30% debuff actually debuffs for 18%
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Hey everyone, we tested out energy and body debuffs yesterday.
Both 30% value on my SC'd level 50 (caster was lvl 42). My resists dropped from 26% to 8%. I didnt have any racial or casted resists. Is this normal? If so why doesn't it debuff the full 30%? <Vanquish>
Did you factor in the opponents resists? I'm not sure of that impacts the debuff. but just a thought
30% Debuff debuffs for 37% (Delve*1,25). This is split even between item/racial and buff resis (18% each in round figures).
So if you have 30% base resists, only 18% will be debuffed. If you have 30+16 resist (with yellow resists buff), 18+16 will be debuffed. |
This is not how bug reporting works.
^^ Basically this. Resist debuffs (and stat debuffs) do not work like: X Resist - Y Debuff = Z new Resist. Instead they are more effective at removing the "buffs". This is why stat debuffs do very little to someone without buffs on. Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>
Merlin: Arthur, what is best in life? Arthur: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Lurikeens. |
I see, thanks for the detailed explanation guys. <Vanquish>
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