Population Retention

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Postby Isavyr » Mar 11, 2017 03:33

How many accounts are still regularly logging in?

Is there a graph that shows the population decline? How severe is it?

Are the GMs concerned about the trend so far?

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Postby Schrummel » Mar 11, 2017 03:58

Uthgard is already dead. As usual.

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Postby Trishin » Mar 11, 2017 09:55

No we are not concerned about any population loss (although people make it sound like we are down to 25% of launch population which is not the case). It is quite natural that the overall engagement drops 2-3 months into a new server launch.
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Rajnish wrote:Why didn't someone warn me that being GM means lots of boring research, logging, testing and organizing data....
I thought it was all about looking cool....

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Postby Nunki » Mar 11, 2017 11:06

Schrummel wrote:Uthgard is already dead. As usual.

Gratz troll. Why don't you head on to WoW?

3k+ on the weekend and 2,5k+ during the week sounds quite healthy to me. :D
(EU here, not the staffs / servers fault when US players are not that interested in this game)

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Postby Jalez » Mar 11, 2017 17:41

I suggest that European players start logging in at 7:00pm New York time (Eastern American time zone), that way maybe we can get more than 1 Alb group in the Frontier for American Prime.

So Euros, let's move your Prime time, this would solve the "server is dead" posts on the forum.

On a more serious note, I have noticed alot of Americans hit 50 and then either re-rolled or quit, it's quite the phenomenon imo

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Postby Castra » Mar 11, 2017 23:16

I've noticed this decline in population as well, and I agree that it's a natural anomaly for classic freeshard servers, or any new game for that matter.

However, saying that, I also believe that a lot of people have given up due to difficulty leveling. It seems to be a commonality to hit a brick wall around level 20, and I feel it's for a number of reasons:

1. Kill tasks end at lvl 20, forcing players to either grind or spend time searching for groups, and their class might not be wanted in most groups.

2. Relating to point 1, people who are forced to grind will have a lot of difficulty without tireless, especially one that you have to purchase and doesn't function properly. It's not just tireless, but other aspects test the patience of the older generation which play Uthgard.

3. Relating to point 2, the lack of tireless puts a lot of people off playing tanks on Hib and Alb, and from a somewhat economic standpoint, this effects the creation or usefulness of other classes. For one example, less melee classes in Hib could result in Bards being neglected. So you begin to see a correlation on how the lack of one class effects the other.

4. The ability to find groups on Uthgard is actually quite difficult. The LFG tab is quite useful, but I feel like a proper LFG channel or a broadcast channel that works properly would be a lot more beneficial.

5. Like others have said, some of the RAs and abilities are a little imbalanced. Though, personally, I think these abilities can be overcome with better playing, but there has to be a crossover at some point so people aren't being completely demoralized from getting steamrolled.

I know classic means classic, but to retain interest and a healthy population you need some laxity so everyone has a chance.

Anyway, that's my opinion. :gaga:

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Postby Everz1 » Mar 12, 2017 03:14

Jalez wrote:I suggest that European players start logging in at 7:00pm New York time (Eastern American time zone), that way maybe we can get more than 1 Alb group in the Frontier for American Prime.

So Euros, let's move your Prime time, this would solve the "server is dead" posts on the forum.

On a more serious note, I have noticed alot of Americans hit 50 and then either re-rolled or quit, it's quite the phenomenon imo

I think alot of the changes made to DAoC actually benefitted the US market more than they remember. Myself, 1.65 is great but it's a life consumer. Hence, I've quit and returned to live as despite it being low pop and not great, it's quick and easy to play in the short time I have.

I think many have done the same.
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Postby seanbud » Mar 12, 2017 06:07

made like 20k last night NA time 45k today EU time. population seems fine all hours tbh. NA finally starting to pick up. seems like there were just fewer "hardcore" NA players.

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Postby Sendnudes » Mar 12, 2017 06:19

I've lost count of the amount of people I know that have quit over the leveling time. People that love DAoC & want to play, but can't put in that amount of time. I hope this gets considered for change before it's too late. I don't know if anyone's noticed, but this game isn't a lot of fun to play when there's nobody else around.
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Postby Hittings » Mar 12, 2017 12:50

leveling time frame to 50 needs to be reviewed, this isn't live. 5x exp boost would go along ways with helping player retention IMO

there is still a grind, it just wouldn't be so bad!

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Postby slowpoke68 » Mar 12, 2017 14:45

Over 3k on yesterday...doesn't seem dead to me.

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Postby Isavyr » Mar 12, 2017 16:56

slowpoke68 wrote:Over 3k on yesterday...doesn't seem dead to me.

1) The numbers are on the decline.

2) Numbers never tell the whole story. You can have 2k players online and no RvR whatsoever.

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Postby tokesh » Mar 12, 2017 21:07

Ten years ago we were all 13-18 years old and had an insane amount of time on our hands. Now that we're all adults and have limited time, I'm curious what types of daoc fans are going to keep this game afloat.

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Postby bobb_the_slobb » Mar 13, 2017 00:26

Not increasing the XP rate is just shortsighted and pointless. The only thing old school slow XP does is make people quit. You could speed it up considerably and prevent a lot of that without impacting the core experience of PvE, but the Uthgard devs are stubborn for no good reason at all.

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Postby BumblesZERG » Mar 13, 2017 00:50

West Coast US times and the server barely has 1.5k pop most of the time its sub 1k. SO yeah this server is either play during EU times or don't play at all.
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