The reason Albion Sux is not the Classes

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Postby drakuz » Jan 25, 2017 00:11

drakuz wrote:
acole87 wrote:
drakuz wrote:"alot" is a word in texas.

Woah! The Texan just revealed that he's from Texas. No wai!

Hey the Texan spotter just Spotted a Texan!
Gratz! we only make up 30% of the military - how hard was it to find one of us? not very?

what kind of pat on the back do you give yourself for spotting such a Commonplace reality?

though my real question is:

why are you such a dick ? does this have to do with you not being happy with your realm? SURE LOOKS LIKE IT!

Got Problems Much?

its okay i can help you, ****** yourself.
First: Typo's and ****** happen, the rest of us human's know this. we also type/talk in dialects. and we use them according to our cultural and geographic area.

so your first problem is you have a problem with culture, this is self-evident. as you can't even stand the realm you are in, and have to come to the forums to Q.Q some. we get it, your a whiner, and a baby, and dislike people who are different from you.

this is how you fix this.

you realize that first Reading Comprehension is a little more important than the ability to cross a T dot an I or add comma's.
Comprehension is about Getting The Point. - which you seem to have serious problems with.

as if your ADD or ADHD distracts you, because your brain farted or skipped a beat when you saw something anomalous.

Go eat a bag of Dciks!
plz fix your brain so i can properly insult you.

a normal human brain can read jumbled words and poor grammar.

Now that we know your brain is dmg'd lets move on to how we fix it.

first i suggest a Dr. of Psychology (a doctor of how we work internally in our minds) so that you can get some SERIOUS drugs!
you obviously need some. maybe lithium.

this will allow your brain to "Follow a conversation"
let me say this differently and with bright colors for you Disability... so you can pay attention
try to "Follow a Conversation"
okay now you try.

there are many video's on youtube that may help you with your Disability. "like minded people hang together" like attracts like.
and your in THAT REALM.... that said.... we all already know what your major malfunctions are, you just can't see them.

im not a Dr. nor do i play one on t.v. but i really would suggest you get some therapy for all the rapings that midgard has caused you and your family, and the mindrapings from playing Albion.

another suggestion - if your going to Comment on a Subject... atleast add something to it. or prepare for someone to take you as "trolling them" and thus you better be ready to defend yourself.
the actions you stand on are weak-grounds to make any point or come to any conclusion.

this suggest you make LOTS OF EXCUSES. - i can't help you fix this, life will do that for me.

Happy Trails!

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Postby drakuz » Jan 25, 2017 00:24

What about a New race that says "Hey im a typical full of excuses Albion player"

how about a Giant pen15.
This will allower other players to exclude "people like them" from getting groups?
perhaps more segregation is the answer to alb, they are already divided by 60000000 trolls who are also whiners, who are also complainers, who also make ALOT of excuses for why they Can't:

group up
play together
have a good time
grow up
make a sandwhich
do dishes
get a job

you know Basic ****** that everyone else can do.

i remember a quote on my chief's door in the navy... it read
Not Excuses."

now DO THAT!

try it, try saying it out loud "results, not excuses"
now say this 10x a day when you wake up in the morning, and before you log into this server.

just mere ATTEMPT at getting ****** done will garner a higher yield of results!

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Postby kemorand » Jan 25, 2017 11:24

drakuz wrote:[..]just mere ATTEMPT at getting ****** done will garner a higher yield of results!

Most of them bad results...

That kind of "line" only works on grunts who just need to obey orders and be braindead otherwise, just like motivational speeches only work on people who can be easily manipulated. It's nice for them and it's needed sometimes but not everyone is susceptible to it.
Trying to analyze why things are the way they are and acting upon it is not making excuses either. It can of course lead to paralysis (and excuses) but that's not always the case.

Lying to yourself pretending to have a good time is not having a good time, it's just lying to yourself. That said, the anti-realm whining is indeed annoying sometimes :)

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Postby acole87 » Jan 25, 2017 18:54

Six increasingly longer posts in a row of you arguing with yourself in an array of rainbow colored insults. It's concerning how cartoonishly unstable you are. It's no wonder you can't find a group.

