Resist bug on enemy players. (Resisting way too much).
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No clue what they changed, but every 3rd-ish nuke get resisted, sometimes twice in row with a lvl 47 nukes on my RM, kinda strange.. Even my lvl 50 nuke get resisted the same amount...
We didn't change anything.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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just bad RNG, you have a base 15% chance to resist + 0.5% per spell level to 50. so using a lvl 47 nuke, it has a 16.5% chance to resist
Petspam 50 Theurgist Syntax 45 Paladin Ohai 43 Scout Hib: (Inactive) Symtek 50 Enchanter |
resist rate is definitely too high
Sent from my SM-G925R4 using Tapatalk |
Stealth Mid /nerf, /CHEER!
Doubt it's just bad RNG, cause alot of in my guild noticed it too, last night. I even resisted way more nukes/cc's than i did before. No clue if it's just a bug, and a reboot will fix it.
Just felt weird, that even blue/green con, resist my nukes/cc, like red/purp mobs... |
For PVE:
I have problems to CC mobs as soon as they get attacked (since launch). Sometimes mobs seem to have an "immunity" which is realized as 100% CC "resist". Anyone can explain this behvaiour to me? Do mobs get some kind of "immunity"? I know that CC duration is halfed when using same CC-type (mezz, root, stun) multiple times. However a 100% resist rate "immunity" (which definitly exists on uthgard for some reason) is new to me. For Mezzing: This 100% resist rate also appears sometimes when no CC of this type has ever been used on the mobs. They just resist 100% of my mezzes after taking a certain amount of damage (or being infight in general). ![]() Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. |
When a mobs are below 80% life they get enraged and can't be mezzed. Root and stun should still work
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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Mez immunity on mobs occurs when the become enraged or engaged (never really read it properly in all honesty). Seems to happen when a mob dips below a certain hp.
Check your combat log next time it happens. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
This is an RvR related problem. PVE is as it's used to be.
I am even running a small-man atm, and we all experience increased resist rates on enemy players. |
I played casters from the early beginning (1.40?) up to 1.100 on live.
Mages are my heart (right beside archers - who are not viable on 1.65). Of course Im playing a Mage on Uth 2 as well - Cabalist. Also the "doesnt work without mastery of focus !!!!!11111oneoneoneeleven!" "only works with high RR!!!!!!!1111oneoneoneeleven" trispecc with 34 body, 25 matter, 33 spirit. PvE and RvR both works fine, hadnt ANY issues with *too high resistrates*. Everything FEELS correct. Im very satisfied with this really nice utility specc and the damage is nice as well. Only mana makes it a little bit difficult, but thats an 1.65 issue for all mana using classes. |
This patch/RA level really sucks for casters in regards to resists.
1 green and 1 grey, both resisted twice in a row in Emain... With my 47 spec nuke, so keep telling me resist tables are fine Trish, and not bugged
![]() There is obviously something wrong with the resist chance atm, no clue wtf. But GM's say they're too busy to try figure it out. |
Troll or you are serious? If serious live trial accounts are one click away. If you need help getting started on pendragon feel free to send me a pm. I can help you with that. From there it's just recording enough hits on dummies. Send the dev your logs and they can cross check with uthgard code. Looking forward to hearing from you ![]() |
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