My Personal Opinion:Rewards Needed for Keep Takes

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Postby Genjiro » Mar 28, 2017 22:36

Trainwrex wrote:The rewards need to be more substantial than a couple percent on damage. The modifiers would need to be more noticeable, which would make it more worth while to keep people wanting to attack and defend. Give each individual keep a recognizable bonus in which people would actively want.

IE. Bonus to realm xp, bonus to coin dropped, bonus to drop rates, Bonus to RP, Bonus to Evade, block, etc. etc.

Fighting guards for RP, creates a farming situation, which was previously discussed. However if keeps have no Tangible reward other than DF or a minor incread in pvp dps, then there is really no incentive to be fighting over them. Which is exactly what we are seeing now.

These bonuses only affect PvP specifically in relation to damage dealt, realm points and bounty points.

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Postby jeff_daoj » Mar 28, 2017 23:12

Genjiro wrote:
Trainwrex wrote:The rewards need to be more substantial than a couple percent on damage. The modifiers would need to be more noticeable, which would make it more worth while to keep people wanting to attack and defend. Give each individual keep a recognizable bonus in which people would actively want.

IE. Bonus to realm xp, bonus to coin dropped, bonus to drop rates, Bonus to RP, Bonus to Evade, block, etc. etc.

Fighting guards for RP, creates a farming situation, which was previously discussed. However if keeps have no Tangible reward other than DF or a minor incread in pvp dps, then there is really no incentive to be fighting over them. Which is exactly what we are seeing now.

These bonuses only affect PvP specifically in relation to damage dealt, realm points and bounty points.


Unfortunately, that doesn't change the point that taking keeps is incredibly boring and has no immediate reward. That's just the way DAOC is (for me anyways).
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Postby Caemma » Apr 01, 2017 20:01

jeff_daoj wrote:Unfortunately, that doesn't change the point that taking keeps is incredibly boring and has no immediate reward. That's just the way DAOC is (for me anyways).

Not to mention the bugged repop that sometimes spawn like 4-5 guards litelly one second after killing them..
Not to mention the insane amount of guards..
Not to mention the lack of rewards for putting sooooo many efforts for taking it (without defenders)..
Etc.. etc.. etc..

Pointing out a miserable % change for number of keeps, isn't something that would push people to actually put their (already small time) into such (wasted) part of the game.

On Uth 1.0, there were tons of keep takes, and constant actions around keeps, for both Zerg fights and smallman fights, and people who bring the topic of "rps from npc is bad" they don't take into consideration the whole picture and mechanics/rvr scenarios that it does would bring.

At the moment all those previously flourish rvr scenarios (aka from uth1.0) are completely dead.

Enjoy empty keeps
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Postby Effaermon » Apr 04, 2017 13:56

Genjiro wrote:
Trainwrex wrote:The rewards need to be more substantial than a couple percent on damage. The modifiers would need to be more noticeable, which would make it more worth while to keep people wanting to attack and defend. Give each individual keep a recognizable bonus in which people would actively want.

IE. Bonus to realm xp, bonus to coin dropped, bonus to drop rates, Bonus to RP, Bonus to Evade, block, etc. etc.

Fighting guards for RP, creates a farming situation, which was previously discussed. However if keeps have no Tangible reward other than DF or a minor incread in pvp dps, then there is really no incentive to be fighting over them. Which is exactly what we are seeing now.

These bonuses only affect PvP specifically in relation to damage dealt, realm points and bounty points.


On page 3 of this thread, Gandagorn is so excited he states he might make a wizard due to his perception of how keep raid action would be. This was on 4/26/16.

Today is 4/4/17.
Is Gandagorn playing?
Did he ever make that wizard?
If he did (and if he didn't) <and if he is playing>, how does he feel about the keep raid action?

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Postby Dromina » Apr 04, 2017 16:26

The main reason for the non existing keep warfare on this setting is that all keeps (except Beno/Bled/DC for crafters) are mostly worthless. You don't have to conquer any keep to attack a relic keep.

Therefore if one realm wants to start a relic raid they just run to the relic keep, kill guards, open doors and get the relic. Response time is much too short in most cases especially for the magic relic keeps (no porter to the border keep available). Doors 1 or 2 are open very often till the first groups of defenders arrive. (just look at the current keep situation, alb has DF, mids have all their keeps, hibs getting all magic relics out of midgard...)

On the other hand in new frontiers the enemy had to capture a minimum of 3 keeps to open a relic gate giving the defending realm much more response time (and additionally they had more possible porter options).

I think devs should think about the linkage of keeps and frontier bonuses again. The linkage of keeps was a very good solution to make keeps more important.

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Postby Hard » Apr 04, 2017 17:02

Gil wrote:
Everz1 wrote:I think this has shown that a true classic server doesn't work. Whilst Live in current form does blow, there were huge strides taken to make this game more enjoyable for the masses. Currently, Uth is spot on for 8v8, it's brilliant. Anything else is falling by the wayside.

I do find a lot of people have given up on it, the realisation of what is required to get going on here has put people off, myself included.

Hopefully there will be some QoL changes in the future to help benefit the more casual player, as it stands, it's a nice idea but the progress is slow that a good handful have gotten bored and drifted back to other games.

I'm sure it's true that a lot of folks have given up and moved on (or back) to another game. But that's not unique to Uthgard. Every MMO has that issue. People try a game for a few hours or days and then drift away. I recall a study that showed that a SUCESSFUL MMO would retain ~ 30% of it's players after the first month. So, it's to be expected that ~ 70% of those who try the game won't stay.

