@Ratheon - Beep Beep Beep!
Sorry to see what he's done to you Zennai, you and your guild obviously carried this guy, but at least now he's of no consequence to you. Trash will be trash, maybe in time the devs might be able to do something about toxic players like that.
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Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
Lol. People like you always end up unhappy. Enjoy your miserable existence ![]() |
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Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
Guy has been a piece of ****** since Mordred. Stealing accounts etc, nothing surprising here.
My favorite part is this odd inflated video game ego he has, while being a downright garbage player. Funny how the loudest "look at me" idiots are always the worst. ****** people don't change. Sendnudes - Enchanter
Sendnudes- Sorcerer (Deleted) <Bloodsworn> |
Bahahahaha keep it coming please ![]() <E Pluribus Unum>
Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
Ratheon, in my short experience with you (since Beta) -- I have seen you wipe a group by kiting Ukobat to them (just because they wouldn't group a cave shaman), heard about you adding fights, fake LDing in groups you didn't like, stealing accounts and now, stealing items from a person who has been nothing but an amazing team player and good person for the realm, she was even nice enough to help you.
Shame on you. I feel sorry for your mother. Just know, Karma is a dark horse. -- Uthgard 2.0 --
Adwila <Blood> RR7L7 Healer of Doom -------------------------------- Retired: US -- Guinevere -- Apryle <Fellowship of the Moose> RR10L9 Druid Adwila <OutIaw> RR8 Cleric |
This may come as a shock to many.... but..... This is a video game. ![]() <E Pluribus Unum>
Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
Man. You sound like a pretty ****** human being. That sucks. Motark - Runemaster
<Shocker> |
This may come as a shock to you but your actions in a video game, especially an mmo, speak loudly about what kind of person you really are. The way you act without consequences shows your true character. You may not steal or act like an idiot irl. But thats probly cuz you would get smacked in the mouth. ![]() Krycek - Infiltrator
I'm sensing a little hostility
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Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
Well Ive been playing Eve Online for like forever and scamming people there is actually quite a heroic act and you get a lot of respect for pulling off an elaborate scam. In DAoC however, I dont know. Being part of a realm and fighting againt two competing realms by game design just is different. You should help your fellow realm mates as much as you can and are willing to.
On the one hand you might say its all just a game and really funny, but on the other hand DAoC is a game that relies heavily, and much more than modern MMOs, on social interaction and building relations and friendships. Most stuff you can only achieve with a strong community and often times only with personal sacrifice for a fellow players gain (PLing someone, crafting MP gear, helping with epic quests, organizing relic raids etc). In the end maintaining this positive social interaction with capable, reliable players will also further your own goals and pay out. So I dont know, I feel in DAoC espacially what you did, Ratheon, was stupid and wrong. What really makes me wonder though is why you did it and why you actually gain pleasure from the reactions here? That has nothing to do with "its just a game", because it really is not. There was one or rather a whole guild of real life people that offered their friendship and support to you, that spent a lot of real time with you and were now genuinely betrayed and hurt by what you did. Those arent characters in a videogame, those are living and breathing human beings. Maybe you dont get that, maybe you just dont care, or maybe the idea of hurting other people actually makes you feel good, but man... Isnt that sad? @Zennai Giving access to your accounts valuables to annother person other than yourself was reckless and frankly a little stupid. You should never trust ANYONE that much. Sorry though, you certainly didn't deserve what happened. Tree - Animist Lvl 50 (RR 3L0, Legendary Tailor)
Aeomelia - Enchanter Lvl 50 Guild: SCHWERT & ROSE (provisional guild leader) [HIB] Crafting Mat Wholesale Diamond, Wyvernskin, Nightshade, Eldritch etc. huge quantities below vendor price - pm me! |
Just for the record.. i gave access to a vault.. not an account. Yes reckless.. but completely reasonable considering our relationship. Tilt
Zenai 8L5 Healer |
Damn i was calling him out for being a Radar Running POS!
Did NOT expect all of this! lol this POS sounds like a player that played on Tristan named daiblo, he also played on Mordred and radared there, then he got ahold of another skalds account (forgot the name of her) and radared around until mythic FINALLY banned it! Uthgard Staff, what more does it take for you to nuke someones account than all of this? |
As said it also in the boyos los whatever thread.
GM's please don't tolerate assholes. It's our valuable time on this server. People behaving like this should get banned after it's clear that they will do this again and again Hope GMs are fine with what they have stated, that they are fine with just 80 people (300ppl was Trishin Statement long time ago) playing the game under their vision.
Its important to leave this server running doesn't matter how low the numbers will be. The other servers can fail but Uthgard still will be there, thats Uthgards only chance. Edit 19/09/21: Well Uthgards chance has come. |
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