Total cost to level various tradeskills
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I'm wondering if anyone can share their experience with how much it cost them to reach 1000 or 1100 in whichever trade they took up. I know tailoring is the cheapest route to then get metal/woodworking up high enough to salavage all the goodies.
But how much would say armorcrafting or weaponcrafting cost to reach 1000, and then 1100? What about spell crafting up to 1000? Even just ballpark numbers would be a great help, thanks! |
Im AC and used 1.3p to get too 800 including all secondary.
800-900 seem to cost around 600g-700g. 900-1000 i lost a little track of it but in the neighbourhood of 1.2-1.4p 1000-1100 i used 5-6p Last edited by Mindcloud on Apr 09, 2017 09:04, edited 2 times in total.
Tailor 680 currently and at ~220g spent
legendary SC 1000 skill = 6,1p and 3 rl days needed
Langsam und stetig ernährt sich das Murmeltier
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Thank you guys for the replies, greatly appreciated!
I used approx 14p to 1076 in Alc
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That little? I just spent 2p for going from 700 to 800, without too much loss |
Currently 927 Alchemy and spent about 2.8 plat or so. It's going to jump up quite a bit for the next 100 points @ 30-40g/make (after sell back)
EDIT: Made it to 940 skill Cost roughly another 600g. Crafting OJ with many successful makes, but without any skill ups. Last edited by Vociridu on Apr 03, 2017 22:50, edited 1 time in total.
Vociridu (Enchanter)- Voriax (Nightshade) - Videx (Valewalker) |
800 Tailor + woodworking/metalworking etc to 800 620G |
yep lv 8 char only created for this, i wrote it down exactly how much money she needed Langsam und stetig ernährt sich das Murmeltier
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Skilling up on dagger/Dirk ->Stiletto->main Gaunce/flanged Mace till Shields turned OJ then crafting Shields till they turned green.
I would estimate all the weapons crafted were blue 80% of the time. Leather needed to be skilled up after Shields, but following the salvage guide you can keep costs to a minimum. I didn't write it down, but estimate 6-7 plat to 1030 WC Sent from my SM-G870W using Tapatalk |
sorry but i can not belive that ^^ but it would be awesome if you would share the "how to" to skill a leg Spellcrafter with 6,1 P ![]() |
Yeah I don't have the exact count, but it feels something like 5p for going from 900 to 1000 alone In Bobs 'ui there's a panel with crafting cheat sheets, indicating cumulated costs, taken from the guardians of valor website. ![]() |
I'm curious, too. I haven't leveled my SCing at all because I'm not ready to drop 15p or so on a tradeskill yet, but if there's a way to do it for 6p, that's a huge difference. I can't really imagine what Samirane did different from others. I mean, SCing is pretty straight forward, isn't it? Craft either low oranges or high oranges and that's it? |
i did all the time only skill up yellow gem (after the first gem con yellow)
i bought for 10 gems material, when i saw the next gem (with higher skill) went yellow i switched to this after the 10 gems done nothing else i did. And as i said, i wrote down how much money i gave to her *shrug the only part was the extrem time intensive for me. ofc you need luck on skillup Points too, maybe i was really lucky on this, but i noticed at all my crafter so far, that skill up on yellow from starting yellow gave me the most points for skillup. edit: on the other hand, i needed much more money then 12p for 1040 alchi atm, but i need to admit, that i gave out the pots for free or sold everything to npc to not dust my cm up Langsam und stetig ernährt sich das Murmeltier
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