My Personal Opinion:Rewards Needed for Keep Takes

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Postby barto22 » Mar 03, 2017 17:06

Gil wrote:
Schrummel wrote:
Madix wrote:That 1.70 feature would be nice. Often people don't take keeps or bother defending them (or repairing the doors... ever).

but do you think they will care about keeps and doors when keeps give rp´s?
they´d rather leave them and raid them back, since it´s easy rp´s.

Back in the day on Uth1, We would have a Mid Keep take team and an Alb Keep take team roaming in Briefine, or Jamptland, or Penine taking down the four keeps running clockwise. The mids would take a keep and move on to the next, meanwhile the Albs were retaking that first keep. As long as the two groups never paused to defend, they could flip keeps all day long.

PvD (Player vs Door) 'earned' more RPs than PvP. That's just one of the exploits. How does that contribute to RvR?

This only works if there are no other people in the frontier.

Like I said, a rewarding keep system keeps people in the frontiers - which is exactly what you just pointed out was happening.

With more people roaming the frontiers this rp farming or PvD as someone suggested will never be possible. If other groups get wind of this happening you have then created a hotspot for pvp rvr. Which is a good thing, of course.

With a minimal reward of maybe 250 rps as well as the change made in 1.70 I can see the frontiers being more than just an arena to run around in. It would create objectives that elites and casuals can both enjoy and that are actually valuable to the realm.

Edit. Just as a side thought, if this would ever be an issue at quiet times then maybe the reward could scale with the amount of people present in the frontier zones - perhaps not including the portal keeps.

Just a thought, an idea t
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Postby Zodiaz » Mar 03, 2017 17:26

I believe that it needs to be more widely known the bonuses of taking some keeps. If your guild or alliance takes a keep (Arv for instance) there are some major bonuses that come to play.

That is a reward on its own. RP rewards are a good idea however it needs to be a modest level for sure

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Postby Schrummel » Mar 03, 2017 19:14

in which way would a small "bonus" like 250 rp/keep attract all the players to care about the keeps? why should there be more action than right now?

or do you really want to tell us, barto22, that all that prevents people from defending/attacking defended keeps are those lousy 250 rp?

are you kidding me? there was a "small" bonus for keeps, and this still resulted in nightly raids of bored players from midgard, which was especially overpopulated during NA primetime. So since they had no enemies to fight against, they just hit empty keeps and killed guards for RP´s.

Group chat:

- "what shall we do now?"
- "maybe we could hit a keep and see if someone tries to defend?"
- "and if nobody comes?"
- "well, 250 rp for killing the lord!"
- "wooow, lets do that!"


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Postby Vlalkor » Mar 03, 2017 19:38

If people took and actually defended their keeps, lots of rps to be had... thing is people get bored and leave right after claiming instead of fortifying their keeps... user error imo.

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Postby Elodus » Mar 03, 2017 19:52

Vlalkor wrote:If people took and actually defended their keeps, lots of rps to be had... thing is people get bored and leave right after claiming instead of fortifying their keeps... user error imo.

I mean, do you expect people to just chill out in a keep all day and hope some enemies swing by?
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Postby nuglord » Mar 03, 2017 20:11

if theres no rp for taking a keep who would attack it with people inside

i came here hoping for thousands and thousands of people RVRIng when you NEEDED to hide in a keep and were zerged till you were forced out

that was not the case , the amount of people RVRIing is very small and majority of people spend months leveling and either quit or burnout.

classic exp does not work

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Postby barto22 » Mar 03, 2017 20:35

Schrummel wrote:in which way would a small "bonus" like 250 rp/keep attract all the players to care about the keeps? why should there be more action than right now?

or do you really want to tell us, barto22, that all that prevents people from defending/attacking defended keeps are those lousy 250 rp?

are you kidding me? there was a "small" bonus for keeps, and this still resulted in nightly raids of bored players from midgard, which was especially overpopulated during NA primetime. So since they had no enemies to fight against, they just hit empty keeps and killed guards for RP´s.

Group chat:

- "what shall we do now?"
- "maybe we could hit a keep and see if someone tries to defend?"
- "and if nobody comes?"
- "well, 250 rp for killing the lord!"
- "wooow, lets do that!"


You do realise that you would need the best part of 250 keeps just to get RR3... I say good on you. You'll have to spend a long time in the frontiers to achieve that, all the while being a potential engagement for everybody else.

If there is no way to progress your character then what are you meant to do? Log out is probably the best bet.

