@Ratheon - Beep Beep Beep!
Quality control dept for Lego is my guess.
Reposting this before he edits it Relvinian4President2k17
I hate playing devils advocate here, and honestly you have my deepest sympathies for the loss of equipment, the truth of the matter is that you gave him permission to remove those items and then didn't fix that issue. Back when I played WoW I had a similar situation come up where someone we gave permission to went into our guild vault and completely cleaned it out. Did we give him the ability to do it? Yes. Was it our responsibility to fix the issue if we didn't want him to remove the items? Yes. Was it a douche-bag thing for him to do? Yes. But did he break any rules? No.
I understand completely where you are coming from, you were used and he is now pretty much rubbing it into your face with his actions. However if the GM's went and took those items off of the merchant and gave them back to you, then they would be wrong because the bottom line is he didn't do anything wrong in the first place. There was no theft, he didn't scam you, and he didn't use a glitch or exploit to remove the items from your vault. (Edit : However, in the event that he DID use an exploit or glitch to do this, then by all means tell the GM's about it and they will have grounds to not only ban the player but to get the entire inventory back.) Again, I am truly sorry you had this happen to you and I wouldn't wish something like this to happen to any player of any realm on this server... but he's not a thief. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
Its totally still stealing. If you were in a legion raid, and the treasurer decided to just keep everything, give you the finger, and walk out with everything...would you said it was perfectly ok and your fault for him taking it? Prob not. Sure you gave him permission to pick up all the items, but the intent was for him to pass them out to the winners - not keep it all for himself. Was it against the rules of the server? No. Was it stealing? Yes. Retired Professional Twitch Broadcaster
R5 RM Erlexy R6 BD Bonerlex R5 Druid Xelre Currently Playing Caberlex |
I wouldn't want to live in a world following those rules. Because if i leave my front door open, everyone can just come in and take whatever they want, because i gave them permission by leaving my front door open. That is not how it is supposed to work. Thank god. Midgard Panini 3L5 RM, Species 5L0 SVG | Jaecar 2L2 Hunter | Sploon 40 Sb
Hibernia <Wilson> Seiceps 2L7 Druid - RIP Hibernia <Na Fianna Dragun> Diesl - 30 Valewalker | Jabstar - 46 Nightshade | Strickland - 43 Enchanter American beer is like making love in a canoe; It's f*cking close to water. - Monty Python |
For him to not be a thief those items would have belonged to him in the first place. Not sure what else qualifies as a thief. Thief - noun, plural thieves. 1.a person who steals, especially secretly or without open force; one guilty of theft or larceny. Krycek - Infiltrator
If I was doing a legion raid I would be sure to define loot rules so if he did do that I would have substantial evidence for going to the GM. Telling someone ok we're doing a legion raid and I get all the loot till the end.... no. Set up rules, give them clearly and ensure everyone understands.
As for leaving your front door open and people stealing... WE DO live in that kind of world. Maybe age has made me a cynic but I know to C.Y.A. and know what you are getting into. Granted as in this case you don't expect everything but those are learning experiences. If I am correct, she gave him access to the vault. That pretty much is the end of it for me. I mean unless there were stipulations that said you can only remove them as long as you're in the guild... I dunno man I see the black and white of this, not the gray areas. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
And the GM would tell you what they told me. "We don't get involved in community disputes." Tilt
Zenai 8L5 Healer |
Please don't misunderstand, in not siding with this guy's actions just that what we want to happen and what will happen are never going to be the same. As I said, I learn from my mistakes. EVE showed me just how low people can be and its one the reasons I can't play. It's very hard to trust in humanity in a game that encourages people to poop on it.
I'm really sorry this happened to you and hope something comes out of it. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
It wasn't a scam, it wasn't a glitch or exploit, but it was damn sure theft. Motark - Runemaster
<Shocker> |
He absolutely scammed me .. 100% no doubt in my mind. He friended me ... we helped each other... we were guildies.. and he stole from me... he scammed me. What else would it be called?
Zenai 8L5 Healer |
![]() Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
Typical behavior from the past 10 + years on Mordred. Funny how he throws the "Mordred" thing around as if it's some sort of excuse to be a ****** person. What, you play on an FFA MMO server & all of the sudden that makes you a big dawg? Nah. There's the rest of us that played Mordred beginning - end, R11+ & remember how terrible you've always been. What a joke. Shame on you Sendnudes - Enchanter
Sendnudes- Sorcerer (Deleted) <Bloodsworn> |
Hope GMs are fine with what they have stated, that they are fine with just 80 people (300ppl was Trishin Statement long time ago) playing the game under their vision.
Its important to leave this server running doesn't matter how low the numbers will be. The other servers can fail but Uthgard still will be there, thats Uthgards only chance. Edit 19/09/21: Well Uthgards chance has come. |
Expfighter loves to cry oh man /bump
![]() <E Pluribus Unum>
Ratheon Skald RR 4L4 |
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