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Postby The_L33T » Jan 26, 2017 02:08

wall of text of argument which is going nowhere. it is a long standing fact that 1.65 patch's albion's classes do not have as much utility as midgard for example. Mids can go to high level dungeons w/out a healer and still do well. Albs cannot do that. Albs have more classes and skill/abilities/spells are spread out among them and since players by default will also spread out among those classes, albs are underdogs if you compare to ease of setup in midgard or hibernia. Albs need to zerg, average albs need to zerg to get anywhere. Albs play mainly casters and unless its a pre-made group, average alb group will get mowed down in 30 seconds by mid melee dps. I was an alb for years on live and always wanted to get back to native lands, play a sorc maybe but the fact that we are older now and we want to actually enjoy the game and not go through torture and aggravation (on top of xp grind) to setup a good group to compete, i rather take an easy way out and have fun.
Nothing to do with Albs being bad players, it has everything to do with albion classes @1.65.

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Postby drakuz » Jan 26, 2017 12:43

kemorand wrote:
drakuz wrote:[..]just mere ATTEMPT at getting ****** done will garner a higher yield of results!

Most of them bad results...

That kind of "line" only works on grunts who just need to obey orders and be braindead otherwise, just like motivational speeches only work on people who can be easily manipulated. It's nice for them and it's needed sometimes but not everyone is susceptible to it.
Trying to analyze why things are the way they are and acting upon it is not making excuses either. It can of course lead to paralysis (and excuses) but that's not always the case.

Lying to yourself pretending to have a good time is not having a good time, it's just lying to yourself. That said, the anti-realm whining is indeed annoying sometimes :)

ya and your an alb, so this should work on you

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Postby drakuz » Jan 26, 2017 12:44

acole87 wrote:Six increasingly longer posts in a row of you arguing with yourself in an array of rainbow colored insults. It's concerning how cartoonishly unstable you are. It's no wonder you can't find a group.

actually its appropriate, see i view you as a child. so here's some pretty colors for ya :P

the bait was loaded, the hook set, and i caught me a retard :D

p.s. i never had trouble finding groups, im playing mid now ... so ya lol
Last edited by drakuz on Jan 26, 2017 12:48, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby drakuz » Jan 26, 2017 12:45

The_L33T wrote:wall of text of argument which is going nowhere. it is a long standing fact that 1.65 patch's albion's classes do not have as much utility as midgard for example. Mids can go to high level dungeons w/out a healer and still do well. Albs cannot do that. Albs have more classes and skill/abilities/spells are spread out among them and since players by default will also spread out among those classes, albs are underdogs if you compare to ease of setup in midgard or hibernia. Albs need to zerg, average albs need to zerg to get anywhere. Albs play mainly casters and unless its a pre-made group, average alb group will get mowed down in 30 seconds by mid melee dps. I was an alb for years on live and always wanted to get back to native lands, play a sorc maybe but the fact that we are older now and we want to actually enjoy the game and not go through torture and aggravation (on top of xp grind) to setup a good group to compete, i rather take an easy way out and have fun.
Nothing to do with Albs being bad players, it has everything to do with albion classes @1.65.

no no hibernia is ease of setup.

ever play a VW? ever try to make a BAD spec on purpose? hell with any hib....
it doesn't exist.

<casts wall of text on you for 500000wps :P>

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Postby acole87 » Jan 26, 2017 17:45

You kept it under four posts! You must be wearing your big boy britches. If you're good I'll get you a little Texas-shaped belt buckle to keep 'em up. That way people will know who they're messing with.

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Postby Zurffette » Jan 26, 2017 18:15

Without reading ANY OF THE POSTS at all in the thread, the reason Albion Sux is because the grand majority of players are COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to how rvr/classes work.

So yea, BOOM! See ya out there.

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Postby Warjon » Jan 26, 2017 19:40

Lag in the casters realm. 200 necros camping everything. Huge guild and alliance taking over high level spots. Long Q. Group finding and making extra hard for Albs, especially with no starter alliance. Toxic caster starter guild chat.

I am sure there are many more reasons that it is all uphill for albs. Only time will tell how this shard will end up. Looking like all freeshards do atm.

