Viability of this spec?
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After discussing how to optimize my end-game support role with my guild, I have come up with the following spec:
34 Rejuvination (Second-to-last Major Heal and Second HoT) 46 Enhancement (Red Fire Resist) 14 Parry 29 Staff (Taunt) I'm happy with what this spec offers as an off-healer and support character, but the low staff concerns me when it comes to soloing/farming for seals/salvage. It's my understanding that my miss rate will be extremely high if I leave my staff at 29. I could also raise Enhancement to 47 and get the last self-haste at the expense of parry. I could really use some more opinions on this spec. I have considered the following as well: 25 Rejuvination (Third-to-last Major Heal and First HoT) 46 Enhancement (Red Fire Resist) 8 Parry 39 Staff (Allows me to SC to cap Staff) However my healing ability will be noticeably less effective. I much prefer the first spec, I just need to know how much I'm really going to suffer with 29 Staff. What I'm searching for most is a nice balance while maintaining my ability to benefit my group as much as possible. I came into this planning to solo, but I've found it far more rewarding to be sort of a wild card in groups. Thoughts/opinions? Last edited by Westcott on Feb 10, 2017 02:44, edited 1 time in total.
If your plan is to support, with the ability to dps if needed go the first one.
If your plan is to dps, with the ability to support if needed go the second one. I've played with a 29 staff spec and there's a very noticeable difference in bumping staff to 39. Personally I'll never go below 39 again. |
That's what I was afraid of. I know that 39 Staff is a safe bet, and if I hit 50 with 29 Staff and don't like it, I'm going to be screwed. I'd hate to shoot my main in the foot like that. |
I think you would be happier with the 39 staff spec.
Your spec heal will be more efficient than both of your base heals, you have the HOT(cool points) and you'll be able to hold your own solo. Friars aren't built to be the only support class in a group but you will be fine as an off-healer. |
Thank you. I appreciate your help. |
would 34/45/34 be a worthy compromise? I've been going back and forth on my end game spec as well.
Why dont spec 46 enc 29 Staff 25 heal and leave the Rest of the points open.
Then play a bit at 50 and See which is more desirable. Staff or heal |
After playing a 45 enhance/34 staff/ 28 rejuve /rest parry... Friar awhile I can safely say that even going remotely near 24+ rejuve is pointless (especially if you're going to RVR on the class). In Pve the line has it's use as a backup or main healer (in extreme cases), but in RVR the rejuve line is pointless after curing disease/rezzing/healing after fights.
For starters if you DO manage to get a group in RVR, (which is an amazing thing on a Friar congrats!)... odds are it's not to heal, and even if in the psychotic off-chance they DO want you to backup heal one nearsight or root-extension and your basically taken out of that role. Whenever I get ahold of a respec stone I'm going to go: 44 staff/ 45 enhance/ 18 rejuve/ 7 parry Since you're going to be soloing 95% of the time (if you don't have guildmates who are taking pity on you) that extra DPS from speccing higher staff is much more useful then getting better single-target heals. Positivity - 4x Ranger
Paenon - 50 Friar (sleeping because it's non-Meta) Simi - 50 Necro (ditto, farmbot) |
I don't understand people putting more than 7 in Rejuv,
I Think i'm missing something, the rejuv spec is aweful and except if you put 43 in rejuv it's totally useless IMHO Based on that ... lass=friar if you put let's say 18 in rejuv to get Major Resuscitation it's 172HP per 33points of mana which is 5.2 hp healed per point of mana, on the base spe, last heal is 231hp per 42 points of mana which is 5.5 hp healed per point of mana + a smaller cast time (2,8 per base vs 3,2s on spe) Regarding the cast time for exemple you have 500 points of mana 18 Rejuv : 500/33 = 15 heal --> x 172 = 2600 hp healed in 48s (15x3,2) base heal : 500/42 = 12 heal --> x 231 = 2700 hp healed in 34 sc (12x2,8) to conclude from 7 in rejuv to 18 you are wasting 170 points But I based my calcul on the character builder and i might missing something |
That's a very good point, hadn't considered the final heal was actually a bit faster. I was more interested in lessening the variance on the spec heal then the extra few points of parry I'd get. (I'm personally also anal about using as many points as possible and not leaving some unused). With only 7 in rejuve, you could go: 45 enhance/ 44 staff/ 7 rejuve / 18 parry ... which doesn't sound terrible knowing what I know now, TBH. Positivity - 4x Ranger
Paenon - 50 Friar (sleeping because it's non-Meta) Simi - 50 Necro (ditto, farmbot) |
Is the first HoT worth getting if I trio with a pally and sorc ? This is mostly just for pve farming. Thanks
I would say no, it uses way to much power.
You'll probably be tanking one mob with paladin guarding you and sorc will be CCing. If your having to heal during a fight, then your fighting the wrong mobs. Also, with sorc power regen and pala end regen (you wont be using self end regen)...... which means your power wont ever be an issue. Therefore, you could easily get away with 7rejuv and using baseline heals (even with massive variance) as fast after battle heals. i'd probably go 7rejuv 44 staff (47enhance, 12 parry) |
I have the first HoT... it's TERRIBLE. It drains a ton of mana and doesn't offer much in way of healing. You're more mana-effecient spamming the small baseline single target heal to top people off then you are casting the HoT twice, EASILY. The HoT DOES effect pets by the way, both charmed and casted (Cabalist pet). It also doesn't appear to draw much agro... But the mana usage + super low regen of it makes it worthless atm. Rejuve is nice to level with for when you NEED to backup or even main heal for a bit to get a replacement Cleric, but like others have said in practice you're simply better off spending those points elsewhere (especially if you're going to RVR at all). Last edited by Faltain on Mar 27, 2017 22:59, edited 1 time in total.
Positivity - 4x Ranger
Paenon - 50 Friar (sleeping because it's non-Meta) Simi - 50 Necro (ditto, farmbot) |
problem of base single and spec single heal is spec gives a specific value fo healing while base one gives random till you got high enough rej
for example you ahve 25 rej+ 11 at level 50 with rr1 your single spec heals 293 hp your big base heals around 230 to 310(and this cap wont change but with geting higer rej teh difrence closes and after a specif oc 45+ rej it caps to 310 and if you ahd 7 rej your base big heasl from 110 to 270 bcouse rej line uses this value fro calcualting %25+ %(1.5*skill level) and with this you can see that having 7+11(fro items rr) you can max get 310*(%25+%(1.5*18))=310*%52=161 hp and this is average with %50 variance from up to down specicng in rej line mgit seems waste but i prfer a having healing 290+ sure heal over a random 100-250 heal with same power usage when emrgance needed on grou fights and if you spec on lover tehn 15+ rej just sue grou heal sinted spaming base heals uses nearly same power as base big and heal value goes around 70 110 not s big variance and nearly same cast speeed |
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