Albion Template Items
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I figure the server has been out long enough, and since no one else has started a thread like this for Albion, I may as well. I will continue to work on formatting, to make this as clear as possible. Additionally, I ask that members of Albion send me confirmations and info on items to add to the list. I'll list template items from Easy (Items from quests, merchants, or soloable mobs), to Medium (Items from mobs that likely require a group to farm), to Hard (Items from raid bosses). Everyone's first template should be made only with Easy items, as Medium or Hard items will be very difficult to obtain without a consistent farming group, or a lot of platinum.
When checking Allakazham links, make sure you are looking at old stats, as most of these items had their stats updated in patch 1.89. Still, those numbers might not be correct, and I'll wait until we have Uthgard 2.0 specific confirmation before I post stats alongside them (Which means any items with their stats posted are confirmed, by me). Some Epic Quests provide good jewelry for your first template (mostly cloaks and rings). Lvl 43 and 45 Epic quest items The numbers to the left of each item in light blue describe the Utility Value of each item. It is a rough summation of the item's power. An exclamation mark "!" indicates an indeterminate utility value. Necklaces 54 Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Necklace 7% Thrust/Body/Energy, 48 hits >Kodo 17x Diamond Seals 53 Exquisite Avernal Necklace 10% Heat/Energy, 19 Con >Kodo 22x Diamond Seals 44 Medallion of Albion 6% Cold/Spirit, 15 Str/Dex >Secret Orders Quest (Restricted) 43 Icy Chain 7% Slash, 18 Str/Con, 7 Power >Jarl Omarr 41 Shimmering Drakescale Chain 6% Crush, 15 Int, 6 Power, 60 Hits >Evern Cloaks 42 Kraggon Cloak 8% Cold, 8% Body, 15 Dex >Ellyl Guard 40 Exquisite Infernal Pyre Walker’s Cloak 12% Heat, 12 Dex/Qui >Kodo 15 Diamond Seals 39 Majestic Mantle of the Eternal 8% Cold, 8% Spirit, 10 Pie >Stonehenge Barrows 39 Captain's Cloak 7% Crush, 18 Con, 19 Dex >Halls of the Corrupt 60 Cerulescent Silken Cloak 8% Slash, 21 Str/Qui, 64 Hits, *Rippled texture* >Blue Lady 50 Icy Cloak of Vigour 7% Slash, 18 Dex/Con, 48 Hits >Jarl Omarr, Thane Dyggve 75 Icy Glacier Skin (Infiltrator) 4 Critical Strike, 3 Stealth, 10% Slash/Cold >Glacier Giant 75 Icy Glacier Skin (Scout) 4 Stealth, 3 Longbows, 10% Slash/Cold >Glacier Giant 72 Icy Glacier Skin (Arms, Merc, Pally, Friar) 5 Parry, 10% Slash/Cold, 10 Con >Glacier Giant 57 Icy Glacier Skin (Cleric) 10% Slash/Cold, 13 Con, 12 Pie >Glacier Giant 62 Worked Wormhide Cloak 8% Slash/Cold/Spirit, 56 Hits, 29pt HoT 20sec 10charges >Beliathan 52 Cloak of the Earth 8% Thrust, Crush, Slash, 16 Hits, *Collared* >Moran 72 Grand Summoner's Silken Mantle >Grand Summoner Govannon Jewels 56 Gem of Spirit Abhorrent 7% Energy/Body/Heat/Matter >Pygmy Goblins, Danaoin Fishermen 52 Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond 10% Cold/Body, 18 Str >Kodo 21x Diamond Seals 52 Icy Sapphire Jewel 4 Envenom, 6% Crush, 15 Dex/Qui >Mistress of Runes Belts 44 Superior Accursed Belt of Might 6% Body/Crush/Slash, 12 Str >Ulo 25x Sapphire Seals 38 Runic Belt of Arcane Might 