Difference Between Necro Pets?
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Are there any differences between the in-game pets that makes one better than another for tanking?
I think the maximim Level is the only difference
Hibenosa Legendary Alchemist and Infiltrator 50
Hibenes Legendary Tailor and Necromancer 50 Hibenas Legendary Spellcrafter and Cleric 50 Hibenusa Legendary Armorcrafter and Paladin 47 Hibenos Legendary Weaponcrafter and Reaver 20 |
I always heard Abom for tanking, Greater Necro for assist casting (faster casting)
cast speed is always the same. the big difference is the melee speed. all the lower pet are 1 handed and swing at 3.0, abomination is 2h and swings at 5.3 so if the pet swings (which is does even on passive), it can cast after 5.3 at the earliest. you need to wait longer, but the cast speed is the same. other differences: lower pets are crush, abomination is slash. |
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