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Postby Castra » Mar 02, 2017 16:32

You're really clueless, aren't you.

There is a reason why Dem Hibbies and Nolby Pride are held in high regard. If the Germans and French were so good then why were they so far behind? It wasn't because of numbers. In fact, German and French servers were more populated. Not to mention that a lot of French players used to actually play on Excalibur. The Germans might have been the big dicks on Ywain, but back then, it was mostly the Scandis that ruled, as they pretty much did in most online games back in them days.

Celtic Fist, in its day, was actually a very good RvR guild. Not the best, but they had a lot of good players, specifically Garbannoch from Dem Hibbies, who was the first RR10 on Excalibur if I remember correctly.

So I think it's more like:


I had never even heard of any of Fatality until they were talking ****** and latching on to our eightman in Genesis. :lol:

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Postby Ayuro » Mar 02, 2017 16:49

I never said English players was bad, I said they wasn't the best.
DH and NP was known because they was good and made a lot of vids.
Again, basing your idea on the overall RPs server is stupid, that mean nothing, could be the population, the time since the server is running, the amount of time ppl are in pvp, could even be affected by pl rp. This stat tell nothing about the quality of players.

In term of ratio, population/good group, GR and FR servers was ahead, it's not pride, it's just a fact, video games are more in the culture of thoses 2 than any others in EU.
No, GR wasn't big D on Ywain, Exhaled was the only GR group worse fighting, but that another debate.
And again, no, Scandis have some really good players on a lot of games, but so as GR and FR, still the culture thing.

You can't honestly say a server was better than another just based on Total RPs, you could've said it if there was the possibility of servers fighting each others (that would've been so cool btw), but it was not the case.

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Postby Castra » Mar 02, 2017 17:10

Actually, everything you mentioned does say a lot about the quality of players. And basing my conclusions on a global herald might be vague but it still reflects an overall consensus on who was successful and who wasn't. Also, as far as I remember, all the European servers opened at the same time.

And I'm not talking about 'English' players, I'm talking about Excalibur players, and anyone will tell you, that is where the Scandinavians played. Back in the early days, the Scandis were strong in pretty much all the competitive online games, besides Broodwar.

I didn't play Ywain very much because I didn't like it. Post-ToA stripped most battles down to either who has the most items activated or who runs out of power first. Whether you like it or not, post-ToA RvR was bad, which is why we all horde to classic servers, like Uthgard.

I'm not saying any server is better than another, but I am stating facts: Excalibur had the best guilds of the pre-ToA days. That doesn't mean that other people didn't have 'potential'. But I can sit here and say, 'I had the potential to be a professional Quake 3 player', but I didn't. There is a difference between what was and what could have been, hypothetically.

And yes, server wars would have been cool!

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Postby XiaN^^ » Mar 02, 2017 17:15

Castra wrote:You're really clueless, aren't you.

There is a reason why Dem Hibbies and Nolby Pride are held in high regard. If the Germans and French were so good then why were they so far behind? It wasn't because of numbers. In fact, German and French servers were more populated. Not to mention that a lot of French players used to actually play on Excalibur. The Germans might have been the big dicks on Ywain, but back then, it was mostly the Scandis that ruled, as they pretty much did in most online games back in them days.

Celtic Fist, in its day, was actually a very good RvR guild. Not the best, but they had a lot of good players, specifically Garbannoch from Dem Hibbies, who was the first RR10 on Excalibur if I remember correctly.

So I think it's more like:


I had never even heard of any of Fatality until they were talking ****** and latching on to our eightman in Genesis. :lol:

DH is held in high regard cos they bombed the alb zerg alot which reated alot of killspam. they were solid players but they played the setup wrong also and werent that hard to kill in 8v8 albeit harder than any other alb/hib group on excal at the time. bitte/tusk and domain also played in my i50 group couple years later for a while. so did ppl from groove/nolby pride/vgn/maelstrom/public enemies/eclipse and any other noteworthy guild from live. you´re stupid if you think freeshard players and live players are 2 different communities. its the exact same ppl. at this point most of the good players in this game have played with one another at some point and therefor know each other for years. also im not 100% certain but i think eleasias (frs) was the first rr10 on excal but i could be wrong and it might actually have been garba. frs was in #1 spot forever but im not sure if he got rr10 on the ranger before he quitted it.

ofc you havent heard of fatality before genesis cos we never used that name on any server before but if you had any clue at all you would know its the same crew that played i50/eden and tons of other shards under different tags.
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

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Postby Outphaze » Mar 02, 2017 17:19

The Grand Overlord has spoken.

