Confirmed item for SC templates (MIDGARD)
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Hello everyone !
I liked the idea of this HIB fella who's taking the time to update this very useful post ( link ) So here I'm trying to do the same thing for Midgard! NOW IS YOUR TURN Please help me confirming the items you found that are good for SC ![]() -------------------- Confirmed items -------------------- Cloaks - Hardened Wormhide Cloak (8% Crush, 8% Body, 8% Heat, 56 hits, self health regen charges), Darkness Falls, Beliathan, IRC claim that it dropped by mids - Cloak of Physical Buffering (7% Energy 7% Body 7% Spirit +8 HP) drops off Arild in Malmhous - Cloak of Elemental Bufferring (7% Cold 7% Heat 7% Matter +8 HP) drops off Arild in Malmhous - Cloak of the Vicious (Constitution 15 Crush 11 cold 6 - 10x Haste Charge 20 60sec) Dropped by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k - Jade Moonshone (4 Slash Resist 6 Constitution 4 Crush Resist 12 Cold Resist) Cloak Dropped by 'Arild' in 'Malmohus' at locs 58k, 4k - Cloak of Icy Vigor (Dexterity: 18 pts Constitution: 18 pts Slash Resist: 7% Hits: 48 pts) Jarl Ormarr (Midgard) Thane Dyggve (Midgard) Found in:Dodens Gruva Cloak is hooded. - Frozen Tundra Walker's Mantle ( 13 Strength 13 Constitution 8 Cold Resist 8 Heat Resist ) Dropped/sold by 'Wretch of Winter' in 'Raumarik' at locs 28k, 31k - Cloak of the Wicked ( 15 Strength 11 Thrust Resist 6 Matter Resist ) Dropped by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k - Grand Summoner's Silken Mantle (Thrust 10% Crush 10% Slash 10% Hits 48) Total utility is 72.0. Confirmed to be dropped from the Grand Summoner in SH. - Wulfen-Fur Trimmed Cloak ( Piety 15 , Slash 11 %, Spirit 6 % ) POM 4 Buff with 5 charges 10 min ) Dropped by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k - Cerulescent Silken Cloak ( Magical Bonuses: Strength: 21 pts Quickness: 21 pts Slash Resist: 8% Hits: 64 pts ) Blue Lady Marfach - Tanned Wormhide Cloak ( 56 Hits, 8% Matter, 8% Thrust, 8% Crush) --> seen on market, dropped by Beliathan in DF Bracers - Worked Wormhide Wrap (8% Crush, 8% Body, 8% Heat, 56 hits, self health regen charges), Darkness Falls, Beliathan, IRC claim that it dropped by mids - Etched Ice Bracer (6% Thrust, 18 Dex, 40 Hits, 7 Power), Hamar and Snow Vendos in Dodens Gruva - Bracer of the Blaze ( 9 Dexterity 9 Piety 9 Energy Resist 9 Heat Resist) Dropped by 'Yar' in 'Malmohus' at locs 7k, 55k - Icebound Bracer (Strength: 18 pts Quickness: 18 pts Thrust Resist: 7% Hits: 48 pts) This item is dropped off monsters Jarl Ormarr (Midgard) Found in:Dodens Gruva - Viper Spine Wrist Wrap ( 4 Matter Resist, 4 Body Resist, 4 Spirit Resist, 21 Hits ) Dropped by 'forest viper' in 'Vanern Swamp' at locs 26k, 58k - Shrunken ribcage ( 6 Body Resist 6 Matter Resist 13 Constitution 15 Piety) Origin: Wretch Of Winter dans Raumarik (loc 21000/9000) - Superior Accursed Bone Bracer (3 Shield 3 Parry Dexterity 12 Quickness 13) Bracer, great for Warriors/Thanes, Bought in DF with 48 Sapphire seals (I have on my warrior) - Bracer of Shattering (9 Strength 9 Constitution 9% Matter 9% Spirit ) Bracer, good for melee classes,Dropped by Yar in Malmohus - Rigid Wight Claw - 3x 95dmg cold dd charge( 9 Constitution 9 Strength 6 Cold 6 Matter) Origin: dropped in Raumarik from Chillsome Wight - Bedizened Bracer of Discord (Magical Bonuses: Constitution: 18 pts Dexterity: 18 pts Thrust Resist: 7% Power 7 pts) Marfach - Bracer of Embodiment ( 2 Mending, 2 Augmentation, 9 Power) --> seen on market, Dropped by 'drakulv disciple' in 'Malmohus' - Dragonscale Bracelet ( 25 Str, 25 Dex, 72 Hits, 3 All Melee Skill) --> seen on market , Dropped by Dragon in Malmohus - Flawless Soul-forged Bracer ( 40 STR and 88 Hits ) --> confirmed (I have it in my inventory cit. TurkishBlend ) DF-Drop, I guess it was Prince Ba'alorien Rings - Glacial Diamond Ring (21 Dex, 8 Power, 8% Crush), Hamar and some more in Dodens Gruva, also for hibs - Flame Wrought Ring (Dexterity: 10 