Best Alchemy Procs for Level 50 RvR

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Moondragon1 » Feb 23, 2017 03:55

Okay, this topic wasn't listed, but I'd like to hear experienced opinions on what you believe are the best Alch tinktures to put on armor and weapons and other items (charges). Let's skip opinions that are based only on visual effects (e.g., fire looks cool) and only focus on those that are based upon increasing an infiltrator's chances of winning a fight.

I ask this because some part of me think's ablatives are good, but then I do like DOT procs, but do the DOT procs stack with poison, etc.? See, I know what I would do if I were playing a ranger or a hunter (been there, done that), but not to sure when it comes to assassin.

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Gryphon Knight
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Postby Lev » Feb 23, 2017 10:56

yes. they stack. poison is body, proc is matter.
i have always used dot procs on weapons and ablative on armor on my various SB over the years.

Gnilch MitDerMilch
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Postby Gnilch MitDerMilch » Aug 22, 2017 14:16

Old thread but maybe helpful if someone looking for it.

I would disagree and would go with DD procs.
Reason behind is the following:

If you attack and poison triggered, there is a chance that generally the enemy purging ( Senario PA / Proc etc. ).
Also you can imagine different scenarios where direct DD to kill him FAST getting important.
So in my opinion i would like prefer the DirectDamage just to be sure that THAT dmg is 100% for sure there and there is nothing i have to wait for.

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Postby baracked » Dec 07, 2017 05:34

Gnilch MitDerMilch wrote:Old thread but maybe helpful if someone looking for it.

I would disagree and would go with DD procs.
Reason behind is the following:

If you attack and poison triggered, there is a chance that generally the enemy purging ( Senario PA / Proc etc. ).
Also you can imagine different scenarios where direct DD to kill him FAST getting important.
So in my opinion i would like prefer the DirectDamage just to be sure that THAT dmg is 100% for sure there and there is nothing i have to wait for.

If you are a visible solo you will almost always fight assassins and assassins evade a lot especially if u are a 2h user. Lets say your dd procs on assassin but after that proc they keep evading your swings and you are doing 0 damage if instead u had a dot proc you would still be doing damage even when they evade all your swings. Most people dont purge unless they get stunned. This is why dot procs are better than dd procs. Dot proc can do way more damage than a dd aswell. Even in a assassin vs assassin dot procs stacking with envenom dot will do so much more damage than a dd proc

Gnilch MitDerMilch
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Postby Gnilch MitDerMilch » Dec 13, 2017 17:27

Okay, i get your point. The longer the fight, the better dot becomes independently of class.
I saw it more from a Stealther perspective and not from -visible solo- perspective.

Idk if im lucky, but most fights i got vs assassins, its not like a evade festival, ironically. The fights doesnt last long, especially in a -swap your 8 weapons each swing to use dot as dmg boost- .
My first weapon set was with DoT, second set is without. Maybe worth another shot if i face exactly that problems.

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Postby gumby » Dec 14, 2017 02:58

Gnilch MitDerMilch wrote:Okay, i get your point. The longer the fight, the better dot becomes independently of class.
I saw it more from a Stealther perspective and not from -visible solo- perspective.

Idk if im lucky, but most fights i got vs assassins, its not like a evade festival, ironically. The fights doesnt last long, especially in a -swap your 8 weapons each swing to use dot as dmg boost- .
My first weapon set was with DoT, second set is without. Maybe worth another shot if i face exactly that problems.

You are not lucky. This is because DW halves evade chance (and blocking). 2H halves parry.

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