Blue Sunday (March 12.)

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Postby Rhen » Mar 14, 2017 15:43

Very cool, thanks Fhear. As a Mid who was leveling in the homeland throughout most of the events, only getting tidbits of information, it is great to see what went down out there. Around 10:15, about 30 minutes (I think) after the power relic had been taken, my wife and I decided to see if we could assist with the keep defense in Snowdonia. We ran our lvl 43s from hadrian's all the way to myrddin and miraculously made it unscathed maybe a minute before the alb zerg arrived for the last time. I had expected to run up on 100+ albs sieging the keep, but assumed they must have backed off to regroup. How many separate pushes did they make on myrddin? I can't imagine we got there before the albzerg ever arrived. In any case a group of 50s quickly invited us and we experienced the glory of the final defense and capture of the other power relics. As a casual, one of my greatest experiences in DaoC, in spite of not landing a single cast with my runie due to the lag :D

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Postby tharid » Mar 14, 2017 15:51

Fhear wrote:Another intesting situation evolved, as the Hibzerg turned up and decided to fight down the Albs. Even with constant shouts to 'STAY INSIDE' the midzerg developed his own dynamics and rushed out. But we got between the Albzerg and Hibzerg, so we retreated back inside Myrddin and only lost a few people.

Agreed, that was a classic "hivemind" moment. I only know I said "FCKFCKFCK I'M OUTSIDE" when I realized that Albs would've been able to cut the majority of the Mid zerg right outside the Relic keep we camped for so so so long. Thankfully again, the Hibs intervened without even knowing :)

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Postby Expfighter » Mar 14, 2017 16:38

Zocci wrote:Expfighter - not the hero we need but the one we deserve? :gaga:

The rage is strong in this one, Uthgard forums seems to be his mental prison from which he cannot escape.

you are sad, truly sad, you praise others for baiting and slamming, but you criticize me for it!

i am only posting now because the server is down :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

Edit: And the ONLY mental prison that i have that i cannot escape from is DAoC! You could not have a better realm mate than I!
Last edited by Expfighter on Mar 14, 2017 16:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Fhear » Mar 14, 2017 17:45

Expfighter wrote:let me sum this whole wall of text up in 1 quick sentence!

"Mids are so great, Mids are so great, We are so great, we can do what we want, Mids are so great, hope albs and hibs like getting steamrolled and unable to fight back, Mids are so great!"

Yea that pretty much says it ALL!

I didn't want to glorify ourselves as the greatest heroes and to ridicule the other realms with this post. Every realm had it's share on this evening, which made it so great, and I just wanted to share this with other players. And yes: I know that it sucks, that you had lag, buggy horses, etc. But we were effected by this as well.

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Postby [DG]Glim » Mar 15, 2017 21:44

Unfortunatly i have no pictures from the final rush because of an LD and no grace timer :/
The video don't have the quality as the older ones, to less time :(

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Postby Bubbler » Mar 16, 2017 18:10

Just wanted to add that the hib zerg wasn't even over 100 ppl. We had a good 70-80 but thats about it.
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Postby pinhead65 » Mar 17, 2017 12:00

Was a blue thursday yesterday aswell in Hadrians ^^... Or as we call it, thursday :)
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Postby jenskamen » Apr 03, 2017 18:52

When is the next one? when this startet, i just started out on the server, so didnt join. but would like to get my level 45 Healer some fun in rvr :-)


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