Cave spec not worth now?
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seems that now you can't stuck dots and you can't reapply the dot until the previous one finished, imho this makes BA bd better dotter than shaman now
It's the thrill of the chase
and I'm coming after you. |
Follow-up question: Does a higher DoT overwrite a lower damage one, as in: A Wild Power critting Dot over a non critting one?
Critdot overwrite Dot... A Critdot can't be overwrite by a higher crit nor any Dot. You have to run the (6) ticks out.
Are we really not able to reaply the dot while the old one has not expired? Is this a bug? Can not remember that this has been this way anytime before.
You can reaply the DoT ASLONG its not a critdot. But i have no idea if this is abug itself. Wasnt so at Uth. 1.
Oh really, I planned to take wild arcana II, I might reconsider now... |
Well, if it's already critting it's fine, or not? You can spam AE-dot until you got a nice crit on everyone. As the chance isn't too high with WA2 (10%?) you need to cast that spell alot anyways. |
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