Kay server
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I had a shaman in the guild Outsiderz named Kasuza. I moved over when Foshizzle formed the guild out of the ashes of Axes of Odin.
Talk about a while back. I mainly did armor crafting back then though. |
<----Angelfury Cleric
I was Loverat the Healer in Fury for a long time. Sapphy was the pac healer and I was the Aug - god we had fun. Tytyty I remember you AND of course Bluree. In fact I just found a screenie of me being excited about hitting my first vader while levelling my warrior alt Slappalore - I was excited because I crit on Bluree
![]() I remember it all - sticking to Justice Vengeances' fat troll arse and running around Emain, crashing organised duels and killing everyone - having a weekly megazerg and steamrolling everyone and ****** off the Mid 8mans late at night Really good times =) I was going to go Alb on launch but I really miss my healer like crazy! |
Holy cow its Tyson, some of the most fun Ive had in this game was bombing with you and Nathas ![]() This is Koae(bm)/Eraemos(vw) from Pirate Ghost Cows, there are a couple of us Kayites on hib. Shoot me a PM if you want. |
Allakazam, Female troll skald in Elysium
Especially remember tytyty. You freaking hurt back in the day. Pugged some with Outsiderz back in the day as well ![]() Mainly played Mordred though Bait/Jurro/Evilfish/ETC, Mordred, Lamorak (Classic)
Currently Mochx, Druid |
Lawdawg Warden. Playing Mid (Badonka savage)
Used to group with him (Dunver). Just found this thread, lots of well known names here ![]() Cheers! |
Edddie Kobold Warrior
Astere Norse SM Ran with Volsungs Annamarie and some others Eddie
Sorcerer |
Arveduin, Ranger, in the guild The Basin at Gwynedd
I was just thinking about DAoC so I thought I'd look for some old Kay people. It has been 8 years since I last played.
I have fond memories fighting with or against all the people below from this thread: Angelfury Loverat Eraemos Lawdawg Dunver Cipherr Sibek Bluree (most Kay people would know) Falconx Tytyty (most Kay people would know) Kazusa Justice Vengeance (if you played DAoC in 2002-2003, you would definitely remember him leading the Fury zerg) Feel free to reach out to me if any of you want! |
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