Is Polearm type damage related to which 1h you spec?

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Postby slowpoke68 » Jan 23, 2017 01:41

If you are 39 slash for instance, should you use a slash damage polearm, or 39 crush should you use a crush damage polearm, etc.?

Is the polearm damage type connected to your skill of that type or does it not affect it at all?


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Postby imamizer » Jan 23, 2017 10:03

Polearm line increases your style dmg bonus and maximum normal dmg. Related 1h skill increases your minimum dmg with polearm. Yes, you should use slash polearm if you are slash spec.

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Postby Zurffette » Jan 23, 2017 11:28

your goal is composite 51 skill level vs rr5.

So if you are using a slash polearm, you should have 39 in slash (+11 = 50, when you get rr2, its going to be 51. Which also means as you advance in RRs, you can at some point respec to lower your slash and increase parry/whatever).

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Postby slowpoke68 » Jan 23, 2017 13:03

Thanks much guys. I'm assuming it would be between crush and slash as thrusting damage is based half on dex and I am a highlander. Would slash be better for rvr? I was thinking I could level as crush and then respec at 40 to slash. Thanks again.

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Postby imamizer » Jan 23, 2017 13:34

Polearm is always str, even thrust one. Slash for RvR is better, you get a side snare which can be used while guarding. Thrust doesn't offer anything good unless you go for 44 and that's not possible with 42shield 50 pole.

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Postby Zurffette » Jan 23, 2017 15:18

Well considering that you autotrain in slash, i recommend you level as crush till level 40 and then respec to slash.

Also, read my post regarding slash autotraining up to 48, whilst respeccing at 40.
Zurffette wrote:Ok, it worked.
So, at level 40 you get the free one-line respec. I respec'd out of crush and didnt specc into slash and just kept the points/spec'd polearm and shield.

Now, at 44 i got the free autotrain point in slash (that was my experiment, to see if i get the extra points in slash), so it went up to 11. So at 48 it will autotrain to 12. After that, im going to dump all my points into slash for the final spec. It's going to be 42 shield, 50 polearm, 39 slash and the rest into parry (should be around 20ish parry if im not mistaken).

So all in all, you save 23 points if you start speccing into slash at level 48 (AT to 12). Its not much, its a bit overrated min-maxing, but why not. Its not like it will affect you pve damage alot. Hitting purple mobs with polearm for 50-100 instead of 80-100 :P No big deal for XPing if you ask me.
And with 10 AT slash, you already get the Enrage (taunt) slash style, so its all good if you want to be more sword/shield focused while XP'ing, although you dont really need to. You can just wack at stuff with your pole.

Also, dont forget to do your epics, you get a really good polearm with the level 40 epic quest(14.1 dps 100% qual,77 dd proc, +6 polearm skill). Going to last you until you get a MP crafted one for 50 template.

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Postby slowpoke68 » Jan 23, 2017 18:38

Ok friends, thanks much, appreciate the guidance.

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