Performance, Mass Ban, and Behavior
It's downright laughable how they can justify this one silly change yet shut down all of the others.
You wanted 1.65 or as close to it as possible, and you've shoot down countless arguments over everything else over "balance" and then you go ahead and do things like this. You can't take the hardliner role on everything if you are just going to bend it to whatever your whim is necessary. I'd wager a majority of your playerbase wishes that you'd put crafters into the housing area or capital cities and bend on something else that actually takes away tedium and makes the game more enjoyable. I appreciate your work as I said before, but I do not get your reasonings and I personally don't think they hold up to any logic other than "because we want it that way". Also, people do use Cheat Engine for legitimate purposes. I don't have it installed, but in the past I've used it for single player games to modify certain aspects of the game in conjunction with a mod. |
Why crafting was no issue in actual 1.65 was because... of a certain city in the SI zone which had all mats! So actually without SI zones, you are forcing a pre SI situation of the game which was never part of 1.65 play style. My humble suggestion would be to consider a temporary solution until the proper SI cities are accessible.
When SI arrives there will be crafting materials in SI - Until then we will monitor the situation, but for now it stays like this.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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Bad decision with bad reasoning is bad. In fairness, though, you guys still rock and this is pretty much the only thing on Uthgard I think you've actively screwed up. I just won't be doing any crafting orders for people and certainly won't be making an ACer or WCer until SI. I can live with that just fine but I think you're going to see a lot of crafters not populating the capitals, which you say you want, because a lot of the profitable jobs they'd get there are now a total ballache to fill due to this nerf. |
First off let me thank the staff for the great work they put into optimizing the server so allow a breathtaking 4500 players online simultanously. Classic servers had 3500 cap, so yeah, what crazy numbers.
I also applaud your fight against cheaters, hackers etc., they have to go and im happy you take decisive action. However what Im not happy with at all are custom changes to our target 1.65 patchlevel. Every player on Uthgard signed up for the 1.65 patch level and therefore a known and beloved classic DAoC experience. Most freeshards of any game fail because Devs think they can improve on their original target and over time the shards deviates from a classic concept into something players do not like anymore. One change may not have much of an impact, but Im sure in the coming months there will be more instances,where you feel a change is in order. Specifically I want to attack the added server rule forcing players to share their PVE spots with new arriving players and making it essentially a bannable offense if you not accomodate them. That is not livelike and has major impact on the game experience. On live the common decency rule was whoever was first at a spot had claim to it. The new arrival could ask you nicely to join the spot, espacially if you couldn't handle the full spot alone. If someone ignored this unwritten rule you first warned him of consequences and if the intruder didn't comply you wrote an entry in your alliance bord, naming the offender and what he had done. Depending on severity or number of offenses that could result in a blacklist entry banning someone from all further PVE and RVR raids of your alliance and generally declare the player a persona non grata. Thats how it worked back in the day and the result was players generally kept our of their hair and respected the unwritten rules for playing together. Now I not only have to accomodate anyone getting to my spot, I actually have to gimp the playstyle of my class and have to fear that I get reported and banned for playing it the way it was meant to be. Since I am coincidentally an animist, which is probably the class most affected by the new rule, I ask the Devs to address my concerns directly. Animist turrets fire at everything in range, you have no control over that. So if an animist gets reported for an offense, how will the staff decide what to do? Will you do extensive research what actually happened? Maybe the person writing the appeal just didn't like me and wants me banned. I know you won't talk to the presumed offender, since you do not discuss bans. But how will you under that rule reach a fair decision? Its impossible. Not only for animists but for all classes you will see an increase in appeals during the next weeks and you will be faced with life and death decisions (at least for individual players and accounts) over nothing more than petty disagreements between individual players. And since all those decisions are highly subjective and hardly ever black and white you as the staff should not claim this power. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
Nuff said Krycek - Infiltrator
Let me guess. Another person in a large guild that can usually hold onto great camp spots and now can't. |
I don't think there would be much of a discussion if the decision making process was clear, transparent, and applied the same way to everything.