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Postby Castra » Mar 02, 2017 17:20

XiaN^^ wrote:DH is held in high regard cos they bombed the alb zerg alot which reated alot of killspam. they were solid players but they played the setup wrong also and werent that hard to kill in 8v8 albeit harder than any other alb/hib group on excal at the time. bitte/tusk and domain also played in my i50 group couple years later for a while. so did ppl from groove/nolby pride/vgn/maelstrom/public enemies/eclipse and any other noteworthy guild from live. you´re stupid if you think freeshard players and live players are 2 different communities. its the exact same ppl. at this point most of the good players in this game have played with one another at some point and therefor know each other for years. also im not 100% certain but i think eleasias (frs) was the first rr10 on excal but i could be wrong and it might actually have been garba. frs was in #1 spot forever but im not sure if he got rr10 on the ranger before he quitted it.

ofc you havent heard of fatality before genesis cos we never used that name on any server before but if you had any clue at all you would know its the same crew that played i50/eden and tons of other shards under different tags.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Who are you to judge how Dem Hibbies and Nolby Pride played?

Go back to killing greys in DF then bragging about it on IRC.

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Postby XiaN^^ » Mar 02, 2017 17:26

Castra wrote:Actually, everything you mentioned does say a lot about the quality of players. And basing my conclusions on a global herald might be vague but it still reflects an overall consensus on who was successful and who wasn't. Also, as far as I remember, all the European servers opened at the same time.

And I'm not talking about 'English' players, I'm talking about Excalibur players, and anyone will tell you, that is where the Scandinavians played. Back in the early days, the Scandis were strong in pretty much all the competitive online games, besides Broodwar.

I didn't play Ywain very much because I didn't like it. Post-ToA stripped most battles down to either who has the most items activated or who runs out of power first. Whether you like it or not, post-ToA RvR was bad, which is why we all horde to classic servers, like Uthgard.

I'm not saying any server is better than another, but I am stating facts: Excalibur had the best guilds of the pre-ToA days. That doesn't mean that other people didn't have 'potential'. But I can sit here and say, 'I had the potential to be a professional Quake 3 player', but I didn't. There is a difference between what was and what could have been, hypothetically.

And yes, server wars would have been cool!

ROFL complete and utter noob confirmed.

TOA raised the skill ceiling of this game a thousand fold which is why the majority of baddies (ppl like you) disliked it and quitted the game. that expansion was literally a noob filter and the single best thing that ever happened to daoc along with new RA´s.
post TOA was unbalanced RA dump depending bullshit with very little possibilities to actually outplay you´re opponent when compared to TOA and the only reason ppl play uthgard right now is cos no good i50 TOA shard up atm. if there was a new Eden uthgard would instantly be back to a population of the same 800 bads that already played uthgard1 cos they couldnt compete in real daoc.

now im done wasting my time on you as you´re not even worth talking to. have a nice day and keep feeding.
Bigboyo <Los Boyos el Grande> Grand Overlord of Midgard and Slayer of Virgins

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Postby Castra » Mar 02, 2017 17:39

XiaN^^ wrote:ROFL complete and utter noob confirmed.

TOA raised the skill ceiling of this game a thousand fold which is why the majority of baddies (ppl like you) disliked it and quitted the game. that expansion was literally a noob filter and the single best thing that ever happened to daoc along with new RA´s.
post TOA was unbalanced RA dump depending bullshit with very little possibilities to actually outplay you´re opponent when compared to TOA and the only reason ppl play uthgard right now is cos no good i50 TOA shard up atm. if there was a new Eden uthgard would instantly be back to a population of the same 800 bads that already played uthgard1 cos they couldnt compete in real daoc.

now im done wasting my time on you as you´re not even worth talking to. have a nice day and keep feeding.

No, actually, a lot of people quit DAoC for two key reasons:

1. World of Lamecraft was released.

2. Post-ToA, RvR became less about skill, co-ordination, teamplay and finesse and more about who has what items or masterlevels. This is actually a common problem you see in a lot of games that have expansions, not just DAoC. Not only was there a crusade starting at that time were games were being dumb down, with ****** like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft, but developers naturally make their games more accessible to newbies in an attempt to attract a playerbase when their product starts to decline. Like I said previously, every experience I had of Ywain didn't impress me: the battles were drawn out and messy, and it usually boiled down to who had what timers available or who ran out of power first. This is EVERY indictation that the game had been modified so newer players don't get steamrolled like they would have in pre-ToA.

I can't pawn this off as a fact, but the evidence and logic is overwhelmingly in my favour. So you can sit there, ****** talk and attack me all you like, but the chances are you're wrong. Sorry.

Last edited by Castra on Mar 02, 2017 17:40, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby falscheneun » Mar 02, 2017 17:40

nerds in their late 20s early 30s arguing who's better in a computer game. finally some heat in this forum!

