Battlegrounds - /xp off - /rp off
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All good ideas. Would love to see something different to how it is now for sure.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
There needs to be a limit. Real RvR will suffer if everyone is focused on BG toons.
Honestly if ppl actually played all the BGs it would be much more fun to roll a BG toon. But for some reason, unbeknownst to me, Aber and Murd are ALWAYS empty. If ppl played the bgs 15-35 I would reroll all the time. Getting to 15 can be done in a day. |
Maybe real rvr would slightly suffer. But I think that would be justifiable seeing that the server would still be popping throughout the lower levels too. I think an rp cap would be the best way to keep people moving forward without them having to skip all the fun. I really liked the 4L2 cap in thidranki (44-49) back on Uthgard 1. Was a really good idea imo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Back in the days i deleted quite a few scouts, only to recreate them, sometimes with a diff race etc.
Level 50 RvR already suffers. Which is why I want to have another option. |
My personal experience has been that some guilds I've been in both created twinks for certain brackets, and split their time between lvl 50 RvR and battlegrounds.
There are two current problems that I see: 1) The battlegrounds do not have a high enough RR cap. Therefore, spending time in the battlegrounds is seen as inefficient from a progression perspective, and further, because the caps are so low, they don't actually give you enough realm points to have a successful start in level 50 RvR. 2) Adding /xp off and /rp off would encourage battleground use, but mostly in the use of twinks. It would cause various groups to split their time in lvl 50 and battlegrounds. If the server thinks lvl 50 RvR is the focus of the game, and want to encourage that, they shouldn't have /xp or /rp off. I think they should address the issue #1 if they want battlegrounds to be more popular. |
No! No! Absolutely not! This is what is wrong with live servers and games like WoW. TWINKS. If you want to absolutely destroy RvR in the battlegrounds this is a great place to start. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
I like the Idea of increasing the cap. That way I can go in at an earlier lvl and Exp more in the BGs. |
So the current situation is as good as can be or do you have any other input? My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
The current system imo is fine with the exception of the keep doors being weak and guard respawns being completely off the hook. I get it, people want to RvR at low levels but you have to keep in mind not everyone has the money to sink into templating at every BG bracket. The worst thing will be when the 8 man BG guilds come out.
Currently on a keep siege you have a grace period when you murder an enemy who dies till they port back. This gives people the ability to make keep pushes and what have you. Removing that ruins that and actually hurts the current system. Battlegrounds are meant as a taste of RvR and to get you started on getting those crucial realm abilities not as the end all and stopping point. I get that people want quality of life changes but leave this be. It's not meant to be new BGs it's meant to be the old and other then the first two issues I pointed out they're fine. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
Mhm. Sounds just like wow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
The battlegrounds system in WoW is a prime example of people getting too geared up and the haves vs the have nots. People with heirloom gear and max enchantments destroy the competition and any new players don't stand a chance. This actually hurts the game and turns any new player away from the experience. If you try to do battlegrounds on WoW now as a brand new player or even an old without heirloom gear you are a liability to the team you're on.
I promise you if any of these "QoL" issues are added then not only are you moving farther away from 1.65 but you will alienate any new players who want to try this aspect of the game. If you want big boy RvR, then get 45+.Don't change one type of gameplay just do you can use superior knowledge of a game against those who don't. Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
Such a weak argument really. That has nothing even slightly similar to daoc BG whatsoever. The biggest difference being that daoc allows you to bring more people. If you are losing to a group of highly rated or highly geared enemies then there is nothing stopping you from bringing more people to the fight. There will always be elites. Always always. No matter what the setup or circumstance, somebody will be doing it better than the rest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
So what you're basically saying is, you should be allowed to perma make a level 24 in MP fully sc'd, proc'd and templated gear because we can just ask more people to come out and join us since we can't 1 v 1 your group due to the fact you completely destroy casuals?
Remind me again how my original weak argument isn't perfectly situated in your retort? Elsebette Holsteinsdottir - Guild Leader - Defiance
Norse Hunter (Deleted) Highlander Paladin |
@Tandwan u forgot rvr specced with rvr ra's
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