This patch is certainly not a high RR wins all patch so I don't see an issue with allowing people to progress even slowly if it will keep them in the frontiers.

Like you said 250is lousy - but it would still be an incentive to stop people logging out.

I said already, but if it was a such big deal then the amount of rps could scale with the current number of players in the frontiers.

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Postby barto22 » Mar 03, 2017 20:36

Vlalkor wrote:If people took and actually defended their keeps, lots of rps to be had... thing is people get bored and leave right after claiming instead of fortifying their keeps... user error imo.

Hm yea user error for standing doing nothing. More likely to get appealed for being a bot than actually achieving anything.
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Postby Tree » Mar 03, 2017 20:45

Vlalkor wrote:If people took and actually defended their keeps, lots of rps to be had... thing is people get bored and leave right after claiming instead of fortifying their keeps... user error imo.

Alright imagine you have 3-4 hours free time every evening for gaming. You take 1 hour for building up enough groups for keep raids and get all the rams and whatever, then you get to the keep (likely with no resistance at all, because the doors will fall just too fast) and then what? You sit the next 2-3 hours inside the keep hoping someone will come and raid it back? You know 90% of the time that won't happen until sometime the next day. Sounds like a lot of fun.
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Postby Lasastard » Mar 03, 2017 21:20

I suppose the real problem is that the game, as is, actually doesn't have anything built in to make casual rvr/raiding fun. Taking keeps is trivial and no one bothers defending because it simply doesn't matter if you hold a keep or not.
So unless players do it for the fun of it - and that includes all sides, defenders and attackers - this part of the game will probably never take off. It worked back in the day because people just did it, and essentially created their own motivation.

I am not sure that awarding RPs for keep raids would solve this. The only way I could see things improving is if the time sinks around RvR weren't so damn annoying. The time versus reward equation just doesn't return anything worthwhile for a lot of people.

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Postby Gil » Mar 03, 2017 22:28

barto22 wrote:
Schrummel wrote:in which way would a small "bonus" like 250 rp/keep attract all the players to care about the keeps? why should there be more action than right now?

or do you really want to tell us, barto22, that all that prevents people from defending/attacking defended keeps are those lousy 250 rp?

are you kidding me? there was a "small" bonus for keeps, and this still resulted in nightly raids of bored players from midgard, which was especially overpopulated during NA primetime. So since they had no enemies to fight against, they just hit empty keeps and killed guards for RP´s.

Group chat:

- "what shall we do now?"
- "maybe we could hit a keep and see if someone tries to defend?"
- "and if nobody comes?"
- "well, 250 rp for killing the lord!"
- "wooow, lets do that!"


You do realise that you would need the best part of 250 keeps just to get RR3... I say good on you. You'll have to spend a long time in the frontiers to achieve that, all the while being a potential engagement for everybody else.

If there is no way to progress your character then what are you meant to do? Log out is probably the best bet.

This patch is certainly not a high RR wins all patch so I don't see an issue with allowing people to progress even slowly if it will keep them in the frontiers.

Like you said 250is lousy - but it would still be an incentive to stop people logging out.

I said already, but if it was a such big deal then the amount of rps could scale with the current number of players in the frontiers.

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Back in the day on Uth 1.0 we got titles from capturing keeps. I had the Frontier Vindicator title for capturing 50 Keeps. I'm pretty sure I had captured well over 200 keeps.

I also had the Dragon Slayer title for 100 Dragon kills. Yes, MOST people on Uth 1.0 did spend the majority of their play time doing PvE.
Last edited by Gil on Mar 03, 2017 22:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby barto22 » Mar 03, 2017 22:35

Each to there own. I don't see a problem with that at all. In fact it's even more incentive to those achievement hunter type guys. I think it would be a good thing here too.

Can anybody confirm or deny if these titles are present here? I honestly have no clue.

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Postby Blue » Mar 03, 2017 23:03

nuglord wrote:the amount of people RVRIing is very small

Thats incorrect. At the moment 608 players are in OF zones.
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Postby Syntax » Mar 03, 2017 23:30

Blue wrote:
nuglord wrote:the amount of people RVRIing is very small

Thats incorrect. At the moment 608 players are in OF zones.

now minus the crafters in relic keeps, the people exping, i wonder what the number is
does still sound a decent number though
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Postby nuglord » Mar 03, 2017 23:50

3222 online 604 in frontier

thats 20% of the population in a pvp game, how many are exping and dont want to ?

i sure would log right in to RVR if i could.

pls buff exp blue and i will <3 you forever

i dont care about dragon or SI or anything else.


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