Animist pet change?
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For the past ~3 days I have noticed a change in fnf and controllable arb pets;
Fnf pets no longer have a cast animation. They do seem to cast some of their spells, but they don't do their usual cast animation/movement. Pets periodically deaggro mobs and won't attack - I just died because my pets stopped attacking completely, and the 2 mobs killed them and aggrod me. I could not run because I was in SH with lots of aggro and fast mobs. My main pet is usually on aggro mode. Switching passive back to def/active or forcing attack did not fix it. It feels like the check for mobs in range stops and does not restart. During these events I have checked lag meter and tested local (chat) and server (cast) lag and not found any lag issues. Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas before I do a bug report? |
I believe its already on the issue tracker. Beware - animist if highly bugged in general.
I feel there is certainly a z-axis bug. Tonight I noticed Lig Shield was very touch and go in DF, and not always entirely consistent. Playing around with placement did not produce desired or consistent results. It could be a zone issue (things agro through floors sometimes I also noticed).
I read up on the pet/xp thread (now locked). I'd have liked to mention that I certainly hope that the Devs were extremely careful with the math when making that adjustment. Ani's, Theurgists and BDs tend to have multiple pets, and a little incorrect calculation in the math could produce some dramatically unintended results. Portabella - Shroom Farmer
This is an old thread but I just rolled in hib, made Animist and I have been noticing my FnF turrents not firing when there are things within their range. What the ******
Animist has to be the most bugged class on Uthgard.
Class is fantastic even still, but I wouldn't call it the most reliable... (also, since you're new to the class, a word of caution to avoid Verdant at all costs; the to-hit and damage calculations leave it super gimped) Alainna
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