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Postby Isavyr » Mar 21, 2017 16:35

Bubbler wrote:I get the risk vs. reward argument but I doubt there would be a big enough xp amount that would make people want to stay in rvr xping. This coming from someone who loves going out to frontier xp camps.

I think most folks would rather just lvl for their full play time rather than split their playtime between lvling for 10-20 mins, fighting an unwinnable fight (sometimes) and then running back/reforming group . I mean, some folks can't stand dieing. Whether RvR or otherwise. (Don't ask me why they play this game) When your xping, even with amazing xp, gets constantly interrupted and you have no chance of winning the engagement, people will either just log or change camps to something that is safer.

It's a nice idea but in practice, at least in daoc, I'm not sure it would work.

This captures my feeling, as well. While I think there should be a greater experience bonus for frontiers, and I would take advantage of it, I know many wouldn't and I don't think such it should be so great (2-3x) that a huge disparity between players leveling exist. There will be pockets that are unfound and level grossly ahead of others, while not generating RvR.

I think there must be better mechanics to produce the same effect of encouraging RvR. I think keep-takes is just one, and a small bonus (15-25%) to frontiers XPers is still substantial enough to encourage people to enter frontiers for XP.

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Postby barto22 » Mar 21, 2017 16:47

It's an incentive. Not a yellow brick road. It would be an added option if you want to take the risk. It's not going to be a substitute for classic zone levelling. If you don't want to take the risk you don't have to.

Saying that some people won't like it doesn't mean everybody won't like it. Nor does it take anything away from those who don't want to utilise it.

Think of all the crap we've been reading about necros and cabs on alb, this could open some doors.

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Postby Bubbler » Mar 21, 2017 17:33

barto22 wrote:It's an incentive. Not a yellow brick road. It would be an added option if you want to take the risk. It's not going to be a substitute for classic zone levelling. If you don't want to take the risk you don't have to.

Saying that some people won't like it doesn't mean everybody won't like it. Nor does it take anything away from those who don't want to utilise it.

Think of all the crap we've been reading about necros and cabs on alb, this could open some doors.

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O I completely agree. I'm just not sure it would change the amount of ppl in rvr by a significant amount. I would definitely take advantage of it but I'm already out there using the camps. Whether it would change folks minds that currently dont want to go to frontiers for xp is what I am questioning. Not sure if there is enough incentive via increased xp that would change peoples minds.
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Postby Stridah » Mar 23, 2017 14:37

relvinian wrote:Gil, Myth had everything to do with Genesis server. What have you learned from history?

Dude is a shameless white knights, and will never speak negative or add an ounce of constructive criticism to any conversation.

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Postby Isavyr » Mar 25, 2017 09:30

Forum Account wrote:PVP Game, the grind only existed in classic because pvp wasn't ready

Even if you're right, which you may well be, some players claim a faster experience rate hurts their enjoyment of the game. We should at least be receptive to their opinions, as that's more important at this point than what Mythic's intentions were. However, as it stands, no one has explained clearly how a moderate experience rate would hurt their enjoyment of the game (in fact, they can even reroll the same character if they love the PvE experience so much).

I think the position is illogical at face value, and I welcome someone to clarify how doubling the experience would negatively affect their game-play in a way they couldn't recover.

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Postby Castra » Mar 26, 2017 14:59

This isn't a PvP game, it's an MMORPG with a very good PvP aspect, which keeps people interested. The XP'ing is very much part of the experience; but the main problem is that on Uthgard the XP process is flawed, making it very arduous and tedious, and affects the quality of the PvP aspect.

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Postby Ghast_Bors » Mar 26, 2017 21:12

Isavyr wrote:Even if you're right, which you may well be, some players claim a faster experience rate hurts their enjoyment of the game.

Then they can ding 50, delete, and do it all over again as many times as they want. Yay, PVE 4 ever!

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Postby Rubaduck » Mar 27, 2017 07:59

XPing in Daoc was always a pain in the butt, and it is actually one of the things I enjoy about daoc on Uthgard.

We have the past 15 years gotten used to auto-group functions, soloable content, questing up through levels alone etc. Well Daoc was never about that, it was killing monsters over and over and over again, and then some more to hit max level. It was an incentive to group up, yes you shy boy had to ask a person to allow you in to his or her group.

People today just want the shortcut. No thanks man, give me the struggle because I'll appreciate it more then.

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Postby Komaf » Mar 27, 2017 08:08

Forum Account wrote:don't matter if pop is @ 3k if its all people who want to RVR But are stuck in dungeons or at camps they hate

PVP Game, the grind only existed in classic because pvp wasn't ready

anyone remember when the game came out and hib nukes were light based?

anyone remember when thanes did lightning damage?

Stuff needed to be fine tuned back then, not the case now.

EXP Increase please : )

Just making grouping more viable is all this game needs - you don't need xp bonus other than xp bonus for a full group regardless of levels...and a LFG channel.

That's it - that would keep the fun. I fkn hate how I sit in a 35 man guild on a realm with 4+ starter guilds that have ZERO contact with one another. Most people for whatever reason forget to click the LFG.

It's just plain stupid or intentional to keep this server low numbers (and I don't think these developers are stupid whatsoever) by the multiple tiny starter guilds and no LFG channel. This game was never meant to be a solo grind - that's the point of MM in the ORPG.


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