Respecing to Light at 40?
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So I tried a light spec chanter during the beta i50 and dug it...(for RvR)
That being said, is respeccing to light at 40 going make things exceedingly painful getting those last 10 levels? I just don't want to have to rely on respec stones at this point...who knows when they will be widely available. |
What's your plan on playing light spec? Is it the pet debuff (not even sure it's the same damage type) for why you would make a light enchanter?
Nvm, just realized it's enchanter lol.
Last edited by imamizer on Feb 20, 2017 13:40, edited 1 time in total.
I did it on beta. I totally recommend it.
As mentioned above overpopulated mana ment makes it hard to find groups to level. If that situation still exists you may consider going light and level faster. After respec I was solo killing heat vulnerable mobs such as trees in Frontier. If you have patient to hit 45 things will be much easier with purple nuke. First couple levels are hardest part as light. I was leveling in fins after 43-44 and welcomed by group as aoe nuker which light has it. Try to take advantage social slot in group because your aoe nuke doesn't hit that much before 46-47. After that, grouping was alot easier for me comparing to mana mentas (which were alot on server and most high levels usually have their own menta friends, guildies) for being decent aoe in absence of bomber. |
Are you guys talking about light ENCHANTER spec like the OP is talking about because I don't see an AOE light dd in the Enchanter line, but I do in the Mentalist line.
Again, I'm asking the OP what is his plan for light spec enchanter at end game...does it have synergy with the pet debuff or something? |
Melee dmg debuff? Instant rupts?
Gesendet von meinem GT-I8160 mit Tapatalk |
Just as a word of caution: Not everyone is understanding of an enchanter not being mana, PUG's might boot you.
I'm still trying to understand what is appealing about a light chanter...a light mentalist is much better and so is a light eldy...I just can't figure out why someone would think this is a good idea (unless they aren't caring to rvr). |
No clue. Maybe blue heat debuff? But I agree it's basically just a worse light ment |
Well my thought it this....I like pets classes, and I like self speed. The enchanter fits the bill there. I also like high ranged DPS. With the zealot pet that casts damage + debuffs + the light spec 209 DD that is a lot of ranged DPS on a single target. You could argue that the light chanter has the highest ranged single target DPS in the game w/ zealot pet. There are some melee speed debuffs in the Light line,,instant AoE and single target that might have some use? My understanding is they interrupt as well. There are a ton of mana chanters who (if played correctly) will be debuffing heat making the /assist with the 209 DD even more powerful. In beta it was worthless to try and debuff your own baseline nuke. The duration of the debuff is affected by target resists so you might get 2 more casts after landing the debuff (1 stun + 1 nuke or 2 nukes). The only legit way (in my opinion) to leverage the heat debuff is by having someone spam it in the group and /assisting. I'd rather not be a debuff bot. I'll let one of the other plethora of mana chanters do that. I know it is a bit of a one (or two trick) pony but it should do that one trick quite well. It did in beta at least... I know it is an odd spec and maybe doesn't have as many tools as a light eld or ment but I think it could still be effective. But yea, will definitely have to tell people my spec before I join a group since everyone just expects bombs. You can secondary spec in mana to have a lower level PBAOE which might be effective in RP farming in keep defense or other situations. |
I like your approach torgo, ppl seemingly dont even know about the melee debuffs... hopefully you find ppl not too narrow minded and go hunt mid tankspam with em
![]() Gesendet von meinem GT-I8160 mit Tapatalk |
Well I pulled the trigger and used my 40 respec to go full light (of course a few hours later the dragon spawns). As far as soloing goes, I really don't think it is any slower than PBAOE+focus shield. If it is, it is not by much. I've found I have to stick with yellows (too many resists on oranges, especially for pet). The zealot seems to do fairly well and it is nice to power management. I just chain yellows...can do about 4 or 5 before needing to sit. That is about what I did with focus shield. The downside is so far I have not had anyone that would take me into a group after I tell them I am light spec after the invite. Gotta get to 50 to reveal the full power of a fully functioning light spec enchanter and quiet the doubters ![]() |
50 Light is the Best solo ench spec. But its really bad at anything else.
Out of curiosity:
What is the Zealot's heat debuff value? |
my ench is 45light, 26mana, 14enchantment and im very happy with it
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