Population Retention

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Postby trebbettes » Mar 17, 2017 18:58

The whole metaphor doesn't stand up when you realise that Shepard's pie doesn't have a crust...

But genuinely, and I think the devs know it, there are enough people who are on board with the vision to make this server a success for a long time. It may not be 3500 in prime time forever but I'm pretty sure they would be fine with a population drop if the people that were left are those that are passionate. Obviously nobody wants a server with a population of 20 but, and this is just my oppinion, there are enough here who do enjoy it to keep it at a healthy 2-3000 for a long time.

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Postby Nemi » Mar 17, 2017 19:07

trebbettes wrote:But genuinely, and I think the devs know it, there are enough people who are on board with the vision to make this server a success for a long time. It may not be 3500 in prime time forever but I'm pretty sure they would be fine with a population drop if the people that were left are those that are passionate.

This right here is the true gamble.

I was not here for Uthgard 1.0 but often hear they went with a similar approach and it did not serve well.

From my point of view the gamble is not worth the risk. If you are correct, the server loses people for the sake of being true to 1.65 in 2017 for the sake of... I honestly cannot tell you what for actually.

At worst it will slowly drive people away and alienate new players ( yes there are new daoc players).

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Postby trebbettes » Mar 17, 2017 19:08

Nemi wrote:
trebbettes wrote:just to appease this group of people?

Sorry but I find your position highly dishonest and detrimental to any sort of discourse.)

Dishonest? I'm confused.

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Postby Sendnudes » Mar 17, 2017 19:12

Someone posted a comment in a thread now locked (No explanation of course) that should be ready by everyone. I do not believe that any valid argument can be raised against this. If you care about having a healthy vibrant server to play on for years to come, this needs to be respected & taken seriously.


"The implication that there are any natives or tourists in this game is ridiculous. There is no classic 1.65 DAoC anymore and there is no Uthgard 1.0 with whatever the patch level was. People from all over the place come to this new land to make it their own, there are no natives here, we are all fresh settlers.

That being said, if you play a 15 year old game you have to either live in denial or just dont care about its apparent flaws. While classic 1.65 certainly was the greatest time of DAoC you still cant pack it into a timebubble without anything ever changing. And I am not talking class-balance or newly invented game features like horse combat or whatever.

What will inevitably change is the people playing DAoC. Without players there is no game.

So we can either open our eyes and accept that some players have not only aged but also matured and taken on new time consuming responsibilities, or act as if its their fault and they should better change back to 16 year old teenagers taking vacation from school and playing all day long.

Please open your eyes! what made these awesome server pops of the first weeks possible certainly was the love and memory a lot of people had for DAoC. But when they figure out the high demands are a problem for everything else they do, they make a cut, they leave. So I am not saying this for my own convenience, I am okay with commiting time to DAoC, its my favorite pastime right now. But I have played with a lot of fathers, married people, people with great jobs and careers, and they just cant keep up, even if they love DAoC 1.65. We should find a way to better include them and make their lives easier, so they stay motivated and become long term citizens of Uthgard. That will be great for all of us.

Or we accept them leaving, some apparantly are looking forward to it, and play with an ever declining number of hardcore no-lifers on this shard.

Staff please make small adjustment, that will help more devoted players to enjoy Uthgard. My #1 suggestion 1 level worth of double XP bonus reset daily for the highest character on your account, disabled when you hit your first 50."
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Postby Nemi » Mar 17, 2017 19:12

trebbettes wrote:
Nemi wrote:
trebbettes wrote:just to appease this group of people?

Sorry but I find your position highly dishonest and detrimental to any sort of discourse.)

Dishonest? I'm confused.

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Please do not take this personally, this is from a debate standpoint.

The metaphor is obfuscating the actual arguments brought forth, while implying positions which have little to do with Uthgard.
This is misconstruing the actual situation we have here.

You cannot compare this to a restaurant.

This is not to say I would ever hesitate to thank and applaud the Devs for this magnificent Project and their accomplishments.

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Postby Nemi » Mar 17, 2017 19:18

Sendnudes wrote:Someone posted a comment in a thread

That post was by Tree.

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Postby trebbettes » Mar 17, 2017 19:18

My point was to try and show Rhil that it's not that they don't care about their player base, they care massively. But to show that they have a passion and that this is what drives them to give us this server. A passion for development and a passion for the game as it was back then.

And to put into context how somebody who has that passion may feel when confronted by a large number of people who don't hold it and want them to change it.

No dishonesty intended.

I appreciate this picture isn't exactly the same. I'm not trying to say that any arguments are invalid or obfuscate any issues but just respond directly to somebody claiming that the devs do not care... they do, they just have to walk a thin line between keeping it classic and appeasing the masses.

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Postby Nemi » Mar 17, 2017 19:35

trebbettes wrote:My point was to try and show Rhil that it's not that they don't care about their player base, they care massively. But to show that they have a passion and that this is what drives them to give us this server. A passion for development and a passion for the game as it was back then.

And to put into context how somebody who has that passion may feel when confronted by a large number of people who don't hold it and want them to change it.

No dishonesty intended.

I appreciate this picture isn't exactly the same. I'm not trying to say that any arguments are invalid or obfuscate any issues but just respond directly to somebody claiming that the devs do not care... they do, they just have to walk a thin line between keeping it classic and appeasing the masses.

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Thank you for clarifying.