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Postby drakuz » Jan 27, 2017 00:33

acole87 wrote:You kept it under four posts! You must be wearing your big boy britches. If you're good I'll get you a little Texas-shaped belt buckle to keep 'em up. That way people will know who they're messing with.

i don't wear belt buckles, or cowboy hats, we also dont ride horses.

so where are you from? its a lil unfair as you have me at a disadvantage, what ****** did you crawl out of?

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Postby drakuz » Jan 27, 2017 00:36

Zurffette wrote:Without reading ANY OF THE POSTS at all in the thread, the reason Albion Sux is because the grand majority of players are COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to how rvr/classes work.

So yea, BOOM! See ya out there.


see this rant was about PVE (getting groups to xp/level up)
not so much rvr, but there is a tad bit of it there, that is true, but its not the primary focus, its in Alb homeland. not the rvr, me personally i prefer to solo, or play a heal type (whores of the server, easy as ****** to get groups)
and when i don't play a wh0re class (healer type) i prefer a caster, sorcs/fire&earth wizzies/matter cabbage or a minstrel (rvr wh0re) so it works.

the pvp in alb isnt so much of the problem as it is... Getting to the rvr (PVE required)

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Postby drakuz » Jan 27, 2017 00:40

Warjon wrote:Lag in the casters realm. 200 necros camping everything. Huge guild and alliance taking over high level spots. Long Q. Group finding and making extra hard for Albs, especially with no starter alliance. Toxic caster starter guild chat.

I am sure there are many more reasons that it is all uphill for albs. Only time will tell how this shard will end up. Looking like all freeshards do atm.

ya i heard all about the starter guild chats, grown men wondering why they have the pen15 of a lil boy and take anger out on others.
hell look who's replying to my chats in this post!

i get 2 types:
competent human beings that can function with the rest of a society.
jerk-soloist who don't get along with anyone, and most would rather see shot irl. possibly on a public t.v. channel "To Kill a Troll"

but my point is, alb has too many jerk0ffs. and seems that no moderator is concerned at all with the content of the Public starter guild chats which they themselves are the gm's of... but don't police (brought on by human lazyness, very common with I.T. people)

unlike most trolls, im an equal opportunity troll. u mess up, ill call you out. admins included. i prefer to preserve dignity for those who were unprovoked, and set fire to the rest.

thats how it works irl. its a dog eat dog world. we're all competitive in life - but sportsmanship in this life does matter.

be a jerk to someone, i hope they are a jerk back to you. be a jerk to public to someone, i hope the public brings torches and pitchforks to your house and tie em to a stake. what happens after.... well crime must fit the punishment. Burn em. :D

how do you fight "bullying?" here's my home address, 119 chattington ct. satx.
there now if you have anything "actually" threatening to say, come say it to my face, won't be the first assault charge, and wont be the last, p.s. all were dropped.

why were all charges dropped? cuz alotta people deserved it.
i was once threatened by a stranger at my house too, i ended up on KSAT12, he ended up in University hospital.

and im not a big dude :) infact 100% of all my fights have been with guys twice my size or larger.
see... when big guys fight... they try to hurt someone... when lil guys fight... its like cornering a NYC rat in an alley. your ******, the environment is a weapon.

that said...
Bullshit Walks: - can't back up your claims of w/e. then Drop it Now.
Money Talks: - phrase that comes from the accomplishments and success one has.

so either troll some random person, or troll a real target that is a real threat. like me.
come. find me. i love beating up bullies LOL - (the rest of the world loves me doing it too)

i hate to say it, but this is how you fix assh0les, you give them your address, and you kick there ass.
the learning will happen after.

get it on video recording as a "consensual fight" and no one goes to jail.
all that happens is - one jerk learned a lesson.

Gary Wilburn - Making the world better everyday... one asshole at a time.
Last edited by drakuz on Jan 27, 2017 00:54, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Garlak » Jan 27, 2017 00:44

I don't get all the whining in this thread. So far I had no problems finding groups, starter guild chat was nice and helpful and most people in groups even were somewhat competent and didn't disband after the first wipe. Especially the latter two I can't really say about Hibernia (I switched from there).

Love Uth/Alb so far.


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