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Hello everyone.
Being all excited while waiting for the client to download right now, I have been pondering for quite a while on how I would be picking up this game again, before potentially throwing it away once more due to the disappointment in endgame. Having been playing the game for quite a while on all realms with different classes, I am still quite intrigued by trying to reroll again on Alb the realm that did present me with most fun by overcoming certain walls everyone knows about but does not mention. But, having come of certain age and faced with the choice again, should I be really starting to play the game on hard difficulty again? This is where I would like to ask you, Uthgardians the question about the current RvR situation. Where is it possible to find most fun playing the endgame now? I am looking into two main chars, a melee off/def tank and a utility mage right now. CD+Pierce+Shield BM or Sword(mb Axe) War and Ench or RM respectively. Which way would you advise to go? Best regards, Some random noob who was a raidleader for both pvp and pve at some point in the past. |
define "fun" for you?
Ecati - 50 Cleric, Leg SCer - Deleted |
with both x and y being natural numbers and x should be as close to y as possible, preferably both being the same |
...umm. .. what? *looks around* |
Make whatever you'll enjoy. Uthgard is in a bit of a weird position at the moment because a lot of people rolled farm toons, and many of the active pvp guilds are on Mid. |
Population wise, you'd be better off going to Hibernia. Right now you will find more enemies to fight as a Hib.
RvR wise there appear to be more 8man RvR groups in Alb > Mid > Hib. But there are overall more Mid players (and 50s). This is not surprising as Midgard is very attractive to the casual player. There have been zergs on every realm so far, and it seems like their occurrence is Mid > Alb > Hib but it's hard to tell. There are still a lot of people getting to 50 among all play styles. In the end, I suggest you stick with whatever class(es) / realm you find more interesting overall with the usual caveat that it's your friends that keep you playing a game more than anything else. I'm sure you can find good friends on any realm. Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>
Merlin: Arthur, what is best in life? Arthur: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Lurikeens. |
Did not explain what he felt was disappointing about the end game or his walls on a 16 year old game. Assumes that we all experienced and felt the same thing and should know.
Quality post. Iradra - Sorc <we wuz kangz> Uthgard
Iradar - Bard <The Last Maul> Uthgard ________________________________________________ Circa - RR7 Warden <Aeon/Liberated> Guinevere Drado - RR6 Shaman <Zenith> Percival Rbiz - RR6 Druid <Nitro> Gareth |
alb hardmode? that made my day Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins
I switched over from Mid to Alb only a few days ago and I'm already level 40 with a few plat, couple 600+ crafters and 2 houses.
The idea that alb is hardmode is laughable - it's the easiest realm to get established on if you know what you're doing. edit: If I were starting tomorrow, I'd go Hib. I regret not doing it from the beginning but oh well. c=
easiest realm to rvr on aswell ![]() Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins
You need to leave the house, get a job, join a dating site and start to live a bit. This is just sad... |
Yeah I agree. Even their solo game is top tier. 1.65 Infis > Pet Minstrels > c=
c= c=
Explain please, I want to know. ![]() Why is Albion so easy in RvR? I would never say Alb is hard mode (I would pass this over to Hib on this Patch), but the basic 8x8 gameplay and group setup is quite difficult in comparison to lets say, Midgard. *cough* 3 Healer / Instas + Stick *cough*. Not saying Midgard is easy-mode alltogether, but easier at the beginning, especially for rookies. |
from an 8v8 perspective since thats all that really matters: from easiest to hardest (at rr5+) alb > hib > mid reason for this is that kite groups are always easier to play than tank setups at a competitive level. bad players will disagree here cos they are bad at everything and when bad caster group meets bad tank groups the tank group will usually win cos stick n click is infact the only thing that is required to win over a bad caster group. however when both groups know what they are doing it becomes much harder for the tank group to get on top of casters. this is especially true on this server with broken amnesia and broken snares. the reason why alb is easier than hib when fighting mids is the obviously overpowered RA´s such as bof/sos that are specifically suited to hardcounter tank groups. that beeing said albs have a hard time vs hibs but overall alb is still easier to play cos sos makes it very easy to recover from mistakes/bad incs. from strongest to weakest (at rr5+) hib > alb > mid like i said above a good caster group should never lose to a tank group and especially not here due to mentioned bugs. the reason why hib is rated stronger is cos they beat alb groups by default due to 3x purge (impossible to win NS fight vs hibs) and the lack of heat resist in alb groups. also once the hibs have decent RR they have enough dmg/power to beat mid groups aswell which is really hard at low realm rank due to low light spec and mids having 50% heat resist. you are correct that mid has the clear upperhand over both alb and hib at very low RR due to low dmg on casters and therefor resulting power issues to kill mid tanks. however classic fights are very much about RA dumping and mid simply has nothing to dump that can remotely compare to sos/bof/group purge in terms of power. on top of that once alb/hib casters get some ranks their dmg goes up alot so they need less power to kill a tank while also having more power from RA´s like mcl/rp. once those casters get moc aswell its close to impossible for a mid tank group to beat a non retarded caster group. you will hear alot of awful players cry about savages and their dmg and yes their dmg is insanely absurd but reality is a savage has no snare and no pf and if you´re not total trash at the game you should never be caught by a svg as a caster. bottomline is mid is by far the hardest realm to play in this patch and especially on this server and everyone who tells you otherwise has simply no clue about how this game is played at a high level of skill. alot of mid guilds have realized this by now after the easy start and are rerolling to other realms one after the other now. Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins
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