STAFF Style lines....

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Postby danever2 » Feb 13, 2017 15:25

Staff line is not broken - but a crazy

1. Three "after evade"-lines though I can't spec evade. BUT there is no "after parry"-line which I can spec :-((
2. A level 50 "After Parry" style but no follow-up
3. Taunt very late with 29 - at this point I have 3 after evade lines :-/?
4. taunt is better in all aspects then the other anytimes-styles - why are they for?
Is there a way to turn early after evade into a parry line? I am not saying friars are broken or weak not at all but it would more fun leveling. Other then waiting to get taunt and spam afterevade and taunt as backup until you swing your butt...


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Postby Blitze » Feb 13, 2017 19:15

Yep, the friar staff line is odd, and badly designed. Not quite as badly designed as giving friar Strength as a rising stat.

besides that, for example, Holy staff is possibly the worst style on the game, a style that i don't think anyone has ever or will ever use.

In terms of reactionary styles, As a friar you will be evading more than parrying, so even if friars had enough specc points to get the lvl 50 style, it would be useless anyway.

lvl 29 Friars boon is a brilliant anytime though

and counter evade (gives a snare, run away and heal) and figure eight -> friars ally gives a somtimes useful 3s stun which is ok.
Additionally, defenders fury gives a attack speed decrease which has some use.

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Postby danever2 » Feb 13, 2017 19:47

[quote="Blitze"]....Not quite as badly designed as giving friar Strength as a rising stat.[\quote]
wow I just realized that ....15 points that are not contributing to the dmg... although it helps to avoid misses as the weaponsskill isnt that low... but more dex would be more beneficial.

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Postby zenobya » Feb 21, 2017 07:24

[what ws what benefit.. str is uselss sexcept carryng stuff
staff is %100 dex based for ws purpose
and for str a small info
at teh beta phase staff was using %100 str for ws purpose
when casters complained tehy cahgned it to %100 dex after that designers cant fix issue of old crafted chars so tehy give friar self dex qui buf to compensate for it

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Postby Faltain » Mar 26, 2017 09:48

The Friar epic armor had +strength on it ... so yeah, go figure that one out. ;)
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Postby trebbettes » Mar 26, 2017 12:47

danever2 wrote:Staff line is not broken - but a crazy

1. Three "after evade"-lines though I can't spec evade. BUT there is no "after parry"-line which I can spec :-((

You don't spec evade... nobody does. You just get evade as you level. a friar gets good evade (5 I think).

Check your character sheet it will tell you what level you are at. You will evade a lot more than you will parry.

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Postby Faltain » Mar 27, 2017 23:02

While you can't spec Evade perse' you CAN get the realm ability Dodger which DOES up your evade chance by a flat 3% per rank. With a few ranks in it you can reliably kill reds, but it still won't help you find a spot in any sort of competitive 8 man in RVR. :(
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