My Personal Opinion:Rewards Needed for Keep Takes
You been on during US prime time? |
Why do we want to encourage player vs keep door? That sounds boring in itself.
A system who benefits raiders and defenders would be nice... like on live in NF. If you conquer a keep with defenders you will get a RP reward and some money. If you defend a keep against invaders you will receive RP reward for defense. Without player involvement you will just get a very small reward.
To keep people in the frontiers which in turn creates action. Boring to me too. But if it even seems worthless to those people who do enjoy it then that's where we have an issue. My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
We had an internal discussion during beta about a 1.70 feature in that regard.
It's done when it's done. Thanks for your patience.
Every bug gets fixed. Sooner or later. "It is an inescapable law of nature that the amount of satisfaction one gains from achieving something is related to how hard it is and easy things can only elicit a fleeting superficial sort of pleasure." Blue says, "you used macro tools or macro keyboard" Pala says, "i am disabled. and i have a mechanic left hand that can be programed. its hard to play woith one hand" [Appeal] Bxxxxxxxx: "why is RA first aid cann man i stealth use and not unstealth cann man ra if man use unstealth ?????????" BannedUser: "i was not using automate game action my hand was fall on keyboard during i was sleep .... i was completly fall on keyboard ..." |
cant take you for serious anymore. you played here when ppl just keep-tasked the whole day, all keeps belonged to one realm because bored people just raided them for some rp - and now you ask "how was it abused?" You talk about "raiding keeps for rp and getting df" while in the past, ALL keeps were perma-raided by an overpopulated realm. so, 2 realms didnt own DF often - so no inc. |
And? ![]() |
That 1.70 feature would be nice. Often people don't take keeps or bother defending them (or repairing the doors... ever).
On a side not, I remember playing a game called Planetside around the time Daoc was out that had a similar mechanic. Capturing bases rewarded battle exp based on how many attackers/defenders there were. It was a good incentive and pretty much what everyone did (there was also other mechanics involved in that game that gave specific bonuses to your faction based on each base- some bases were tech bases and some gave advanced vehicles). |
but do you think they will care about keeps and doors when keeps give rp´s? they´d rather leave them and raid them back, since it´s easy rp´s. |
Well, the point is that you get more RPs depending on how many defenders there are. If you take an empty keep you get hardly anything- taking one with 20 defenders should give you a ton. Also, defenders should get RPs for successfully defending- which means there is an incentive to upgrade doors etc. People aren't just gonna keep rolling over random keeps, they're gonna go where the defenders/attackers already are. Heck, you could just reward gold instead of RPs. That way it won't matter as much if it's "exploited."
That was one nice thing with Planetside. You could see "hot spots" on your map to tell where the action was. I think it would need to be toned down for Daoc but it would be neat to know when guards encounter enemies or something- even if it's not your guild's keep. |
Funny thing:
- People are suggesting custom changes to OF to make it more casual-friendly - Most of these and much more (even better ones) were all implemented in NF ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I play Utghard because its for free and my friends are playing here too as well. Also, the server is running ok and devs give their best (noticeable) to provide a stable server. The nostalgia feeling was/is great too. Still, I played live until about 1.100 and I could understand most of the changes done. I even appreciated most of the changes, Mythic did a great job on developing a game. OF - NF? OF is 8v8 with no interest for casuals. NF had so many mechanics (war map, porting keeps, rewarding porting keeps after raid, tower, undersiege tower/keeps highlighted on the warmap, zone/mob rework (in OF you only play the hibzones + Odins, soometimes Hadrians. 2/3 of all OF zones are shi-t for rvr purposes)) Classbalance? Paladin, Friar, Warden, Mentalist, Spiritmaster, Valewalker, and many many more ... and other useful stuff |
Back in the day on Uth1, We would have a Mid Keep take team and an Alb Keep take team roaming in Briefine, or Jamptland, or Penine taking down the four keeps running clockwise. The mids would take a keep and move on to the next, meanwhile the Albs were retaking that first keep. As long as the two groups never paused to defend, they could flip keeps all day long. PvD (Player vs Door) 'earned' more RPs than PvP. That's just one of the exploits. How does that contribute to RvR? Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman
Yeah, I would rather avoid that situation where people are hitting RR4 without getting more than a handful of RvR kills. If you want RPs, you gotta PvP.
RPs for empty keeps should = zero
RPs for defended keeps for defenders if defended successfully and for attackers if taken successfully would be an extra incentive to get people to defend keeps, but the other bonuses should remain as is. IMO ![]() |
Nobody wants taking keeps to be > killing players for RPs. There just needs to be some extra incentive for people to bother whacking at doors for 10-20 mins.
Keeps shouldn't be worth anything if nobody is there defending it- or at least only give gold as a reward for empty keeps. |
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