Battlegrounds - /xp off - /rp off
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Yes that's right. Because some people enjoy doing that and don't have the time to spend 8 days /played just to xp to 50 for their first taste of rvr. The BGs on Uthgard 1 were even more unbalanced than that yet they were still really fun and were always pretty active. Braemar for example had a huge level range. I think it was 15-35 if I remember correctly. Some people geared for it but most did not. Wilton was 35-43 where it was a similar story. And thidranki was 44-49. I think the best part about it was that there was no /rp off. That limited everybody's time in each BG and ensured that there was always progression. The keeps gave decent xp and a few rps too so it was always worthwhile to drag your xp group out there when you were looking to change spot or something. If you think that FGs of people will be camping thid in full SC and alched gear then I think you are on cloud cuckoo. I think you'd be likely to see a few solos doing it. Stealthers, skalds and minstrels plus a few others. But full groups? No way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Also, while I think about what you said more and more, how is this any difference to rvr at level 50?
If you run straight out into the frontiers at 50 and don't have the right gear -SC alch etc - you'll get farmed there too. Same thing goes. When there's a group that are way better than everybody else is when zergs form. Highly doubt you'll get 8v8 in BG too. BGs are meant to be a taste of big boy rvr. Only it takes less time to get there and is way way cheaper. But it shouldn't be less fun. So much less fun that they become obsolete. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
Yeah u are right. Only "some" stealthers and other, in thise lvl range op heroes, will destroy the bg for all the others players.
You can cry if u want but in my opinion the only reason why do u want this is that you ass got beaten in the real rvr and your only hope for a kill is to smash unequipped and pve skilled players in bgs. You write it. Some solos would like it. All other would hate it. Accept it. |
Is it retards day out today or something? You don't know me or what I play. Your opinion of me has no grounds at all.
If you want to, we can compare Uth 1 BG vs Uth 2 BG and see which setup was more favourable. I know the server has a goal, but does that mean anybody with some feedback or an idea about tackling a problem has to be shot down? My only hope for a kill is to smash unequipped and pve skilled players in BGs. Isn't that the point? That's why people go there. To get some early RA to help them level to 50? Even so, you don't have to even go to BG if you don't want. You can just skip it if you're scared of being killed there. What else is there to say? Are you playing daoc for the pve? If so then fine, be on your way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk My mind’s made up, don’t confuse me with facts.
You mustn't assume that your personal situation is a reflection of every other person that has logged in to Uthgard. |
This isn't a QoL change--at all. It's a balancing change. Your confusion between the two is slightly irritating because it puts QoL into a negative light when QoL done appropriately would be extremely positive for Uthgard.
This is true, however, it's generally bad design to encourage it as this design often leads to niche (and smaller) player bases. I think they should go an entirely different route to address the concerns here. As previously stated, I think they should simply raise the realmpoint cap. By raising the realmpoint cap in battlegrounds, it would allow people to gain additional RvR practice with their class, gain more realmpoints to make the transition to 50 easier, and lastly, give them longer time to be in the battleground if they so choose. The idea should be to filter people into level 50 RvR, as splitting the RvR in battlegrounds is detrimental to lvl 50 RvR. Combine this with a faster experience rate, and I believe very few people be looking at battlegrounds as the only thing they have time for. |
This is why BG's suck ass. BattleGrounds should be for new/returning players to get accustomed to RvR on a small scale, as well as players who just want to take a break from PvE. The moment you get people twinning low level toons like the above is when BG's lose their intent and become toxic. Not far after it will be full of people who can't cut it in real RvR and need to have Fully Temped Chars in a BG to kill players learning the game and other players xping. I support the current system where there is no /xp off or /rp off. Semi-Quit~ WTB QoL
Exde - Bard Exdez - Enchanter Exdee - Druid RIP <Booted> |
BGs don't teach you how to play in RvR / your class at 50.
How so? Instead of your bard playing power song and just healing or afk, he is now running speed, laying CC, interrupting. Sounds like learning to play to me. Teaches you how to Raid/Defend a keep while also providing you with a reward for doing so. Not sure if you repair doors or not. Semi-Quit~ WTB QoL
Exde - Bard Exdez - Enchanter Exdee - Druid RIP <Booted> |
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