Mentalist Healer viability
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I'm wondering about Mentalist viability as a healer
I've had some experience playing as a healer with high Regrowth spec and from my experience the medium heals (Heal) and the big heals (Major Heal) are the two best heals, while the small heals are from my experience a waste of time because they heal so little. I usually only use little heals to top off someone after a fight if they are missing a little bit of health. Mentalist seems to get both the medium and the big heals. Has anyone actually tried doing a Mentalist healer? Tentative idea: 32 Way of the Moon - wish I could get 34 for the next rank of power regen, but can't get that and the highest major heal at the same time. 32 gives the second to highest rank HoT. 42 Mentalism - allows you to get the highest rank Major Heal. |
It's not viable, because mentalist has specific roles in PvE/RvR. With both specs you will have 28 mentalism, which gives you nice base heal and demezz. With high mentalism your utility will decrease.
PvE: Your main and strongest heal is HoT, so you will need 46 in mana anyway. Also in mana spec you get pom + aoe dot. Very useful in PvE. As sidespec you can have 28 mentalism, so you have nice base heal + demezz RvR: 45 light/28 mentalism/4 mana - In RvR you are main damage, so you need enough points in light to do decent DPS. 28 mentalism for nice base heal+demezz |
I honestly can't see why Mentalist healer is not one of the meta picks. On paper they should make a great second healer.
-Luris can be Mentalist so that gives tham +20 dex advantage over other healers. -They have an insanely good single target HoT. -They have a single target Mez. I don't see what makes Mentalist healers a bad choice. |
The other classes in group makes it a bad choice. Every group needs 2 druids and a bard. If you run with warden for pbt and resists, half of the group is already support. Second bard is also a popular choice. A healer menta would never do better than a group spec warden or second bard. The best usage of menta is dmg dealer in a caster group, and you don't have power to heal there. |
Why are 2 druids necessary? As far as i'm aware there is no AoE disease.
There is aoe disease on cabby and shammy.
group heal/ GP on druid > ment healing ability.
I would love to see a ment in a good 8man and see how it can be used as i think there is def a place for them....but you;re right, warden/ druid over healing ment imo. |
Nevermind, shaman has AoE disease, as a baseline no less. I can see more and more why Mid is so popular...
Oh you want a druid spot for your menta ![]() |
Can't disagree with anything you are saying. I'm abandoning my lvl 30 mentalist. I initially created of the character was with the idea of support in mind.
The class is deeply flawed from my perspective. You lvl all the way to 50 as a very effective support character and then you suddenly become a worse Eldritch. I don't see how ments bring more to the table in the dps role than Eldritch. Eldritchs have Nearsight(unique to Eld), AoE Mez, AoE snare and they are the only Hib class with access to disease besides NS poison and NS doesn't group. The ability to remove mez (non-unique) is supposed to replace all of that? I'm not seeing it. |
Light menta has a role as a supporty nuker on debuffed targets. Spec is 46 Light 28 ment. Like this you can heal and demezz until you are ready to Drop stuff. Also your pet charm is pretty neat as soon as it gets fixed.
Hib groups don't need a second / third secondary healer, Wardens bring much more than Mentalists do and even them sometimes have trouble finding a spot.
I'm sure you don't even realize how true that is. Since Mentalists pretty much never fill a support role (they simply can't), there aren't many situations where it's better for them to heal than DD. |
I meant they are support in PvE during the lvling process. Obviously you won't be lvling in the RvR gimp-Eldrith dps spec.
Heat spec nuke, demezz, low cost heal, stun, 50s mezz and charm for lvl 60 mobs is nothing i would discard as fail. It highly situatuonal. But in that Situation really kicks ass.
Menta is the damage dealer in caster group.
Eldritch focuses on NS at start of fights and then debuff (stats)/disease targets, that all casters assist on. So its vital that Menta nukes on debuffed targets - he's nukes will do the most damage and will also be the nukes, that will land the most on people, since ench does debuffing first and eld does NS/Disease/debuff stats first. Ench - MA/Debuff Menta - Demezz/Nuke (highest nuke) Eld - NS/Disease/Debuff (stats) |
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