6% Cold/Heat, 18 Int, 3 Power >Vigilant Soul, Megalithic Wight 43 Carved Ice Belt 7% Thrust, 18 Dex, 7 Power, 48 Hits >Aros the Spiritmaster 43 Belt of Technique (Thrust) 5 Thrust, 5% Crush, 4% Slash, 17% Haste 10min 10charge >Legil 40 Belt Granite Enhancement 5% Crush/Slash/Thrust, 15 Str >Clud 48 Insidious Velvet Cord 18 Con/Dex/Pie, 48 Hits >Grand Summoner Govannon 40 Belt of the Protector 6% Thrust, 18 Pie, 6 Power, 48 Hits >Dragon, Moran (low droprate) Rings 44 Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Ring 10% Cold, 18 Str/Con >Kodo 17x Diamond Seals 43 Superior Accursed Bone Ring 3 Rejuv/Enhance, 15 Piety, 5 Power >Ulo 45x Sapphire Seals 52 Insidious Golden Band 8% Slash/Body, 18 Str, 30 Hits >Summoner's Hall 50 Glacial Emerald Ring 7% Crush, 18 Str/Qui/Cha >Jarl Omarr/Gudlaugr 43 Prismatic Opal Ring 7% Crush, 18 Dex, 7 Power, 48 Hits >Cheiftain Caimheul 41 Prismatic Diamond Ring 7% Crush, 18 Str/Dex, 12 Hits >Avartack the Champion 48 Ring of the Pumice 9% Matter/Body, 18 Pie, 52pt HoT 20sec 10charge >Moran 48 Ring of the Obsidian 9% Energy/Spirit, 18 Int, 52pt HoT 20sec 10charge >Moran 48 Runic Giant Ring 9% Cold/Spirit, 9 Str/Qui >Moran 46 Flawless Ring of Malice 45 Str, 64 Hits, 56pt Str/Con Debuff 60sec 2charges >Adremal 39 Shimmering Drakescale Band 15 Dex/Pie, 6 Power, 60 Hits >Evern ! Ring of Arcane Gestures +5 All Magic, 15 Str, 24 Acuity, 56 Hits, 75pt Dex/Qui 10min 5charge >Dragon ! Ring of Arcane Strength +3 All Melee, 25 Str/Dex, 72 hits, 150pt Ablative 10min 5charge >Dragon Bracers 52 Veiled Bracer of Eyes 8% Cold/Body/Spirit, 15 Hits >Secret Orders Quest (Restricted) 48 Superior Accursed Bone Bracer 3 Shields/Parry, 15 Dex, 32 Hits >Ulo 48x Sapphire Seals 44 Exquisite Infernal Black Diamond Bracer (22 Con/Dex/Cha) >Kodo 18x Diamond Seals 39 Etched Ice Bracer 6% Thrust, 18 Dex, 7 Power, 40 Hits >Hamar 50 Icebound Bracer 7% Thrust, 18 Str/Qui, 48 Hits >? (No longer Jarl Omarr) 47 Bedizened Bracer of Strife 3 Parry, 6% Thrust, 15 Con/Dex >Avartack the Champion 46 Insidious Summoner's Bracelet 5 Stealth/Parry, 16 Dex, 15 Qui >Summoner's Hall 43 Bedizened Bracer of Discord 7% Thrust, 18 Con/Dex, 7 Power >Chieftain Caimheul, Avartack the Champion 38 Bracer of Wonderous Alacrity 6% Body, 30 Qui, 24 Hits, 17% Haste 10min 10charges >Agidad 38 Bracer of Astute Deduction 6% Energy, 30 Int, 24 Hits, PoM 3 10min 10charges >Tolukin 47 Shimmering Drakescale Bracer 6% Spirit, 15 Dex/Qui, 60 Hits, 75pt Dex/Qui 10min 5charge >Evern Weapons (All weapons here are MP and 16.5dps) One-handed 72 Virulent Soul Sapper (Thrust) 3.0spd 4 Duel Wield/Thrust, 21 Str, 27 Dex, 64pt Matter DoT 20sec >Dragon 70 Fine Steel Long Sword (Slash) 3.2spd 5 Slash/Parry, 15 Str/Qui, 20% Haste 60sec >Dragon 70 Dark Knight's Fury (Flexible) 4.0spd 5 Flexible/Parry, 30 Str, 150pt Ablative >Dragon ! Toxic Soul-piercer (Thrust) 3.0spd 4 Dual Wield/Parry, 13 Str, 12 Dex, 64pt Matter DoT 20sec >Dragon ! Flute of Balefire >Legion Two-handed 46 Niveous Effluvium Lochaber Axe (Slash) 4.7spd 2 Polearm/Parry, 6% Cold, 21 Str, 95pt Cold DD >Jarl Omarr 75 Legion's Flawless Soul Splitter (Slash) 5.0spd 5 Polearm/Slash, 3 Parry, 15 Str, 65pt Lifedrain >Legion 72 Fallen Soldier’s Rage (Thrust) 5.9spd 4 Polearms, 9 Body/Matter, 24 