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Postby relvinian » Mar 03, 2017 19:55

Parsley wrote:Whats you guys' opinion on starting out as a SB as first (and only) char?
Will I struggle on getting geared etc? Some people warned me that I would never get geared on 50

You can do ok if you get some gear and chain blues in camps that have bonus.

Also keep ur lfg on and try and get a guild.

I soloed for many reason on my hunter and it is brutal. Just only kill mobs with camp bonus. No camp bnus dont do anything.

Players can greatly contribute to a server if you let them.

Uthgard, still the best server. Thanks, Devs.

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Postby Parsley » Mar 04, 2017 15:50

Thx a lot to help me out with some weaps and gold guys, much appreciated.

Any guilds looking for additional people for the lvling process?

Also, i read about SH which is raided a lot and used to zerg XP. What level is required to join these raids? Anyone had some more info on this?

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Postby Kienn » Mar 04, 2017 20:28

I still see SH raids running daily but anyone under 35caster or 40melee is generally not invited to groups that would give them useful xp. Exceptions for organized xp trading. So you just gotta find someone that will PL you in exchange for help on their alt, or 7 such people.

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Postby Parsley » Mar 04, 2017 22:34

Aha, OK, so could be hard to get in there, thx for the info!

Still looking for a leveling guild!
Also looking for a spot in SH if anyone is willing to take me in someday!

Let me know!

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Postby X_Rayted » Mar 07, 2017 02:39

Im sure you have already leveled a bit but I just did the same and made a Healer. If you arent too far ahead of me wouldnt mind having someone to kill stuff for me. I made it all of 4 hours on Alb before I decided to come home lol.

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Postby Dwan » Mar 07, 2017 07:50

rofl.. i feel bad for you man

unfortunatly, even in midgard, many groups are elitists and will only take cookie cutter classes.
It's just how most (not all), but most of this community has become.

pm me ingame if u need some tips.. ign : Bieb

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Postby Ythor » Mar 07, 2017 18:31

Don't blame the community. It's just it takes stupidly retarded amount of time to lvl up to 50 and before that you are subpar in RvR by default. Most people have limited time in the game and they would like to use it as effective as possible to survive the xp grind. If lvl 40-50 xp'ing would be faster, groups wouldnt be so elitist anymore either...

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Postby Fifield2 » Mar 07, 2017 19:06

i disagree, people will be elistists regardless of XP gain.

I am not sure how far you got in leveling but if you need some gold to get started pm me.

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Postby Parsley » Mar 20, 2017 11:54

Hey guys,

I've been abroad for a bit, and was lucky to find some people that helped me lvl.
I am currently 41, so I made some nice progression so far.

Any tips for 40-50 are always welcome.
- Is it worth trying to join SH raids at this moment? Or preferably join 'normal' lvl groups?

Soloing is not an option, since my armor/weaps aren't too decent, and neither is my amount of gold ;-)

Kind regards,

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Postby Gil » Mar 20, 2017 14:10

Parsley wrote:Hey guys,

I've been abroad for a bit, and was lucky to find some people that helped me lvl.
I am currently 41, so I made some nice progression so far.

Any tips for 40-50 are always welcome.
- Is it worth trying to join SH raids at this moment? Or preferably join 'normal' lvl groups?

Soloing is not an option, since my armor/weaps aren't too decent, and neither is my amount of gold ;-)

Kind regards,

IMO, SH raids are fine for low 40s. Even better of course is to get PL'd by your guild group.
Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman

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Postby Parsley » Mar 20, 2017 14:35

Gil wrote:
Parsley wrote:Hey guys,

I've been abroad for a bit, and was lucky to find some people that helped me lvl.
I am currently 41, so I made some nice progression so far.

Any tips for 40-50 are always welcome.
- Is it worth trying to join SH raids at this moment? Or preferably join 'normal' lvl groups?

Soloing is not an option, since my armor/weaps aren't too decent, and neither is my amount of gold ;-)

Kind regards,

IMO, SH raids are fine for low 40s. Even better of course is to get PL'd by your guild group.

Yeah, that's one of the next things on my list as well, look for a nice guild to settle in.
Any guilds you know of that are looking for new players?

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Postby Severian » Mar 22, 2017 23:46

SH raids are actually quite good for classes that do well solo. So you don't even necessarily need a group to be successful there and generate a lot of XP for yourself. Focus your attention on Sidhes and hit as many as you can at least a couple times and you'll be getting close to cap XP if you do enough damage per hit.

As a Skald I could have solo'd my way around in there, but I often got group invites, so I tended to do that due to the endo and buffs. As well as it's safer that way.

And I'd say if you're a good enough solo'er or have a good enough group, it's a place that's viable to level 50. I logged in at level 49 in the morning with 1.4 bubbles, and thanks to some quality SH raids, by 4 PM I was level 50. So it's definitely viable for all levels. Even at 50 if you are able to get the loot to salvage, but DF is better for that with diamond seal farming.
Severian, RR5 Skald
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Postby Parsley » Mar 23, 2017 09:02

I've been able to join 2 SH raids now, and XP was going smooth tbh.. In a group that is.
I'm now 42,5, and since my gametime is limited this week, I hope to get to 45ish by Sunday.

Tips for guilds are still welcome :)

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Alerion Knight
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Postby Gil » Mar 23, 2017 09:05

Parsley wrote:I've been able to join 2 SH raids now, and XP was going smooth tbh.. In a group that is.
I'm now 42,5, and since my gametime is limited this week, I hope to get to 45ish by Sunday.

Tips for guilds are still welcome :)
In this very forum you will see guild recruitment threads. Here's a link to an RvR focused guild: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=42461 that was just posted yesterday.

They are quite good.
Gil DaTroll - Merlin Zerker | MacDeath - Uth1 Armsman | Gil - Uth2 Zerker | Macdeath - Uth2 Armsman


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