-50 can be in DF, we got it :P

But... any good spots? can any1 tell me locs or somethign? thanks you!

I spent most of my early levels finding groups in Vale of Mularn. Although it may sound ridiculous, its fun spending time with a bunch of level 5's and 6's trying to take down a single level 9 ant. So we did a lot of ants early on outside of Mularn village, and when you're finished with ants you move onto the cats, wyrms, and hill people in the relatively same area.

Once you get to the 10-12 range its time to consider parts of E. Svealand and getting into Nisse's Lair, the first lowbie dungeon in E. Svealand. Once 13-15 I made my way over to Myrkwood and stayed their until about 18 or 19. From there I moved to Vendo Caverns until about 22, then went to Muspelheim until about 25 which is where my current character is now. Soon I'll be going to either Uppland which is close by, or making the trek back across the map to Skona Ravine.

Hope that high level road map give you some direction bud. Happy hunting!
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Postby Naiji » Jan 13, 2017 22:24


Want to start off thanking you for this guide. Been using it since I created my toon a couple of days ago and it's been really helpful. Just one update to note so far.

At level 10 you can pick up *Copious Striders* from Alomali in Vasudheim(Near Docks). Swim SW to loc 36k 20k and kill 10 yellow/OJ Water striders (weak to crush) There is a huge camp and all but the Giant Striders(which roam the island) are neutral. I go here with all newly minted lvl 10s and there has always been fat camp bonuses. Although you only need 10 i hang around there killing them until i am close to 9 bubs, turn-in quest, ding and head to Jord to train.

I tried this yesterday as soon as I hit 10. Went to Alomali and was surprised to see that "Copious Striders" is a Level 2 quest. I swam to the correct island only to be greeted by many, many greys. The island and the surrounding water is indeed chock full of these neutral buddies waiting to be farmed but it is definitely NOT a Level 10 quest. Would have been a great spot for a Level 2 though.

Thanks again

Edit: Woops. Seems like someone realized this 11 years ago. I should have been more careful!

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Postby Endee » Jan 17, 2017 16:14

This post should be stickied! Who has that power??

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Postby Miiyomo » Jan 19, 2017 16:27

Endee wrote:This post should be stickied! Who has that power??

Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
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Postby Dece » Jan 20, 2017 16:17

I agree that the post should be stickied, but only on the condition that it's updated. I realize it's old and due to that, probably somewhat inaccurate. I have some changes here from my experience in the past week or so, original but personally unconfirmed advice will be in [brackets]. Hopefully people can copy and paste to this and add to it, or confirm some of the stuff in brackets. Any /loc would be great too, apoligies for not having any of that but I'll be adding it later on.

Levels 1-5: Do tasks by speaking to the named guard in the town. Particularly I've found the Flayer Stjenborn, right outside of the entrance of Galplen, gives you tasks that are pretty close to the turn in, so it's quick.

Level 6-9: [in southern Gotar. Carrion crawler 6, carrion eater 7, hobgoblin prowler 8, nacken 8, tawny linx 8.] Outside Mularn, the kill tasks are pretty good and not usually far or hard to find. Also head to Haggerfel, where you're usually lucky enough to get a few kill tasks for Hill People, which are on the snowy hill right behind town. Spiders and worms to the north are also tasks.

Level 7-8, [as you are headed south towards Gal or Gna, you'll cross a big bone bridge and then come to a watch tower before you enter Myrkwood Forest. There are two named Troll Flayers at that watchtower that give kill tasks that are very closeby - carrion crawlers, pine imps, hosts of the earth, and hosts of the wind.]

Level 8-10: Crabs on the beach of Nalliten. Aggro kind of sucks so a decent group is good here. The good news is you can quickly run to a guard if it gets too hairy, as they're really close to the spawns. West of Mularn, hill people(Small pack in the mountains to the right of Jordheim as well), worms and small hill cats.

Level 9-12: [Silver drakelings and envy drakes in E. Svealand on road from Auditlen to Dvalin OR entrance to Nisse's lair nearby.] If you get a solid group, do Nisse's entry room (walk in, turn right immediately). Pull to the little room on the right, from the bottom of the ramp on the left (watch the roamaing spider which will con purp). If you just keep chainkilling you'll keep the total numbers down, makes it easier to deal with spawns. Decent studded armor drops here, and I think a few weapons as well. Also have gotten rare cloth chests to drop.

Level 10-13: [in NE Vale of Mularn. Hill cat 9-10, rabid wolfhound 11-12. ]

Level 10-13: at 11 you should really just do perdificus pooks South across stream from Naliten. I've not seen anything better than this. The pooks are single pull and never have BAF. The loot sells for a decent amount and stacks (gems). If the spawn across the stream is grouped already, swim out to the empty island right off of the coast. To the north is another island with more Pooks on it. They can be pulled to the empty island if you want to only handle one at a time, or you can camp on the pook island, as long as you're on the tip closes to Nalliten (generally don't spawn there).

Level 12 - 15: The Arichites in Myrkwood. If you're closer to the 12 side, need a solid group. Our group 4 manned this easily with Level 13 average party of Skald, SM, Thane, and Healer. They can drop chain, the loot sells decently. Avoid the Great Tinglers as they have a good amount of HP and will con purple. AVOID DEATH SPIDERS - ton of HP and totally not worth your time.

Level 13 - 14 [Mora Dancers. Just SE of the guard tower in Gna Faste you will find a large area peppered with Mora Dancers. They go down easily and drop lightweight items that sell for nice cash and can drop nice magical loot on occassion. ]

Level 13-15: [maulers, wolves, shadows, oathbreakers etc. Everything around Huginfel, basically. OR Vendo camps west of Ft. Veldon. ]

Level 14: [Vendo Camps in Vale of Mularn]

Level 14-15: Near Askheim in Myrkwood. Svartalfar watcher 13, wolves (assorted levels). I didn't go into Askheim. Can be just outside of the entrance of askheim or behind askheim. Also the trees nearby are decent, but they spawn fast, so be careful where you sit. [mora dancers 14-16. ] I'd avoid the tower outside of Askheim, the named brings friends, and I didn't feel it was worth killing him for the time it took.

Level 15-17: Werewolves, in Askheim. Once inside of askheim go immediately left along the wall, far enough away from the main entrance. You won't get any spawn aggro here (afk'd here and nothing happened). can pull nicely from the center of camp with no issue.

Level 16-20: [so many choices. Stick with lynxes etc. near Huginfel] maulers and cave bears in the Vendo Caves.

Level 16-17 [Mora Riders conning blue to me at lvl 17 South of Gna Faste guard Tower. Getting about 30k+ for blue, about to 40K+ for yellow Mora Riders far south of Gotar. ]


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