Str, 80pt Heal >Dragon Staves 28 Greater Staff of the Creator 3.0spd 42 Int, 50 Focus Body/Matter/Spirit, PoM 3 10min 10charge >Tolukin 28 Greater Staff of Dominance 3.0spd 42 Int, 50 Focus Body/Matter/Mind, PoM 3 10min 10charge >Agidad 28 Greater Staff of the Storm 3.0spd 42 Int, 50 Focus Wind/Cold/Earth, PoM 3 10min 10charge >Kez 28 Greater Staff of Fulmination 3.0spd 42 Int, 50 Focus Fire/Cold/Earth, PoM 3 10min 10charge >Legil 28 Greater Staff of the Shroud 3.0spd 42 Int, 50 Focus Sight/Servant/Pain, PoM 3 10min 10charge >? 46 Niveous Effluvium Quarterstaff 2.9spd 2 Staff/Parry, 6% Cold, 21 Dex, 95pt Cold DD >Jarl Omarr 69 Ensorcelled Staff of Celerity 3.3spd 6 Staff/Parry, 13 Qui, 20% Haste 60sec >Dragon ! Staff of Perfect Incantation 3.2spd 50 All Focus, 3 All Magic, 34 Dex/Int, 75pt Acuity 10min 10charge >Dragon Shields 57 Prismatic Shield (Large) 3 Shield/Parry, 6% Crush, 60 Hits, 95pt Energy DD >Chieftain Caimheul ! Dragonflame Protector (Large) 4 All Melee, 3 Shield, 10% Thrust/Energy, 65pt Lifetap >Dragon ! Defender of Scorched Dreams (Medium) 3 All Magic, 10% Thrust/Crush, 24 Pie, PoM 3 10min 10charge >Dragon ! Dragonscale Buckler (Small) 3 All Melee, 34 Str/Qui, 64pt Matter DoT 20sec >Dragon Armour (All pieces here are MP and 102/51 AF) 66 Flawless Vest of Vile Dominion (Studded) 10% Thrust/Cold, 19 Con/Dex, 5.1pt Dmg Shield 20sec >Legion 66 Flawless Forlorn Soul Breastplate (Plate) 10% Crush/Body, 15 Str, 24 Con, 5.1pt Dmg Shield 20sec >Legion 66 Cloth Cap (Cloth) 9% Thrust, 24 Dex/Int, 64 Hits, 75pt Acuity 10min 10charge >Dragon 61 Ageless Fluted Protector (Plate) 14% Crush, 25 Str/Con, 150pt Ablative >Dragon 47 Archaic Assassin's Vest (Leather) 25 Str/Dex, 52 Hits, 150pt Ablative >Dragon ! Robes of the Magus (Cloth) 5 All Magic, 25 Con/Dex, 27 Int, 80pt Heal >Dragon ! Timeless Indigo Mail (Chain) 3 All Magic, 25 Str/Pie, 27 Con, 80pt Heal >Dragon You can use this resource to check drop rates. Please consider contributing your chatlogs to this database. Random Object Generator (ROG) Items The higher the level of the mob, the better the items they drop, essentially. Farming high level frontier mobs (Including SH and other frontier dungeons), can produce some very good items, but only concern youself with jewelry. ROG armour and weapons will degrade, and you’ll never find a replacement for them in your template. Important Alchemy Charges/Reactives DD Charge - Value: 95 Range:1500 Type: Cold, Energy, Spirit (Heat only has a range of 1350) Put this on a weapon that doesn't strike enemies, like a short bow, crossbow, instruments, or a healer's shield. Otherwise, put it on your gloves or boots. DD Proc - Value: 95 Type: Heat, Cold, Energy, Spirit Put this on each of your melee weapons, including shields for any class using Shield styles. Ablative Reactive - Value: 100 Duration: 10 minutes Put this on your Chest, Legs, Arms, Helm, Gloves/Boots (In that order of importance). Self AF Charge - Value: 75 Duration: 10 minutes Put this on a pair of MP Rawhide/Wool gloves or boots (or any equippable item you prefer), and swap them with your template armour before a fight. Self Acuity Charge - Value: 75 Duration: 10 minutes Same as AF Charge. Note that a Cleric's Acuity buff will never be as good as this