And yet, Uthgard needs a sizable population to be fun. Here, the other players are our targets. If we don't have enough targets we'll all stop playing. Is there any hope? Sure, new players keep starting the game. Some of them will like it and stay active for a while. As long as enough new players come in to replace those moving away, the game will do well.

Now, the question might be asked, 'What tweaks could the staff do to increase the player retention rate?'. Would some of the QoL changes to make the game more friendly to new players keep them playing longer? It MIGHT but too many changes to make the game easier will drive some of the hardcore players away. So, it isn't easy to know which QoL changes will retain more players than they drive away.

Hardcore players will leave whenever they lose their advantages. Take away their fun of steam rolling casuals and they will most certainly leave. So what QoL changes can you add which will empower casuals enough to give them confidence to challenge the premade hardcore groups but at the same time does not subdue the hardcore premades edge?

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Postby Blue » Apr 04, 2017 17:09

Dromina wrote:The main reason for the non existing keep warfare on this setting is that all keeps (except Beno/Bled/DC for crafters) are mostly worthless. You don't have to conquer any keep to attack a relic keep.

Therefore if one realm wants to start a relic raid they just run to the relic keep, kill guards, open doors and get the relic.

Thats the reason why delegate guards got implemented. But the associated keeps they came from should be at a high level so that these guards also have a high level. Ofcourse against a zerg its difficult to put anything against. If delegate guards do not fulfil their role to hold back attackers long enough we have to strengthen forces up there. But we can't work around non-upgraded keeps. Thats the responsibility of the realm and guilds.
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Postby Nezix » Apr 04, 2017 18:32

Dromina wrote:The main reason for the non existing keep warfare on this setting is that all keeps (except Beno/Bled/DC for crafters) are mostly worthless. You don't have to conquer any keep to attack a relic keep.

This entirely depends on how many people you have. If you have 150-200+ yes, you can probably ignore all the keeps. But I tried a few weeks back to take Hib power relics (they had 4 relics total) with ~75 players and Hibernia was missing 2 keeps I think. It was VERY difficult just to deal with all the delegate guards without any Hibs defending.

So in my opinion you really do need to take keeps to for a successful relic raid.
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Postby Blue » Apr 04, 2017 18:35

Nezix wrote:So in my opinion you really do need to take keeps to for a successful relic raid.

As I said above if the keeps are upgraded to level 10 it should get alot more difficult to get through defenses.
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Postby Muggsi » Apr 04, 2017 22:08

I fully support the idea of incentivizing more keep sieges. Some classes, such as my hunter, are designed for keep sieges. Part of the reason I rolled a hunter was looking forward to attacking/defending keeps. But keep battles are extremely rare, it seems. :(

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Postby Budikah » Apr 04, 2017 22:19

I know it'd be a custom change, but I can't particularly see the downside of it.

What about a once daily task to take a keep with an RP/BP/potentially XP reward?

No it isn't Classic, but it also isn't something that is going to end up changing the landscape of the game very much. Currently the only rewards for taking keeps are...

-XP/Gold you get from guards
- The passive bonuses you get from that keep (afterwards)
- The security of holding that keep/relic defense relevance.

You changed housing to increase RvR, you removed killspam which I believe has done more harm than good for RvR - what exactly would such a mechanic hurt in terms of RvR - allowing a once a day, or even a diminishing return for taking more than one?

Keep fights are fun for people who don't engage solely in the 8v8 style of gameplay. People come out to defend (usually) and it allows classes that don't shine in 8v8 field fights a chance to have some good fun.

This is one of those things - back in 1.65 people did these things just because it was fun, and they still do today, but too much of the game has been washed down what is the most effective and everything else collects dust. I think Blue mentioned RvR tasks way deep into another thread - and I'd implore him to consider something like this.

You want people to RvR, we want to RvR, but the keep taking rewards simply aren't immediate enough, particularly if you take the keep and have to log off afterwards - you don't really reap much of any reward. Hell, the /title system still doesn't work with keep takes either which is a bummer (but understandable with all the stuff on your plate).

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Postby Bubbler » Apr 05, 2017 15:08

Budikah wrote:This is one of those things - back in 1.65 people did these things just because it was fun, and they still do today, but too much of the game has been washed down what is the most effective and everything else collects dust.

Not in Hibernia they don't. Trying to get people to go take keeps is like herding cats. It's pretty horrible, ppl only want rps and 8v8/zerg fighting rather than trying to pull out more enemies with keeps. Then when some can't even get 8v8 groups, becomes pointless.
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Postby dblaha86 » Apr 05, 2017 15:45

The last several successful relic raids have also not even bothered with taking keeps beforehand, seems they don't even make much of a diff guardwise for that.

Getting mass numbers attacking the relic keep before defending realm can respond is more beneficial than taking any keeps to reduce guard count. Maybe the guards are too weak if this is the preferred method, Orrr increase respawn rate of the purp guards.

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Postby Rent » Apr 05, 2017 15:48

Bubbler wrote:
Budikah wrote:This is one of those things - back in 1.65 people did these things just because it was fun, and they still do today, but too much of the game has been washed down what is the most effective and everything else collects dust.

Not in Hibernia they don't. Trying to get people to go take keeps is like herding cats. It's pretty horrible, ppl only want rps and 8v8/zerg fighting rather than trying to pull out more enemies with keeps. Then when some can't even get 8v8 groups, becomes pointless.

plus the old keep & warmap design sucks for interesting keep fights... not in view issues everywhere, only 1 attackpoint (gates), no need for additional sieges, no oil, no real visible upgrades to keeps (only gate & guards) etc.
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