Soloing on a reaver
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Hello all,
I'm deciding which class to start with, as have fairly limited time to play. How do reavers perform solo and in rvr? I've never really done 8v8, so really anything outside that. I'm considering a friar as well. I played a necro in classic daoc , but I found them not very group friendly. Any insight would be appreciated |
I am no reaver expert but i've RvRed with both a friar and a reaver on Uthgard 1.0.
PvE Reavers solo fine and fast especially when they get indigosnake style (they are not as fast lvlers as necro/cab/friar/pal), yet I think alot of people lvl with crush so that flexible weapons autotrains and this does take the fun out of lvling. RvR Reavers are very good solo characters in 50 RvR. However, being visible means that you get killed by anyone group. Reavers are good in 8v8 RvR, yet at low RRs a Merc can easily perform the same job better. |
are you saying, at higher RRs a Reaver outperforms a Merc? how? |
I am sorry i got confused... I thought (for some reason) that reavers get a reduced determination RA. However, reavers do not get determination at all, in which case they will always be much worse than a merc in 8v8 RvR no matter what.
![]() This applies to : Champion/Reaver/Paladin/Valewalker/Friar/Warden/Thane.. I believe that all these hybrid melee classes are subpar to their counterparts that have determination. |
Yeah, that was my understanding regarding DET, I was speaking more of PvE than RvR for that reason. Were 1.65 reavers desired in raids/groups? I remember them being quite good for a period of time, just not sure if 1.65 falls in that group or not.
Yeah, I would probably do crush leveling to AT flex. Is thrust a good option at all if I do saracen, or is crush always better because of endo? At the moment, I'm leaning torwards a friar, but if a reaver would be more desireable in pve groups, I may do that instead. Thanks for the responses |
Good idea w/ the thrust. However, crush has a good and easily accessed stun. And +Dmg to undead, right? Which alb has a lot of. Playing alb is like playing The Walking Dead, seems like washed up dead are everywhere. |
For now (until the Meta shakes up a bit and/or there are more people forming RvR groups without fixed imaginations of who has to do what) there is quite no 8x8 use for both Friar/Reaver. Both have good small man and solo RvR possiblites. Friar may be surperior due to buffs, while Reaver does Tons of Damage and rupts as hell. ![]() Solo Reaver with Flex vs any non fulltank without purge = dead after slam. ![]() In PvE: Friar solo and in group seems superior. Buffs / baseheals, selfendureg. Reaver has a nice dmg on Flex, blocking and the absorb debuff may help too in PvE. ![]() If the population will stay like this, I see huge zergs running trough the frontier in the not so far future. ![]() The time of "Unquenchable Thirst of Souls" and "Volcanic Pilar". Greetings |
Reaver is the best 1v1 rvr toon in this game. I only lost 1 solo fight (when it was a fair 1v1). You have so much ability to take on enemies from range, in multiples, etc. That said, Uthgard currently SUCKS for solo game. Good luck if you decide to play reaver.. its definitely fun
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