Stop crying when people add

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Postby Caligulasdog » Mar 09, 2017 18:12

I appreciate a good 8v8 and If I am in full group I probably won't add. However, it's getting ridiculous when people start to complain about small men and stealthers adding on fights. Do you really want to argue that I am not allowed to add to the group that rolled me merciless before. Come on! The only group I never add on are those Mids with the green tree as guild emblem as they always respect fights even between small men.

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Postby Warriston » Mar 09, 2017 20:07

Caligulasdog wrote:I appreciate a good 8v8 and If I am in full group I probably won't add. However, it's getting ridiculous when people start to complain about small men and stealthers adding on fights. Do you really want to argue that I am not allowed to add to the group that rolled me merciless before. Come on! The only group I never add on are those Mids with the green tree as guild emblem as they always respect fights even between small men.

As someone who frequently goes solo, I am repeatedly steamrolled by 8 mans. I am not happy about that, but I can fully UNDERSTAND why they do that. They get free RP's from killing me. If _most_ alb grps are anything like _most_ mid and hib grps, they too, will steamroll solo people running around.

trying to kill solo players while being in a 8man yourself yields the following.
0% skill or challenging battle
100% chance to get the rps the victim is worth

now, people in 8 mans complaining about another person adding to the fights they are engaged in are concerned about what?

That this is unfair / destroying a challenging battle?
unlikely as long as they do kill solo players. SInce this is clearly even more unfair/ not challenging at all.

So, I assume the real reason must be the loss of RP's. If this is true, there seems to be only one rule thats important. Maximize RP's. A pretty fair rule, though poor in flavor....

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Postby neighborhoodwatch » Mar 09, 2017 20:19

Stop crying when you add and the groups stop fighting to kill you.

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Postby Wulver » Mar 09, 2017 23:59

neighborhoodwatch wrote:Stop crying when you add and the groups stop fighting to kill you.

This doesn't make sense, I welcome any fellow realm mate to add and finish off the enemy to get the RPs and move on to the next group. There is no score board for 8 man teams.

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Postby Runental » Mar 10, 2017 00:28

Just go ahead mate, turn /say channel off and ignore stupid /pm.. Most nicefighters QQ alot about an add and 20 seconds later they kill the next grey. So just dont care and have fun :)
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Postby Freudinio » Mar 10, 2017 01:39

The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.
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Postby Ardri » Mar 10, 2017 05:09

The day 8mans never kill a solo is the day i stop adding on fights that aren't 1v1's.

So never.
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Postby Nunki » Mar 10, 2017 11:15

Warriston wrote:That this is unfair / destroying a challenging battle?
unlikely as long as they do kill solo players. SInce this is clearly even more unfair/ not challenging at all.

I share this opinion.

While "complaining" ist stupid anyway. There is no rule. All you can do is ask kindly and otherwise let them feel the logical consequences.

We usually avoid killing solo / small man when we are running 8x8. Exception are those adding regulary.

Worst are those permanently farming / adding up to rr5+, while after that they seek for fair 8x8 fights and flame like hell when someone adds.

Play what you want, play how you want (as long as it is within the rules), but don't expect others to respect your way of having fun, if you don't respect theirs. :D


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Postby MotaroReloaded » Mar 10, 2017 22:18

I dont cry if you add .. i tell you to f off!
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Postby MotaroReloaded » Mar 10, 2017 22:21

Freudinio wrote:The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.

Actually its the oposite ..those who add .. like you ..are dumb asses who cant kill anything unles they leech some rps and get some RR ..otherwise 1 year would pass and you d be still RR2 at the most .
ANd its not fuking whining , its RESPECT for other realm player who wants a FAIR fight with the enemy not a 2 VS 1 . How the f would you feel if i call my mate on a fight with you and the 2 of us would beat the living ****** out of you ? Unfair ha? Well the same aplies in daoc , but small brain rps whores who cant play like you cant visualize that .
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Postby play » Mar 10, 2017 22:59

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Freudinio wrote:The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.