charge (Even with Mastery of the Arcane V). Self Haste Charge - Value: 17% Duration: 10 minutes Same as AF Charge. You can also use one of the jewelry items listed above in your template, instead. Remember to only put alchemy charges on MP items, or else you'll have to recharge your items more often. Feel free to put reactives and offensive procs on your 99% gear, as it doesn't matter for those. Player-made Charges must be recharged by an Alchemist of sufficient skill, while items dropped from NPCs must be recharged at a <Recharger>. Drop-Item Charges Consider complimenting your template with some drop-item charges. While player-crafted charges are cheaper to use, drop-item charges generally have shorter cooldowns, and can have unique effects! Here is a list of items I have found during my time here. I will make a better format to display these items in the future, but until then I hope this is adequate. There are many great items I have left out because I am not certain if they are even in the game. If you have any tips, confirmations, screenshots, or formatting advice, please PM me! I want to make this document as thorough and accurate as possible. (If you know of any good items that are definitely in the game, but can't confirm the stats, let me know about that too!) Last edited by Aelred on Apr 14, 2018 01:45, edited 22 times in total.
Why not swap boots/gloves for buffs, so you can have ablatives on all armor parts?
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99% armor cost nix nada and will give 9 charges
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99s are 7 charges only. Nezix - 50 Minstrel <The Band>
Merlin: Arthur, what is best in life? Arthur: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their Lurikeens. |
Well point is the same, swap for buffs. Just buy cheapest MP cloth if you want max charges
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Could you add, that the "Secret Orders" Quest for "Veiled Bracer of Eyes" can only be done by specific classes? (Paladin, Armsman, Mercenary, Scout, Cleric, Friar, Infiltrator, Minstrel, Reaver)
The item itself doens't seem to have a class restriction, only the quest. |
Thanks for the feedback, all. I'll continue to edit as needed. Haven't heard much in the way of items/stats to add to the list, though!
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I know this bracer drops for mid and pretty sure it drops for all 3 realms off of Evern in hib frontier. Has the 75 d/q charge. Krycek - Infiltrator
What about "Pendant of Hope"? Stats are correct (I'm wearing it right now) |
Does anyone know if the below items are avail on Uthgard2?
Bracer of Astute Dedication - Tolukin 30 Int 24 Hits 6% Energy POM Charge Bracer of Wondrous Alacrity - Agidad 30 Qui 6% Body 24 Hits Haste Charge Runic Giant Ring - Moran 9 Str 9 Qui 9% Cold 9% Spirit HR Charge Director Rings and Gatekeeper Bracelets from Director Kobil and Gatekeeper Dommel Specifically Gatekeeper Bracer of Oblivion - Gatekeeper Dommel 2 Parry 22 Str 60 Hits 6% Energy |
Alacrity and Runic Giant Ring exist, I assume the first ring exists, and I'm not sure about the DF items. c=
Check out my Merchant @ House #2 There are quite a few good Template items missing on your list.
