Buffs Pots
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just lol i want the benefit of buffing classes but dont want to grp them! the alternative to this is not fair! this game is designed for people to solo? why hasn't Mark Jacobs issued a press release on this breaking news? and it's like pots were changed to be as least viable as possible to prevent ppl from going that route, yet ppl still choose to go that route to relive their glory buffbot days... Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
People wouldn't need to "go that route" if other people didn't go that route. I think people just want a level playing field for solo classes. Buffbots were retarded but everyone that soloed had one and in the end they just put everyone on equal footing (while giving Mythic double the money). Without buffbots you're just forcing people to use annoying mechanics to stay competitive- which is not very fun or logical. Why is it that you think this game doesn't support soloing? There's 7 stealth classes in the game that seem to disagree. I can see it with this server though. Pretty sure the devs wanted to make 8v8 the main goal of this server by making smaller unbuffed groups/soloers unviable or too annoying to play. I feel bad for any stealther on this server. I couldn't handle all the costs and that annoying baggage you gotta carry around just to be able to do your job (especially for assassins since they already need to carry multiple weapons). |
The ppl who didn't have buffbots weren't on equal footing... but we don't care about those, right?
And all this level playing field argument is a big joke. Champs get a str/con buff as part of class design, yet it's ok for you to get a str/con charge or pot and still call it level playing field in the solo game? Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
People got buffbots to counter other buffbots in order to have A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD. If you were playing solo without a buffbot then you probably got a buffbot yourself or used potions/charges (as I said) to be competitive. -I'm not saying that's good, I'm saying that's bad. The game's design is actually better suited without buffbots AND potions/charge. To remove one (buffbots) people are then relying on potions/charges anyways and you still get diminished effects from your champ's str/con buff and other classes still have the same annoying need to feel competitive. TLDR: If there are no buffbots, potions/charges shouldn't exist either. If there were no potions/charges in the game the soloing experience would be better. |
There won't be a gazillion of stealthers around as they were back in the day. That is already visible from class distribution, at least in albion. There won't be fully buffed up archers and assassins adding on fights, insta fragging casters from 2k range. Also it means that buffer classes are more cruical part of groups, having a group is more important and you are somewhat "forced" to play a class which is good for groups if you want to compete. The game itself promotes grouping over soloing.
On the other hand, soloing will be less of an option on Uthgard. Sometimes it is indeed relaxing to have a break from zerging/8v8 and go out hunt on your own. As i see it now, the only fights where you won't be a disadvantage from the get go will be only other solo / unbuffed players. Yeah, you can shoot some pots, farm plat to maintain that advantage... Honestly maybe a few hardcore guys are willing to do that, but most of us either cant (or dont) want to invest that time into it the game. I would vote for zippo pots, buffs out of groups (besides timed dmg adds, haste, dmg shield etc) If you want to solo, sure thing but you indeed should be at a disadvantage, buffer classess should be played not parked in a pk, nor shouldnt be people without endless time get ganked by kids playing 12 hours for pots. If Mythic wouldn't have been greedy like crazy, buffbots would have never happened at all. |
Players who solo have a huge disadvantage due to the current buffpot system where the guy who has a lot of time can farm the plat, and the other guy who can't play as much is screwed cause he can't afford it and never wins a 1v1 after putting all this time into leveling up to 50.
+1 For no pots/alchemy at all at this point. It allows for min/maxing attitude (which is fine I get it) but
ultimately cuts out 1/2 the classes in the game from the end game rvr, which are VERY fun and enjoyable all in their own right, but put into positions to where their close to useless. If people want that buff etc, they should have to group a class that can give it to them. Simple as that and THAT is what the people who created this game in the first place intended. Not this BS you see here. Since I'm on the subject anyway, this server shouldn't even be calling itself a classic shard. Classic didn't have SI classes, alchemy, or spellcrafting. I'm sure there is plenty more. Shouldn't even be called an SI shard at this point since SI isn't out. Since its classes and professions are though, it should be called the one thing they seem to not want anything to do with, such as you know simple non-game breaking QoL changes that make the game actually enjoyable in a long term perspective, CUSTOM. I for one, am already pretty positive this is just a refresher pit stop for me until that "other server" comes out and can't take anything even close to serious as a casual player, ONLY due to QoL differences mainly. I can live with pots and all the other stuff. I'm not the type of person that wants or needs things handed to me on silver platter, but some of this strictly this patch only die hardness is, for lack of a better term, stupid. Just my $.02 sorry if any over sensitive feels are hurt by my opinions. Simply pointing out some of the reasons I won't be sticking around here long and probably won't even get close to lvl 50. A LOT of the pro-QoL change forum debaters that predicted casual players would leave fairly quickly, were completely correct at least with me. I simply do not, will not (and even if I did would not use it all on a game), have the time to EVER be even close to competitive on this server as it stands atm. It is as simple as that and that is perfectly fine with me, will just get bored soon and leave. However I do completely respect the people who worked very hard for a very long time to even get this server back up and going. Very admirable, I just apparently have a very different idea of how it could have been done. |
A ranger has to invest precious spec points into pathfinding for his self buffs. If you trivialize buff pots, you make these spec points obsolete. Sorry, but not gonna happen. Quote from the FAQ: "Do not expect any custom features that would effect balance in the slightest way." |
In official : buffbot farm no buffbot players.
Here : buffpot player farm no buffpots players...? ![]() For hardcore gamer its no problem to pay the pots, its a big advantage. |
all a bit delusional disorder, be sure everyone will be buffed with everything he can get (charges, pots) like it was on uth v1
Crap, I was really hoping there would be 20 minute potions higher up in alchemy.
Not for PVP but for pve grinding my AT minstrel. Nitholiak VonSchlichten - Evil Necro Farmer - Grandmaster Tailor
Ezo Karasuga - Minstrel - Junior Alchemist |
Well then maybe buffpots should just be removed so there's a fair playing field for solo'ers. "Hardcore gamers" are going to dominate solo because they can afford buffpots while other people who want to solo won't even attempt to because of the imbalance. Why even play a stealth class at all?
Imo it goes even further than just stealth classes/solo players. 8v8 (which they seem to cater to most tbh) is just as effected. casual guilds vs the "hardcore" 8 person hyper organized guild (maybe a few more for substitutions but relatively kept small on purpose) is going to be a massacre, since not only can afford every single pot imaginable constantly, therefore every single one of them will have much higher realm rank in the first place. frankly, I'm gonna level to a couple points and hopefully have some fun in BG's, will never get to lvl 50. will have a little fun then go ahead and ****** off. lol |
8v8 groups will just need end(if you're alb) and power pots and celerity charges if those are in, no reason you shouldn't be able to afford to keep up on those really. Solo/stealthers will want/need all of em except power maybe and all those pots add up really quickly, spend more time farming than rvring eventually. I want my buffbot
![]() Krycek - Infiltrator
Ya it's gonna be tuff. I would like to know now, before I put too much time into my Scout. If they plan on doing something great, if not, PLEASE LET US KNOW YOU HAVE ZERO INTENSION of doing anything about BUFF POTS PLZZZZZZ, so I can't stop playing my Scout.
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Uthgard, at least some kind of answer???? |
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