You can only combine alchemy tinctures! (help)
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I've spent a while trying to figure out what this means and how to combine jewels to armor. I've asked people high up in my guild and over alliance channel for public help, taken many hours trying to figure this issue out. I've updated to 1.87 as required (through the portal client). I've updated my crafting file with the only patch available (from the sticky in crafting forums). I've used someone else to give me the player crafted item to me so i could at least test adding a jewel in trade window but it keeps saying "you can only combine alchemy tinctures!". I have tried adding only 1 jewel and its the same error. When trying to to do the self craft thing (right click the armor, click craft then add the jewels to combine), it returns the same message.
Info Cloth Armor to be affected - Gossamer Padded Boots Jewel to be used on the armor - Rough Watery Essence Jewel I've read all the information i can find about this subject and nothing has helped so far. It could be simple, it could be complex, please help |
maybe the reason is cause you are alchimist and not spellcrafter...
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Back active after 2 Years
So alchemist can make the jewels and have to get a spellcrafter to do it? is there an npc that can do this?
no, spelcrafter makes jewels
<img src=";Sumuran;Silen;Silia;Sinius;Silenius">
You can produce jewels when you're alchemist, but you need to search for a spellcrafter to put them onto items. Note too that you can only reach a certain percentage of your alchemy skill in spellcrafting.
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i sugest you to create a new char and make him spellcrafter in place of level spellcraft with your alchimist
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Thanks for the advice guys
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