To follow through with this methodology :

The best and purest sheppards pie born of passion, is worth little if it cannot be eaten by Shepard pie lovers.
The Sheppards Pie only existed on the fervent consumption of the Sheppards pie lovers 15 years ago when they had the means to eat it ten times a day.

The restaurant can only keep existing if it adepts to it's customer's, who keep it a reality, no matter how gifted the cooks are.
The vast majority of the Sheppards Pie lovers are now over 30 and have to watch their cholesterol to not die.

The smart cook adapts the recipe of the pie to keep it accessible to those diners.

Did this make sense to you ?

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Postby barto22 » Mar 17, 2017 19:55

Didn't read much into all that lot for the simple reason that it had no bearing on the situation here. Homemade shepherds pie is not the same as I made fried chicken EXACTLY how the colonel does it.

Only for the chicken to be totally different and so customised that it merely only resembles the colonels secret recipe from a distance at best.

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My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard.

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Postby Nemi » Mar 17, 2017 19:56

barto22 wrote:Didn't read much into all that lot for the simple reason that it had no bearing on the situation here. Homemade shepherds pie is not the same as I made fried chicken EXACTLY how the colonel does it.

Only for the chicken to be totally different and so customised that it merely only resembles the colonels secret recipe from a distance at best.

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You lost me at fried chicken.

Lets agree to drop the metaphors.

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Postby barto22 » Mar 17, 2017 20:13

Nemi wrote:
You lost me at fried chicken.

Lets agree to drop the metaphors.

My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard.

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Postby trebbettes » Mar 17, 2017 20:15

Well it does. But is the restaurant of any consequence to the cook?

he just so happens to be able to afford a restaurant so as long as there is demand he will lease the large premises, when it lessens he will lease the smaller one.

He believes that there are a large number of pie lovers out there who will continue to come for his food regardless. He is gambling on this fact because he loves the restaurant and the good conversations / community that is around it... but he wouldn't really care if it was 5000 or 500 at his door each evening.

As I say not saying people's concerns of the population reducing are not justified. But just pointing out that this may not be the primary concern of the cook... err devs...

That is assuming that the solid 2500 population that will play here regardless is indeed that numerous. Less that 1500 would kinda be getting sucky.

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Postby trebbettes » Mar 17, 2017 20:21

Yeah anyway let's move on ;)

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Postby Gil » Mar 17, 2017 20:22

trebbettes wrote:
Think about it this way....

You Love old homemade Shepard's Pie.

You love it so much that you have dedicated tons of your personal time over the last 10 years practising and refining your recipe.

In fact, you love it so much that you open a restaurant where you invite the world to come by and try some of your home made Shepard's pie as often as they like and you won't even charge them a penny.

Now on day one of your restaurant opening the demand is so high that you run out of Shepard's pie and pull out all the stops to make sure you have enough to feed everybody.

After a few weeks group of people start saying... 'Hey, thanks for the pie, but wouldn't it be great if...' your response is a simple no... we make homemade Shepard's pie like it used to be. Sorry.

After a few more weeks that same group of guys start to say things like... "The crust in this pie is too thick! It takes me too long to get to the delicious filling!" & "If you don't change the crust now everybody is going to leave your restaurant and never come back" & "You guys don't care about us! We want different Pie now!" & "We have heard that the restaurant up the road is going to make crustless Cottage Pie in the future, you guys suck and this will kill your restaurant, Haha"

Well... no. We make old fashioned Shepard's pie. That's our passion and if you can't get on board with that then sorry but that's the way it is. We would love you to get on board with it though.

If you were the owner of that restaurant would you really go running about in your spare time and spend more time trying to build something you are not passionate about just to appease this group of people?

Your surrounded by 3500 people, 3000 of which are happy to come and eat your pie regularly, thank you and go home. The other 500 are constantly on your case about new types of pie. Would you really care if that 500 left?

DAOC 1.65 is their passion, it's the patch level that they love, it's the game they love. If the devs don't maintain that passion this server will cease to be.

It's not that they don't care about the population, it's not that they don't care about retention... they just care passionately about 1.65 DAOC and this development project.

They may make some small QoL improvements in the future, who knows, I won't care if they do... as long as it doesn't move too far away from the stated goal.

But right now, what they need is for everyone to get on board and try to work to make this the best server / community it can be... that would have the biggest affect on player retention than anything else in my humble opinion.

TLDR: never mind.

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Of course, the restaurant up the road may never open. There hasn't been a single post on their forums since Wednesday, there hasn't a post by a dev in weeks, much less any patches.
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Postby Njor » Mar 18, 2017 13:58

Nemi wrote:...

I was not here for Uthgard 1.0 but often hear they went with a similar approach and it did not serve well.

From my point of view the gamble is not worth the risk. If you are correct, the server loses people for the sake of being true to 1.65 in 2017 for the sake of... I honestly cannot tell you what for actually.

At worst it will slowly drive people away and alienate new players ( yes there are new daoc players).

You heard wrong.
Uthgard 1.0 was by far the most successfull freeshard for 10 years. Player numbers degraded slowly over time, non-standard changes were put in and taken out down the road which affected new players.
When that other server came out and people flocked over there because it promised a lot of "QoL" Uthgard staff took the opportunity to thouroughly rework the server to what it is now.
As we all know, that other server was fairly short lived because the code was bad and staff gave in to player demands ... if Uth 1.0 would have been still up after these problems on that other server became clear people would have just gone back.



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