Actually its the oposite ..those who add .. like you ..are dumb asses who cant kill anything unles they leech some rps and get some RR ..otherwise 1 year would pass and you d be still RR2 at the most .
ANd its not fuking whining , its RESPECT for other realm player who wants a FAIR fight with the enemy not a 2 VS 1 . How the f would you feel if i call my mate on a fight with you and the 2 of us would beat the living ****** out of you ? Unfair ha? Well the same aplies in daoc , but small brain rps whores who cant play like you cant visualize that .

I will happily trash any 1v1 fight I see you in. I am for the realm and if its red its dead.

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Postby Tandwan » Mar 10, 2017 23:04

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Freudinio wrote:The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.

How the f would you feel if i call my mate on a fight with you and the 2 of us would beat the living ****** out of you ? Unfair ha?

I wouldn't say anything because it's a RvR game in which there are 2000 people on the server and I wouldn't be stupid enough to run into the frontiers solo in the 1 in 100 chance that I run into the only other person who is solo in the frontiers and then complain when people come to help me. If I ever, EVER get told off by people from my realm because I saw you fighting the enemy and decided to come help you, then I will put you on ignore. I help the realm, not your e-peen slapping because you can 1v1 someone. Get over yourself and stop dictating how other people should play your game. It has absolutely nothing to do with your high score (IE : Realm points) It has everything to do with realm pride and supporting your allies.


Can't even help your own realm these days.
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Postby Revian » Mar 10, 2017 23:23

I am yet to ever run in to any smallman, 8v8 group or zerg that did not kill me immediately when running solo. This type of faux chivalry that gets talked about on these forums is close to a complete myth. And you know what? I'm fine with that. I am worth RPs and you should kill me if you see me. This is an open combat experience, not some instanced zone with even teams facing off. There are plenty of other games to play if all you want to do is have perfectly even matches all the time.

When I ran in an 8v8 group in 2003 we loved jumping in to a zerg and seeing how many we could kill. Even fights be damned, it was more fun going 8v32 and winning.
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Postby Freudinio » Mar 11, 2017 02:10

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Freudinio wrote:The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.

Actually its the oposite ..those who add .. like you ..are dumb asses who cant kill anything unles they leech some rps and get some RR ..otherwise 1 year would pass and you d be still RR2 at the most .
ANd its not fuking whining , its RESPECT for other realm player who wants a FAIR fight with the enemy not a 2 VS 1 . How the f would you feel if i call my mate on a fight with you and the 2 of us would beat the living ****** out of you ? Unfair ha? Well the same aplies in daoc , but small brain rps whores who cant play like you cant visualize that .

Triggered much?

Anyway, it's respect you say? Respect that is only given to the people that fit into your mentality. 8man groups will roll over soloers / smallmans / expers and then go on the forum and talk about fair fights, like it means anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's not the winning groups that go whining about "jamming", "vulturing", "swooping" and "adds". It's the ****** players that think they got game.

If 8man groups only fought other 8man groups instead of playing for points, then you'd have a point. But they don't.
Just about done..

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Postby Nemi » Mar 11, 2017 15:20

MotaroReloaded wrote:
Freudinio wrote:The people that whine about adds are the people who can't adapt and as such, are ****** poor at DAoC RvR.

Sucks to be them.

Actually its the oposite ..those who add .. like you ..are dumb asses who cant kill anything unles they leech some rps and get some RR ..otherwise 1 year would pass and you d be still RR2 at the most .
ANd its not fuking whining , its RESPECT for other realm player who wants a FAIR fight with the enemy not a 2 VS 1 . How the f would you feel if i call my mate on a fight with you and the 2 of us would beat the living ****** out of you ? Unfair ha? Well the same aplies in daoc , but small brain rps whores who cant play like you cant visualize that .

You are the cancer of daoc. go play mobas.


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