Let's talk Ichor.

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Postby rekro » Mar 06, 2017 09:36

Hey guys,

Since i'm 50 now, tempted and starting to pick up velocity in RvR i have to figure out if Ichor at this patch is worth it to be my second big RA (after Purge).

Could you help me with its stats?
As far as i remember it's uninteruptable with a casttime.
What is the range and casttime exactly? How long is the delve, does it get reduced by resists/det?

And the most importent point:
Does it still reset the root immunity timer?
So the scenario -> root tank -> root expires & tank has immu timer -> ichor ->reroot still works out?

Any help apreciated.


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Postby tharid » Mar 06, 2017 12:06

Ichor on this patch level has no cast time, that was the case with the introduction of new RAs. This (and the ridicolous range) is one of the reasons why it is one of the strongest RAs on the current patch level.

Damage numbers are completely neglectable, but compared to its new iteration with NF, "old" Ichor as we have it right now does a decent amount of damage (I'd say 100-150 against grouped and sced targets). Range should be 1875 (aka bolt range). The CC duration is affected by resists and Determination.

Ichor doesn't touch Snare immunity. I honestly don't know if it has an internal immunity timer (what happens when two Shamans do it?), but you can root targets without immunity right after Ichor. However I hope you will never cast-root a Det-Tank in 8v8 since it gives immunity to styled snares such as Conquer as well, and that one is not affected by Determination and therefore much more efficient. CCing those Det-Tanks is nothing that a Shaman should ever do in a proper fight (there are exceptions to the rule in emergency situations).

TL;DR: Ichor is one of Midgard's strongest RAs, and you should get it right after Purge. You can open a fight from bolt range and unlock a sweet box mezz or even cause Hibs to use Group Purge.

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Postby rekro » Mar 06, 2017 12:46

Hey tharid,

Thank you a lot for this complex answer! Really helps me a lot and I will now definitely get the RA after Purge. :)

My last point wasnt directly targeted wether ichor sets an immu timer for snares/root, rather if it resets it. As far as i remember back in the days a shaman was able to cast ichor on an already rooted tank (which had a running root immunity). After Ichor the tank was again susceptible for a new root. In this way you were able to keep a det tank out of the game for a rather long period of time.

Hope i get my point along in a understandable way.

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Postby tharid » Mar 06, 2017 13:28

Ah, that makes much more sense, haha. I'm not sure if this is working since it shouldn't be by the logic that Ichor doesn't touch Snare immunity. You can easily test that in a duel though!

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Postby rekro » Mar 06, 2017 13:45

If i had the RR :) but yea. Maybe i can find s.o.!

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Postby m0e » Mar 16, 2017 12:59

Ichor is not working as it should right now, currently you won't be able to root your target while ichor is lasting, also the ichor root effect is not working while your target got root immunity. This was already reported in beta but is still not fixed yet.
You can check https://www2.uthgard.net/tracker/issue/ ... y_behavior and upvote it, it's still a good opener on inc so you should get it.

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Postby fleshcutter » Apr 14, 2017 13:16

I can confirm that it is awesome to use on inc. Made a little video showing the power of Ichor!

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Postby OGCFTW » Jun 26, 2017 18:43

Does Ichor have a damage component at this patch level, or just the root? Thanks!

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Postby tharid » Jun 29, 2017 19:51

OGCFTW wrote:Does Ichor have a damage component at this patch level, or just the root? Thanks!

It has a damage component. Deals around 50 to 200 damage depending on resists and level.

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