Quickness: 10 Spirit: 8% Heat: 8%) droped in malmo by Drakulv Executioners - band of ice (cold 6% spirit 6% heat 6% Constitution 13) dropped in rauma by Windswept Wraith - Greater Obstruction Ring (4 Shield 4% Slash 5% Thrust 4% Crush )Ring, good for Warriors/Thanes, Dropped by Arild in Malmohus (I have on my warrior) - Luminescent Drakescale Band (Magical Bonuses: Dexterity: 15 pts Piety: 15 pts Hits: 60 pts Power 6 pts) Evern Ring - Superior Accursed Bone Ring ( 3 Mending, 3 Augmentation, 15 Piety, 5 Power) --> --> seen on market , sold by 'Marbo' in DF with Necklaces - Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace (48 hits, 7% Thrust, 7% Body, 7% Energy), Darkness Falls Merchant, 17 diamond seals - Soulbound Necklace (Augmentation: 3, Spirit: 10%, Cave Magic: 3, Piety: 12) Dropped by Drakulv Disciples in Malmo - Odin's Eye Necklace (Runecarving 3 piety 16 dex 16 hits 44) Origin: runemaster epic quest lvl 43 Rune only - Wulfen Mystic Pendant ( Darkness 3, Supp 3, Dex 15, Piety 15 and acuity bonus charge) --> seen on market, Dropped by Ljornrn in Malmohus with Belt - Flame Wrought ( 15 Dexterity 15 Piety 7 Power 48 Hits) Belt Dropped by 'drakulv executioner' in 'Malmohus' at locs 29k, 49k - Superior Accursed Bone Belt (15 Constitution 15 Dexterity 13 Quickness 13 Strength) Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k - Superior Accursed Belt of Might ( 12 Strength 6 Body Resist 6 Crush Resist 6 Slash Resist ) Dropped/sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' at locs 5k, 5k - Modi's Belt of Bravery (Strength: 16 Quickness: 16 Hits: 44 Left Axe: 3) (epic lvl 43) Berserker only - Fungus Covered Belt (16 Dexterity 16 Piety 44 Hits 3 Subterranean (Cave Magic)) Origin: Shaman Epic lvl 43 Shaman only - Bloodstained Silken Sash ( 22 Piety 5 Crush Resist 5 Thrust Resist 5 Slash Resist Utility: 44.7 ) dropped from svartalf bloodbinder in malmohus - Shimmering Sat in Sash ( crush 8%, slash 8%, hits 60, power 7) --> seen on market, Dropped by Grand Summoner Govannon in SH Jewel - Superior Accursed Scroll (16 Piety 3 Darkness 3 Suppression 4 Power) Sold by 'Marbo' in 'Darkness Falls' - Rune Carved Pin (18 Piety 18 Constitution 3 Suppression 3 Darkness) Epic questline Runemaster-Spiritmaster only - Vial of Fetid Bog Water (6% spirit 6% body 6% matter 21 hits ) Dropped from Jotuns in Vanern Swamp confirmed (I have on my warrior) - Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond (18 Strength 10 Body Resist 10 Cold Resist) This item can be purchased from Merchants: Iono Found in: Darkness Falls - Hand-Shaped Pin ( Parry: 3 Strength: 18 Dexterity: 18 Thrust: 6%) (epic lvl 45) Warrior only - Badge of Courage (Strength: 16 Constitution: 18 Dexterity: 16 Parry: 3) (epic lvl 45) Berserker only - World Engraved Pin (3 Mending 3 Augmentation 18 Constitution 18 Piety Util: 54,1) Origin: Shaman Epic lvl 45 Shaman only - Jewel of the Deciever (CS 4, hits 16, env 3, stealth 3) --> seen on market, Dropped by Kariig svartalf in Malmo -------------------- Items to be confirmed -------------------- - Frenzied Sharkblood Bracer TBC - Soulbinder's Belt (Dropped by Yar in Malmohus with 36 Hits, 10% Cold, 10% Spirit) --> not confirmed yet (I saw someone talking about it) - anyone else can confirm? - Worked Wormhide Wrap [also listed in your summary, but different stats](Dropped by Beliathan in DF with 10x Health Regen Buff, 21 Dexterity, 8 Slash Resist, 8 Cold Resist, 8 Spirit Resist) --> not confirmed yet (I saw someone talking about it) anyone else can confirm? - Wormskin Wrap (Dropped in DF by Beliathan with 24 Con, 8 Crush Resist, 8 Slash Resist, 8 Thrust Resist) --> not confirmed yet (I saw someone talking about it) - anyone else can confirm? -Frigid Glacier Skin (Cloak from Glacier Giant in Odin's Gate with 10 Con, 10% Cold, 10% Slash, 5 Parry) --> not confirmed yet (I saw someone talking about it) - anyone else can confirm? (....continuously updated) Last edited by Miiyomo on Jun 21, 2017 14:00, edited 22 times in total.
Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
Flame Wrought Ring
Dexterity: 10 Quickness: 10 Spirit: 8% Heat: 8% droped in malmo by Drakulv Executioners Last edited by Saifira on Feb 22, 2017 20:48, edited 1 time in total.
Please add where is from and other infos like loc or how to get there Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
Cloak of Physical Buffering (drops off Arild in Malmhous)
7% Energy 7% Body 7% Spirit +8 HP Cloak of Elemental Bufferring ( drops off Arild in Malmhous) 7% Cold 7% Heat 7% Matter +8 HP |
![]() |
updated up to here -
Please refer this post to your Guild and Alliances, won't take more than 3/4 days if many will contribute . ![]() Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
Band of Ice has 13 Constitution. NOT 18
typo ![]() Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
Icebound Bracer (Dodens Gruva) Share CERTIFIED
Slot: Wrist Magic Level: 50 Magical Bonuses: Strength: 18 pts Quickness: 18 pts Thrust Resist: 7% Hits: 48 pts Starting Condition: 100% Starting Duration: 100% Default Bonus: 35% Quality: 91% Weight: 0.20 lbs Utility: 50.00 Levels of Use: 49 - 50 Rarity: Common This item is dropped off monsters Jarl Ormarr (Midgard) Found in:Dodens Gruva Cloak of Icy Vigor CERTIFIED Magic Level: 50 Magical Bonuses: Dexterity: 18 pts Constitution: 18 pts Slash Resist: 7% Hits: 48 pts Starting Condition: 100% Starting Duration: 100% Default Bonus: 35% Quality: 95% Weight: 2.00 lbs Utility: 50.00 Bonus Level: 29 Level to Attain: 49 Levels of Use: 49 - 50 Rarity: Common Jarl Ormarr (Midgard) Thane Dyggve (Midgard) Found in:Dodens Gruva Cloak is hooded. Brassard Viper Spine Wrist Wrap CERTIFIED Level: 44 Quality: 89% Bonus: 20% Origin: Dropped/sold by 'forest viper' in 'Vanern Swamp' at locs 26k, 58k 4 Matter Resist, 4 Body Resist, 4 Spirit Resist, 21 Hits Utility: 29,3 Frenzied Sharkblood Bracer (not sure for this one !!! he should be) Level: 51 Quality: 100% Bonus: 35% Origin: Dropped/sold by 'Evern' in 'Breifine' 8 Cold Resist, 8 Matter Resist, 60 Hits, 9 Heat Resist Utility: 65,0 shrunken ribcage (not sure for this one !!! he should be) Level: 50 Quality: 99% Bonus: 0% Origin: Wretch Of Winter dans Raumarik (loc 21000/9000) Effekt 1: 6 Body Resist Effekt 2: 6 Matter Resist Effekt 3: 13 Constitution Effekt 4: 15 Piety Utility: 42,8 |
There is no Evern anymore ( was Uth 1 ) Please post again when you have chance to confirm the ribcage ![]() - UPDATED Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
Evern is here - shark items from the NF shark is not.
Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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Can you please confirm if the 2 items above are present and the specifications reported by 'NCR' buddy are correct? Enjoy Life Miiyomo.
-DAoC- BIT -WoW- Rock n' LoL -Warhammer Online- Warp Legio -DiabloIII- BIT -GW2- XxX |
No ![]() Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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Yeah, didnt see you contribute @ hib post ![]() Pinritch - Blood Feud <Eldritch 50>
I didn't see anyone claim old uth 1.0 items being implemented, but maybe I just didn't notice Got any questions? Submit them to me and I will try to get them answered in our grab bag !
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