Leveling as a paladin.

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Postby GRAHDENS5859 » Feb 22, 2017 02:23

Returning player here been about 10yrs since I've played and I would like advice on leveling my paladin currently lvl 10 keeping chants at lvl and gonna get crush to 15 then dump all excess points in shield would this be smart? Also while soloing does anyone have any tips on where and how to do so? I'm pretty comfortable when in groups and I understand my role.

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Postby onizukasensei » Feb 22, 2017 10:31

GRAHDENS5859 wrote:Returning player here been about 10yrs since I've played and I would like advice on leveling my paladin currently lvl 10 keeping chants at lvl and gonna get crush to 15 then dump all excess points in shield would this be smart? Also while soloing does anyone have any tips on where and how to do so? I'm pretty comfortable when in groups and I understand my role.

Pretty much this is the plan, but solo will be kinda hard.
Not impossible, but hard and slow.

The reason is, your low weapon skill.
I did the same thing for leveling (15 Crush, Chants to level, Shield as much as possible up to level).
I've found soloing to be kinda hectic due to low weapon skill and therefore low average damage.

You won't die from blues or even yellows but it will take a looooong time to get them down.

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Postby Nunki » Feb 22, 2017 12:22

GRAHDENS5859 wrote:I'm pretty comfortable when in groups and I understand my role.

Usually Paladins (non AT) get a blue wall of group invites. :D
For Solo, doing kill tasks until lvl 10 at Pryd -> west downs can make sense.
After that I personally prefer avalon marsh, due to less player density (and I hate the plains :P Add everywhere).


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Postby Sonsi » Feb 27, 2017 23:13

Camelot Hills til 12ish. After about 5 or 6, the tasks are too far away. Just kill blue things.
Kill Spriggarns early as possible, collect cherts. Flat,round,etc will give you a new weapon in Cotswald. Just use whatever weapon type mob is weak too... your minimal skill level in whatever means less than the vulnerability.

You can move to Avalon Hills at level 1 near Adribard's, but 12ish at Caer Witrin the tasks are fairly close by, guard is by the front gate, south side. Horse is to the west side. Trainer is back at Adribard's. Set Bind point at Adribard's. Kill 5 or 6 things per task run.

18ish far north Witrin past the wolves are Ghoul Lords and Ghoul Knights that drop plate items.

Near on to 20, head into Cornwall. You should be seeing a small wall of whispers asking you to group about now. Solo, go for frogs, wolves and cats to start. Cats drop a 100% quality sword. Undead Roman fort is next, and easy.

Group requests abound by now. if you are the kind that needs frequent afks... you can run endo chant, and then sit down. With POM you can stay that way indefinately... without you have ~20 minutes to get your affairs in order. Most groups if you explain it are ok with this. Soloing is brutal.

At 29, enter catacombs of cardova. Blue/yellow skeleton named Decursion in first room with mobs. Kill for 100% plate breastplate. Camp Forest, near Salisbury, kill Black Lion for a 100% slash weapon.

Lyonesse in the 30s . Best XP/hr is trio of players killing oranges. Solo anything blue in Cornwall, but really, you shouldn't have to. Grouping is extremely fast. Early level groups tend to focus on Danotiun; everyone else will be fighting over Pgymy Goblins.

36, kill Tusker, named pig at Yardley's. Cons orange, but if you have a full endo bar to dump you can beat him. 100% slash weapon, will proc DD at 40+. Start building a netherium plate set. Good Pieces run ~30-80g each, but good pieces will hold you til near 50 and end game pieces.

Solo, dunters in Lyonesse or pigs at Yardley's. Groups are common, but mob competition in Lyonesse is rough. Paladin/Paladin/Friar Trio still best XP/hour. Groups going to places other than Lyonesse are rarely successful. Lots of travel with little killing that nearly always leads to a wipe, and the group falls apart... equals less xp than just soloing pigs. The common spots are boring and competitive, but they are the common spots and replacements are already there to keep a group moving.

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