arranged 8v8
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Well, with lvl advantage first, equipment advantage next, followed by relic advantage (were just all 6, no big deal, eh?) and the resulting RR advantage then... yes, you had an easy game until last week. It was always annoying to run against your groups with rr2 Alb set ups who got slaugthered by no-skill-sticking-in just because of the advantages you earned without skill, BUT the gap is closing / is closed, our guild/groups also got the equipment, we got even in relics now (magic relics for us, str relics for you; we are fine with that) and the RR advantage doesnt give you much enough to compensate lacking skill. Enjoying every death of you the last few days. Got some nice RPS from you. You even gathered 2 fgms yesterday in Albion/Sauvage, just to get eliminated within seconds when we intentionally got asked to wipe you guys with a second grp (2nd grp without sorc and set up though). With ease. Yes you got 1-2 kills with your "next-target-sticking-skills", but 2 for 16? Would trade that anytime again. Keep it up, we thankfully take your RPS now. |
[10:50] <Slyvz> @zach you tell about gang bang with her mum or for the real fight?
[10:49] <Slyvz> What a nice post from Dasuko , i arranging fight now ... Next fight its a 8V1 vs your mother dasuko we arrange that together with her she meet us at Breifine |
so it begins, genesis forum 2.0
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Wow the toxicity and jealousy of some people are incredible. First, there is no x realmer guild. The fact that this alb and mid guild have same name if just a trolling from those alb guys to this mid guild.
Second, they are even RR6 now but check first the /play. They have been playing 18h a day since launch. Alb are getting fed on grey conc mid xp'ing in Uppland (so should we ban all grey con mid who xp'ed in Uppland ?) and Mid are getting fed thx to 3 weeks with 6 relics (should we ban all mid for having 6 relics at this time ? what about 3 mana alb relic now ?) Third I am pretty sure they all have the title 'Bane of Hibernia'. Damn how did they do that ? Are they also pulling people on hib ? Is that a massive conspiration ?
Maybe Mr Blbud was just farmed by those mids 5 mins ago because they were added by other mids and he wanted another round to kill them fairly this time ? Are you some kind of binary robot ? As soon as you don't understand, you assume and everything is just conspiracy then. |
mr blbud said it was a x realmer guild first of all.. also he said theey have done it many times because of no action.. he told our trio to dont add on their x realmer guild.. so yea do your own thinking about this and i would looooove gms to check my chat logs.. between me and blbud today 21/02/2017
This post has no sense regarding the matter we are discussing here. We are very glad that Albion is finally able to defend itself with gear and relic. And we can't wait for Hibernia to fully join the battle ![]() I feel bad for you if you enjoy that much killing one guy on a game. Your life must be really empty. It's a 15yo game, do you still need to prove that your are decent enough to win a 8v8 ? |
Wow, so much toxicity
Milia, Drood < Acorns Passion >
Ionadair, Bard < Acorns Passion > Tritri, BM < Acorns Passion > |
btw epsilone why aint you on your main account
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Maybe this Mr Blbud just wanted to be sure to fight those mids to have some action in RvR since he was roaming only finding grey conc for the past 3 hours ? I would have done the same just to get a grp away from an enemy grp I could possibly kill for having some fun. Well he was good enough to convince you lol. You were just fooled ![]() No need for pulling ppl in specific places, just /who xxxxx to know where people are roaming. Like for example the 2 small man hib in FS at 3pm CET today while whole Hib and Mid fz were empty. |
It's my main account you dumbass I just never post things on forum since it's always the same thing (as it is right now) : useless and dumb arguing. |
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
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