Pretty sure this is not dropping with 1.65 Well lets say not anymore, since Trishin removed pretty much all drops which aren´t confirmed dropping in 1.65
Crafted DD charges got a lower range @ 1.65 it should be 300, if you want to get a 1500 range DD charge you can use : Frenzy Axe 1h slash Thrusting Frenzy 1h thrust Hair Wrapped Mace 1h Crush Rotting Staff Sorc / Caba Bitten Staff Theurg / wizzard
I suggest to get atleast 3-5 MP Cloth Parts to put Int / AF charges on as a caster since not everyone gots an alchemist. So you can RvR a few days till you need to refill them. Get lvl 1 MP stuff. its a few Copper and you could even craft it yourself if you can´t find a crafter . Just get Tailor on any Char raise his skill for like 5 minutes to get the item you need grey and do it yourself. Indeed its only 1% MP chance but it might be faster than searching a Tailor who´s willing to take that order. Before you get theese, make sure you take an item w/o CON or HP on it, so you wont loose HP while swapping it in. On Uthgard its dropping as : Worked Wormhide Cloak for some reason
No |
AFAIK, I just put arc spirit charge on my hammer and it delved at 1500 range. I do remember heat and cold charges having lower range however, like 1350, unsure if this is the case, have not tested these charges. Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk |
Hey nice idea making a list. I just finished retemplating with a few items I'd never heard of. Guildies helped me farm stuff and gave me some stuff. Some are very high utility like the Cloak which also has a ripple effect for style points!
Bedizened Bracer of Strife: Champion in Marfach Cerulescent Silken Cloak: Blue Lady in Marfach Icebound Bracer: Jarl in Dodens Runic Giant Ring: Moran the Mighty - Dartmoor For difficulty - First 3 could all be done with a fg, frontier dungeon obviously so you might get ganked. There's other methods like focus pulling that can work as well, if you can get the characters there. Moran is harder to farm, and I've never personally killed him so can't give methods or tips. |
A couple of more drops that are decent for templates with Utility marked on each one and who drops it. I think these all drop on Uth
Glacier Giant Icy Glacier Skin (Fighter) 71.7 Con 10 Cold 10% Slash 10% Parry 5 Icy Glacier Skin (Cleric) 56.7 Con 13 Piety 12 Slash 10% Cold 10% Green Knight Verdant Ornate Necklace 52.0 Hits 40 Dex 15 Enhancement 4 Power 6 75 AF Charge Verdant Ornate Ring 50.0 Parry 4 Str 15 Qui 15 Hits 40 Marfach Caverns Blue Lady Cerulescent Silken Cloak 60.0 Str 21 Qui 21 Slash 8% Hits 64 Avartack Bedizened Bracer of Strife 47.0 Parry 3 Con 15 Dex 15 Thrust 6% Prismatic Diamond Ring 41.0 Hits 12 Crush 7% Qui 18 Str 18 Chieftain Caimheul Bedizened Bracer of Discord 52.0 Con 18 Dex 18 Thrust 7% Power 7 Prismatic Opal Ring 52.0 Dex 18 Crush 7% Power 7 Hits 48 Dodens Gruva Aros The Spiritmaster Carved Ice Belt 52.0 Dex 18 Hits 48 Power 7 Thrust 7% Gudlaugr/Jarl Ormarr Glacial Emerald Ring 50.0 Qui 18 Str 18 Crush 7% Cha 18 Jarl Ormarr Cloak of Icy Vigor 50.0 Dex 18 Con 18 Slash 7% Hits 48 Icebound Bracer 50.0 Str 18 Qui 18 Thrust 7% Hits 48 Icy Chain 38.0 Str 18 Con 18 Slash 7% Power 7 Snow Vendo/Hamar Etched Ice Bracer 48.0 Thurst 6% Hits 40 Dex 18 Power 7 |
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