Dragons, realm balance, update to streamers, and more
It is certainly THE place to get your jewelry AFAIK. If SI was implemented it wouldn't be as big of a deal for the underdog realms. Would you consider releasing the item databases so we can see the other items that fill that role? I've been doing my own personal research with the resourches available to me (very few) in order to build my template; and on alb atleast finding comparable alternatives is nearly impossible. ![]() |
When are crafters going back in capital cities to help achieve your stated goal of not having abandoned capital cities?
First off - Awesome game/server, SUPER appreciative of the work and time invested into a game that WE get the benefits of, and I can't say enough good things about that.
Now that I've said that...... Regarding pro-active balancing, most people would agree that the worst thing Mythic did was to constantly 'tweek' the game to 'balance' things. While a few adjustments were good, the constant changes and nerfs were HORRIBLE. Don't be like Mythic. Let the players balance it out. Every class/race has a counter. It's our jobs to find that (and exploit it). And people will ALWAYS complain. Too many nukers? Make stealthers. Don't complain that your tank is getting eaten alive because nukers are too powerful. Nukers are SUPPOSED to kill tanks at range. Thats why I rolled a healer recently. Theres a shortage during certain times of the day/night. Ive been getting 'free' PLing for almost a week now. But I also have a caster and a tank that i switch to depending on whats desirable. And I specced for what i think will pay off the best over time. I didnt make 'L33T' characters according to a build guide and then complain that they must be flawed cause I cant make them work right. I made smart ones that work with my style. And I saw a problem (mostly my/everyones tank dieing) and made it an advantage. In the old days I used to hunt stealthers with a caster with a rare offensive build. Lots of AOE and instants. Id gather up stealthed assasins around me, then PBAOE mezz and drop a sequence of dots, debuffs, and snares. I usually got 4-5 assassin deaths for each death I gave them. I made the high number of stealthers on that server work to my advantage. If youre afraid mids are too powerful and plentiful, stop charging through the front door. Sneak in the back and knife them in the gut and run. Or shoot them from far away. I dont see a problem; I see more targets. Id rather fish a packed pond than an empty one. Id also suggest using the right bait and the right gear to catch the type of prey you want. But from a mids perspective, if your going to keep feeding me RPs, why wouldnt I keep camping you??? Either wise up and improve or stop complaining. I'm not forcing you to stick your head out of the hole. Thats all you man. Not the developers. Most ppl dont even play well enough for the tiny code tweaks that developers do do to actually make that big a difference. While it does heavily effect testing outcomes in a simulated game environment, a 10% better heal rate wont keep that idiot in your group from wandering too far out and agroing the 4 purples that BAF every 30 seconds. Youre still gonna be dead afterwards. |
And btw albs and hibs also camp in front of svasud faste all the time. Took me 8 tries at different times during the weekend to get to the relic just once for some ingredients needed for a quest. And I tried very sneaky ways.
I don't complain, I made 2k rp thanks to adding mids, killed 1 stealther and finally was part of whiping one of the fg enemies. I could have walked to the magic reli from yggdra, but it was more fun to try the hard way. It was fun and made the trip more challenging. But I feel for the crafter, that have to take this way a lot of times without interest in pvp. ![]() |
Respawn to long..
Did dragons go on holidays ?
![]() |
I go rvr since lvl 35. My Skald is close to Rr3 and lvl48. Soon I will hit Rr3, then 50 and then I will shed my crappy drop armor, get a temp.
So much for the op realm. Greets Blevinosce RR2L7 and lvl 48 now. ![]() Blevinosce - Skald - 48/2L7
<Forest Adder> |
Those relic bonuses prolly had nothing to do with all that you have achieved. So much for the op realm.
Pretty please? Evinak - Eldritch
Evinac - Hero <Blazed> |
This is the exact level of bumblefork stupid that creates the reason for the 10 minute delay. And if you are one of the ones that doesn't see the problem above... clue in... you're part of the problem. |
When are people going to start having a repercussion for breaking said rules? I know people have been appealing these people breaking said rules since day one and they still seem to be playing day after day continuing to break the rules with what seems like no action taken against them? are you guys encouraging this? Hell for 3 days straight I've had the same 2 people kill stealing me or rooting my mobs trying to get my killed so they can take over the camp. I've asked them nicely to stop put them on ignore appealed them multiple times and yet they are still there just kill stealing/rooting away....some zero tolerance you guys have. I wouldn't be surprised if pretty soon your player base starts dwindling down because of these types of people ruining the game for people that want follow the rules. That's not to even start on the whole having a 2nd account/bot. I probably have a weeks worth of streams/recordings of these kinds of problems. It doesn't take a genius to investigate and realize you have a real problem with people breaking your rules and ruining your game. So is it you guys are losing interest in your product/server? Or you simply don't have the man power to enforce your rules?
Do we have any information on this topic ? ie what is the average respawn time ? |
Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi, all i just read is mi mi mi ...
Hope the staff just lean back and laugh about your comment. I ll always do so with a sweet cappuccino and a dirty smile. These poor little boys... just give them a cookie and some hot milk. ![]() |
blue and his midgard gang can only allow so many respecs to be in the game because they know exactly what's coming their way once albs and hibs can have rvr specs too.
so, fellas, better get used to 1 dragon spawn per week :> |
Yeah, pretty much. Game got boring real quick as Alb then Hib... I waited around for a while to see if they would offer anything at all to improve balance, but the staff do not see any issue it seems. Could have been an amazing server... really... I imagine when the pop falls another 1k they might consider doing something, but that will be far too late. I'm out. GL |
Any lvl 50 with epic armor is completely fine to RvR! And RvR is not 8v8 ... 8v8 is just a subset of RvR where some players want to create some kind of 'fair' arena-like fighting conditions to show off their superior skillz.
Thats fine, but all those 8v8 fetischists which can't leave their save home realm before they are not fully templated and have the perfect group setup will not make a difference in who has DF and/or the relics ... 8v8 does not get you relics or DF, zerging does. So, to get relics and/or DF we underdog realms need some zergleaders instead of farmers. twinkers, templaters and 8v8 heros. cheers |
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