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Postby Drastix » Mar 02, 2017 17:45

And still 96% virgins.

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Postby Castra » Mar 02, 2017 17:50

falscheneun wrote:nerds in their late 20s early 30s arguing who's better in a computer game. finally some heat in this forum!

I don't know if you've looked at governments, banks, and intelligence agencies recently, but you'll quickly realize that nerds rule the world. :roll:

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Postby Drastix » Mar 02, 2017 17:53

Castra wrote:
falscheneun wrote:nerds in their late 20s early 30s arguing who's better in a computer game. finally some heat in this forum!

I don't know if you've looked at governments, banks, and intelligence agencies recently, but you'll quickly realize that nerds rule the world. :roll:


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Postby Ayuro » Mar 02, 2017 17:58

Castra wrote:Actually, everything you mentioned does say a lot about the quality of players. And basing my conclusions on a global herald might be vague but it still reflects an overall consensus on who was successful and who wasn't. Also, as far as I remember, all the European servers opened at the same time.

It does not, it's an overall stats, not based on individual nor group but on a full realm population, that does not tell who is first, that just say who spend the most time in the frontier. And spending time in the frontier doesn't make you a good player, learning is.
And you remember wrong, all servers didn't open in the same time, and all language didn't had the same amount of servers.

Castra wrote:And I'm not talking about 'English' players, I'm talking about Excalibur players, and anyone will tell you, that is where the Scandinavians played. Back in the early days, the Scandis were strong in pretty much all the competitive online games, besides Broodwar.

Yes, it's where Scandis played because it was easier for them due to language. But still, that doesn't make Excalibur the best server in the world, that just give it some good groups (2 you can remembers, that not much). The only way you can crown a "best server" (and that would be more like a "best pvp group"), would be by making them fights each others, which is not possible :/

Castra wrote:I didn't play Ywain very much because I didn't like it. Post-ToA stripped most battles down to either who has the most items activated or who runs out of power first. Whether you like it or not, post-ToA RvR was bad, which is why we all horde to classic servers, like Uthgard.

Again, your point of view, because you didn't change your play style and didn't improve your gameplay, there is no question of items, only adaptation. Especially when you know some of the best group wasn't running with more that 1 or 2 /use by char and one of them was usually replenish power....
And don't come to me with the "out of power first", you are playing on Uthgard, this apply way more on "classic" server than on any post-ToA

Castra wrote:I'm not saying any server is better than another, but I am stating facts: Excalibur had the best guilds of the pre-ToA days. That doesn't mean that other people didn't have 'potential'. But I can sit here and say, 'I had the potential to be a professional Quake 3 player', but I didn't. There is a difference between what was and what could have been, hypothetically.

Yes, there is a difference between what was, and what could have been, you are just blinding by the fact you played on Excalibur and want what you say to be true, but your arguments doesn't work for what your try to prove.
If you was stating a fact, you would've said "I think Excalibur had the best guilds in the world pre-ToA, but I can't prove it". That would've been a fact. Because it's what YOU think, and indeed, you can't prove it, as no one can prove another server was the best in the world. As I already said, to know that would be to make them fight each others, and it's not possible.
Plus, you have to define "best guild", is it in terms of fun? Ratio rps/#players? 8v8 groups?

Don't even try, the more you keep going on the more you are proving to yourself the way you are thinking isn't logical but just based on your feelings and your pride. :)

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Postby Outphaze » Mar 02, 2017 17:59

Castra wrote:2. Post-ToA, RvR became less about skill, co-ordination, teamplay and finesse and more about who has what items or masterlevels.

Not sure why you keep saying this. TOA added more survivability, less "I-win" abilities (see SOS/AOTG/BOF/GP in OF RAs) which led to longer fights. Plus the sheer amount of abilities every player had doubled. Post TOA was 100% more complex than classic DAOC, which separated people even further based on skill. It's like moving from checkers to chess.

Yes the gap between noobs and elite 8mans were bigger in TOA but that has nothing to do with requiring less coordination, teamplay, finesse and all the other BS you mentioned. It's easier to dominate a noob in chess than it is checkers, too - does that mean chess requires less finesse?

Out of all the points you've tried to make in this thread this is probably your worst. Classic OF RA DAOC casters have like 3 spells they use for 90% of the fight. Don't even get me started on clerics. Tanks just slam, peel and stick. TOA added a lot more to the fights.

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Postby Ayuro » Mar 02, 2017 18:09

He's confusing ToA with later add-ons.

ToA added skill cap, others add-ons made the game easier for new players, and lowered a skill cap to high for new players. But it's normal, with the release of WoW, Mythic needed to help new players to get installed.


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