You removed housing features and this is a game play influencing custom feature - far more game play changing than say... removing the utterly ridiculous Autotrain feature that Mythic admits they botched, and subsequently removed. Yet apparently that affects the balance of the game? I wish you guys would just come out directly and say... "This server is based on 1.65 patch level and whatever customization the staff wish to make to it irregardless of populist opinion, affect on the game, or whatever argument you may bring to the table." ... because most of the time the explanations given by the staff are incredibly weak and only hold up because ultimately you guys make, run, and upkeep the server and do so with your own goals in mind.
"Intended by Mythic" is also another poor answer because that could apply to numerous other things that people would like to see on the server. Going back to the bloodied rotting corpse of the Autotrain debate - it was never intended to have people level a character up to 50 ignoring their prime and unique skill lines to get an extra few points, was it? Yet you make an exception to Alchemy so there isn't too much downtime - yet the ability to stack potions in groups of 5-10 gets tossed out the window? Just make a post - tell everyone that this is the vision of Blue and the Uthgard staff, your opinion doesn't matter - because ultimately that is what I see as the truth of the matter and I'd have much more respect for that as a final answer than the changing half/vague answers that have been consistently given since beta and beyond that apply here, don't apply there and simply aren't intellectually consistent. What is intellectually consistent is that you own this, you made it, you run it, deal with it or screw off. At least be honest about it because the other reasoning given always seem to be full of holes which is why these threads continue on. |
Wrong guess. No guild as of now and no bias except asking the staff to deliver a livelike 1.65 experience. But you might have understood that by reading my text rather than trying to make fun of me or acting like it wasnt even worth your time. On a sidenote, the attitude of some people in the Uthgard community is abysmal. So excuse me for being afraid of getting appealed by such a person who maybe rather tries to get me banned than uphold his opinion with words and engage in a discussion. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
I knew when it was ignored on the tracker for months it'd end up being a dumb custom "solution." The reasoning given makes zero sense. You want capitals to be active but you remove the 500+ mats in beta. Now you add the exact same 1-500 tier to housing and say that you want to keep capitals populated? Won't that do the exact opposite???
The other reason given is to encourage RvR participation. Well I'm sure you've heard the good news: there's 5000 ppl trying to play on your server and you don't have to "encourage" anything. Have any of you tried crafting at the LGM tier? Having crafting mats take up 20lbs per stack, and only being available someplace where there is no vault nearby is very very lame. crafting plate legs or BPs takes 75+ cloth and 75+ arcanium per try. so do the math on how miserable it is to try and craft when enough materials for 15 tries will encumber you, and there's no vault nearby, and you have to run through a frontier to get there, and the closer location doesn't have a forge, etc etc etc. Crafting takes time and money, and does NOT need this extra hurdle. I think this is going to make it harder to find armor/weapons if you can't craft your own. I know a lot of people aren't going to be interested in taking orders if it's going to be this frustrating. Meanwhile if mats were available in housing I'd probably do a few 99s a day and throw em on merchant, but if it stays as is I won't be making anything once our guilds suits are done. Please rethink this. Add the 500+ mats back to capitals or to housing or you won't have anyone crafting for randoms. Last edited by seanbud on Jan 31, 2017 07:16, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you for the upgrade and custom changes aren't that bad. It sucks that you would paint yourself into a corner, but hey it's your server! I just play here.
Think the crafting custom change is bad. not because of the actual change but because it weakens the gms/admin stand on the 1.65 trueness. It opens the discussion once again for all the other custom stuff ppl actually want.
Gesendet von meinem LG-D855 mit Tapatalk Hiois - Ranger 9lX Uth 1.0
Hiois - Enchanter 6lx Uth 2.0 Mugad - Warden 4lx Uth 2.0 Esigil - Druid 3lx Uth 2.0 Hioisx - Nightshade 1lx Uth 2.0 |
Thre is no discussion about custom stuff.
People just tend to believe its up for duscussion, but guess what? It isn´t! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Midgard players don´t just simply play Daoc - we play Daoc to riun the game for Alb and Hib RvR is what happens while you are here complaining |
evidence ...? ![]() all I can say is that it was intended by mythic to let crafters do their job in their houses, because (watch out: evidence): they just gave them the opportunity to do so. ![]() Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. |
You could craft in housing and SI with 1.65.
Good change or not, the future will tell. I personally like the change eventhoug it's kind of custom. Last edited by pweet on Jan 31, 2017 10:48, edited 1 time in total.
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