MP instruments worth it?

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Postby Uncarian » Feb 13, 2017 15:17

As far as I've understood MP is required for twisting. Do both instruments have to be MP?

Are MP instruments worth it overall?
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Postby Nezix » Feb 13, 2017 16:56

No, the QUA of an instrument does NOT affect the pulse. This was incorrectly implemented on Uth 1.0. The only reason to get higher QUA instruments is for charges or SC points.
Q: Instruments: is it worth it to upgrade to higher conned instruments or can I just play this gray one until it breaks apart in my fingers?

A: I'm told that the only thing instrument con affects is the length of each song pulse - a higher level instrument pulses a fraction longer, which is better for offensive uses. If you never use your instruments to charm or mez, it probably doesn't matter at all.
No, they don't. It's material of flute, level of mezz song and any TOA duration bonuses. Enchanting your flute makes no difference, neither does quality (other than more imbue points on higher qual). This goes for durations and resist rates. Additionally level of flute makes no difference to resist rates - that's only affected by the level of the mezz song. Charisma also makes no difference, though it does affect damage on DDs.
Q: What effects do quality and bonus have on Minstrel instruments?

A: According to :

Enchanting an instrument doesn't do anything for it, so save your money.

The effect of quality is less clear. A higher quality instrument will have more imbue points for use with spellcrafting, and higher quality items take longer to wear out. In terms of practical effectiveness, Instrument quality does not seem to matter.

Q: What effect does instrument level have on Minstrel instruments?

A: Higher level drums and lutes create longer pulses. A pulse is the unit of time for which a song will continue to effect you after you have stopped playing it. Higher level flutes will increase the duration on your single-target mez spell.

As with all items, instruments that are too high for your level will degrade rapidly.
Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>

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Postby Uncarian » Feb 13, 2017 18:34

Thanks alot, I based my assumption on old Uthgard forum posts.
Uncarious bard

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Postby Vlalkor » Feb 13, 2017 19:20

Nice work Nez, I've been telling people the same thing, but didnt have the links to prove it :)

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Postby Caemma » Apr 27, 2017 20:26

Nice find, still, we need a confirmation from a DEV about such change of the formula, otherwise is just more words put there to confuse even more people about their belief...
The DOL code does use QUALITY as factor in the instrument songs duration, while uthgard has its own codebase, it would be really apreciated (and needed to finally close this topic for once) if any developer (C# dudes say something!) would confirm its removal from the formula, thanks!

DOL formula:
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Postby Cirdan » Apr 27, 2017 20:35

Caemma wrote:Nice find, still, we need a confirmation from a DEV about such change of the formula, otherwise is just more words put there to confuse even more people about their belief...
The DOL code does use QUALITY as factor in the instrument songs duration, while uthgard has its own codebase, it would be really apreciated (and needed to finally close this topic for once) if any developer (C# dudes say something!) would confirm its removal from the formula, thanks!


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